After saying goodbye to Li Jun, Song An drove the police car back to the police station, changed into sportswear in the locker room, and then ran home.

October is coming soon, and the night sky is filled with the fragrance of osmanthus. The red lanterns on the street are also hung up, and pots of autumn chrysanthemums are placed at the gates of many units, which is particularly festive.

At this time, Song An, who was running, heard a familiar reminder in his mind:

【Congratulations to the host for solving the nursing home serial murder case overnight!】

【Punishment index: five stars!】

【Special bonus: Shark smell!】

【Special Reward: Punishing Venom!】

【Get! All attributes +2!】

【Obtained! 100,000 yuan of legal income, available for audit! 】


Song An was stunned by the generosity of the system.

At present, his account balance is 130,000 yuan.

In an era when the average annual salary is just over 9,000 yuan, this 130,000 yuan is not a small sum.

Moreover, it only took a few days.

It seems that the more difficult the case is to solve, the richer the reward.

Of course, what makes Song An even happier is that there are special rewards!

One is the shark's sense of smell, and the other is something like punishment.

Not to mention the second one for now, Song An has heard of the sense of smell of animals such as sharks.

There used to be rumors that if a drop of blood fell into the sea, sharks thousands of meters away could smell the smell and swim over. There were even rumors that women should not go swimming in the sea during their menstrual period.

Although these are rumors, sharks rely on their sense of smell to grasp their direction on the seabed.

In theory, sharks' sense of smell should be stronger than that of hounds.

"Why not give it a try!"

Song An stared at the manhole cover under his feet, and silently turned on his"shark sense of smell" in his heart.

Immediately, an extremely horrible sour smell followed his nose and spread throughout his body. Song An was startled, and quickly turned off his sense of smell and held the willow tree to vomit.

What good smell can there be in the sewer? All kinds of household garbage, dead kittens, leftovers, can smoke out a person's intestines.

"This thing really can't be turned on casually. Who knows what the street smells like? Oh my god........"

After taking a few deep breaths of fresh air, Song An finally recovered.

In front of him was Luoguxiang. Song An was going to eat Beimen Tongguo Shabu-shabu. After a tiring day, it was time to reward himself.


Song An just turned around and accidentally bumped into the person behind him.

Looking closely, it was a girl in her twenties, very pretty, tall, with picturesque features and skin as white as milk.

She had a ponytail and a pair of watery eyes that were lively and cute.

Song An found that this girl looked especially like Tian Rui in"Serious Case Team 6"!

Song An didn't call her name directly, there were too many people in the world who looked alike, and Qin Ming from the forensic department looked a bit like Dong Ping.

She was wearing a pure white long skirt with no patterns on it, except for a small magnolia embroidery on her wrist.

The girl was holding a pot of cactus in her hand, and was accidentally bumped by Song An, and the cactus fell to the ground

""I'm sorry, I didn't notice."

Song An quickly squatted down and helped her put the cactus back in place.

"Fortunately, it was a cactus. Humph, if it was any other flower, you would have to pay for it."

The girl held the cactus in her arms, snorted, raised her head and rolled her eyes at Song An,"Why don't you look at the road?"

Her voice was clear and bright, and her voice was particularly crisp, as beautiful as a nightingale under the starry sky.

Song An felt that this girl had a lot of personality, patted the dirt on his hands, and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"The woman pouted and looked at him unhappily.

"You are such an interesting person, other girls are raising peonies and orchids, but you are raising cacti."Song An said with a smile.

When the woman heard what Song An said, she frowned slightly,"What can I do? Everything I raise dies. Last year, my roommate gave me three pots of Clivia, and I killed them all! I even killed a turtle! I have no choice but to raise this kind of cactus that is easy to raise, and you almost broke it, hum---"

In such a short while, the girl hummed at Song An twice.

"Girl, to express my apology, how about I treat you to a hot pot?"

Song An took the initiative to show his goodwill. No matter if she was Tian Rui or not, she should apologize for knocking over someone's flower pot.

"Do you want to pursue me? Humph, let me tell you, although you are handsome, I will never marry before I have a successful career, so just give up on this idea!"

The woman stood up and walked away holding the cactus. Song An looked at her slender figure and thought she was very cute, and couldn't help laughing.

The girl seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly turned around, stuck out her tongue at Song An, and made a face.

The girl seriously underestimated her looks. A pretty girl making a face is also a pretty face.

Song An put his hands in his pockets and laughed as if no one was around.

The first time they met was on the main road in the golden autumn.

The leaves of the osmanthus trees fell all over the ground, and the streets were hung with red palace lanterns.

He knocked over her cactus. slapped his hands, and she snorted at him three times in total.

However, they would never have thought that the fate between the two of them had just begun.

A new day has begun!

Song An dressed neatly, went downstairs to work without eating breakfast.

Anyway, Lao Wang and the others had already prepared breakfast, and Song An joined in last night, so he went to eat the ready-made food in the morning. Just after crossing two streets and approaching the police station, Song An saw a familiar figure from behind, looking up and staring at an osmanthus tree.

The ponytail hair was scattered on the back of the shoulders, and in the sun, one could even see a layer of fine fluff.

"Why is it her again?"

Song An was stunned for a moment. The strange person in front of him, looking up at the osmanthus tree, was the girl hugging the cactus last night.

But today she changed her outfit, wearing a beige shirt on the upper body, washed jeans on the lower body, and only one high heel on her feet..........

Song An took a look at the osmanthus tree and found a high-heeled shoe on the branch.

"Wow, she actually wore her shoes up to the sky, this girl is amazing!" PS: If the picture passes the review, it will be the heroine of the book, Tian Rui. Thank you for your support. I was waiting for the contract yesterday, so I will write more today.

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