Song An immediately asked,"You mean, Gan Hong didn't find Ding Ding hanging in the early morning of this morning, and she didn't go to the third floor. She is lying, right?"

"No, she went to the third floor, and indeed saw someone hanged there. She was so scared that I helped her down from the third floor!" Li Jun said, panting,"Also, when we went downstairs and passed by the big willow tree, there was no body on it! If Gan Hong really killed him, why was the body hanging on the willow tree the next day!"

"What happened to the hanged female corpse? According to what you said, why did Gan Hong clearly find Ding Ding hanging in the keyhole, but you found nothing after you opened the door?"

Li Jun shook his head heavily,"Officer, I really don't know! Over the years, I have also been investigating the nursing home, but I have found nothing after several years. Several nurses said that they saw ghosts in the warehouse on the third floor, but every time I opened the door of the warehouse, I found nothing."

"You have been secretly investigating in the nursing home for so many years just for your girlfriend Dong Ping, right?" Song An asked

"Yes, Pingping and I were truly in love.

I translated the manuscript and she proofread it for me.

We were really in love.

However, a teacher-student relationship was doomed to be shady.

Pingping was expelled from school and went to work as a caregiver in a newly established nursing home.

I was very happy for her and thought we could get married in two years.

Unexpectedly, a year later, Pingping disappeared mysteriously!

No one found her alive or dead, and the police did not find the murderer.........


Li Jun slammed the table,"I don't believe it! How can a living person just disappear? I can't accept it, I must find Pingping! I quit my job at the university and came here to be a security guard. Ten, twenty, thirty years later, even if she is just a pile of bones, I must find Pingping and let her rest in peace!"

Li Jun's words were sonorous, and Bai Ling, who was taking notes, was moved. He didn't expect that in this day and age, there would still be a man as infatuated as Li Jun.

Song An checked the transcript, asked Li Jun to sign it, and then took the transcript and walked out of the pre-trial room with Bai Ling.

"Well done, Xiao Song! With Li Jun's testimony, it is even more clear that there must be a murderous demon hiding in the nursing home!"

Guo Zijian took the transcript and patted Song An on the shoulder and said

"They were all interrogated by Captain Ji before, and I just took advantage of her. In fact, Li Jun was about to tell me, and I just happened to do it."Song An said quickly

"Don't try to make excuses for me, Captain Guo knows everything! I, Ji Jie, am good at criminal investigation, but asking me to try a case is like forcing Zhang Fei to embroider."Ji Jie said with a smile.

Captain Guo also laughed,"By the way, Xiao Song, what do you think about the next step in the nursing home case?"

According to common sense, Song An has been in the police station for less than a week, so it is not his turn to speak.

But now in the entire Yanshan Criminal Police Brigade, no one dares to look at Song An as a newcomer.

"I want to go to the city library tonight to check the meaning of that line of numbers and those three letters. The forensic department has not yet tested the composition of the sculpture, so I want to start with other evidence."

Guo Zijian nodded, and then glanced at Li Jun in the interrogation room.

At this time, Li Jun was holding the photo in both hands, staring at the girl in the photo, crying, and touching the photo again and again with his hands.

"Ten years of life and death, no one knows how to forget. A thousand miles away from home, there is no place to talk about the desolation. A sentimental person like Li Jun is rare."

Captain Guo was sad for once, shook his head and left.

Song An and Ji Jie suddenly heard Captain Guo sighing, and the two of them stared at each other.

Chongwen Avenue, Yongding District, Jibei Library, Main Library Building.

Song An parked the police car downstairs, and when he came to the lobby on the first floor, panting, he found that the staff were preparing to close the door.

"Excuse me, I am a criminal police officer from Yanshan. I need to check some information for a case. Can I come in?"

The staff shook his head and said,"We will close at 5:30. Please come back tomorrow."

Song An was anxious and took out his police ID."I am really a criminal police officer. This matter is very important to us. If we delay it until tomorrow, what if he wants to kill someone again tomorrow??"

"How can you talk like that? Am I wrong for following the rules?"The staff member pushed Song An away and prepared to close the door.

Song An had no choice but to call the chief Gu Ming.

As a general rule, he was a trainee police officer who had just come to the police station. He couldn't even get the phone number of the captain, let alone the chief of the branch.

The problem was that Song An's performance in the 9.21 shooting case was too outstanding, and Gu Ming was a chief who valued talent, so he took the initiative to leave his phone number for Song An.

Song An briefly told Gu Ming about the situation here, and Gu Ming only said,"Don't worry about it, I'll help you right away," and then hung up the phone.

In order to help Song An , Gu Ming called the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, and Deputy Director He called Director Tian of the Municipal Library, and finally got the job done.

Director Tian personally instructed, and the staff immediately opened the door of the lending room on the second floor.

Of course, someone who can get personal care from the director is not an ordinary policeman.

Under the awe-filled gaze of the two staff members, Song An came to the bookshelf, searched for more than a dozen foreign dictionaries, and piled them all on the desk.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Song An finished flipping through the language dictionaries of most European countries, and also looked up several major Asian languages. dictionaries, but couldn't find the results he wanted.

It was completely dark outside, and in the night, thousands of lights were lit one after another. The moon rose, illuminating the night sky of the metropolis.

The quartz clock on the wall struck eight times, and Song An finally found the answer in a"Cyrillic Dictionary"!

Looking at the meaning of the three characters CHT in the dictionary, Song An already had a clear idea of the murderer of this case.

He got up and left the reading room. Two staff members were knitting sweaters out of boredom. Song An walked over and persuaded them to give them a hundred yuan.

It's not easy for them, After sitting with me for more than two hours, this hard work fee is what I deserve.

After Song An got the information he wanted, he did not return to the police station, but continued to drive to the Red Maple Nursing Home.

This time, he went directly to the third floor to see Director Liao.

When he pushed the door in, Director Liao was preparing to take medicine. There was a label on the medicine bottle that read"Omeprazole Enteric-coated Capsules".


The picture shows Chen Bing, the chief of the Jibei City Criminal Investigation Corps, a second-level police inspector. He is the direct supervisor of the detachment commander Guan Hongfeng. I ask for flowers and tickets again. I hope everyone can add fuel to the fire of this book. Thank you.

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