Wang Guijin!

Also a character in"The Truth Comes Out", Song An had watched a lot of criminal investigation dramas in his previous life, and his favorite character was the calm and wise Inspector Wang.

It was just a pity that Wang Guijin died gloriously during a capture mission.

Song An silently swore in his heart that with him this time, who could hurt Inspector Wang!

Then, Liu Mengyang introduced Jiang Han, who was sitting behind Wang Guijin, to him.

Jiang Han was a sharpshooter from the sixth team, a retired special forces soldier, who didn't like to talk to people, and was a typical ruthless person who didn't talk much.

Liu Mengyang was about to pull Song An to introduce Jiang Han's glorious history, but Ji Jie received a call and immediately said,"Don't talk anymore, everyone bring your notebooks and go to the sixth floor conference room for a meeting!"

Yanshan Police Station, meeting room for the analysis of major cases.

Song An followed the people from the sixth team into the conference room, and the entire conference room was already full of people.

All six brigades of the Yanshan Criminal Police Team were present, and everyone was whispering about the clues of the lost gun case, and the atmosphere on the scene was unprecedentedly tense.

Song An sat down next to Ji Jie and looked around to see if there was anyone familiar.���thing.

He was shocked when he saw it!

Ji Jie introduced to him,"The one sleeping over there with messy hair is Captain One Yan Liang, nicknamed the King of Hell. He has a weird temper, so don't mess with him."

Song An took a look and found that he was just like Yan Liang in"The Undocumented Crime", unconventional and casual.

Next, Ji Jie introduced to him Captain Two Zhou Hao, Captain Three Lin Qi, Captain Four Tai Wei, and Captain Five Zhou Xun respectively.

Song An was secretly shocked.

Tai Wei is from"Psychological Crime", Zhou Xun is from"Day and Night Chase", and Lin Qi is the female captain of Yan Liang in"The Undocumented Crime".........

This conference room is simply full of stars!

With such a star lineup, it is no wonder that the Yanshan Branch is awarded by the General Administration every year.

""Stop talking, the captain is here!"

Second Captain Zhou Hao straightened his tie, stood up first and walked to the door, opening the door of the conference room.

He had a good sense of timing. As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a standard square face walked in.

"plum.......Li Yuanfang?"

Song An almost cried out, but he immediately realized that the other person only looked like Li Yuanfang, but his temperament and dress were completely different.

"Captain Guo, please come in."

Second Captain Zhou Hao smiled and bowed to make a gesture of invitation.

Ji Jie whispered in Song An's ear,"This is our captain Guo Zijian. Our detachment captain is Guan Hongfeng, but he probably won't show up today. Remember to call him Captain Guan when you see him in the future."

《Crime Scene》Guo Zijian!

《Day and Night Chase Guan Hongfeng!

Song An forced himself to suppress his excitement. Wow, the idols he admired the most in his past life appeared together!

Guo Zijian inspected the venue and said,"It seems that everyone is here. Let me tell you about the basic situation of the 9.21 gun case."

Captain Guo turned on the projection, and a photo of the traffic accident scene appeared on the screen.

"At 9:35 last night, a car accident occurred on the Guzhuang section of National Highway 104. Ten minutes later, three 120 ambulances arrived at the scene. Policeman Li Feng cooperated with medical staff to send five injured people to the ambulance.

At around 5 o'clock in the morning, Li Feng found that his handbag was missing, and the 64 pistol inside the handbag was also missing, so he went to the Criminal Police Detachment to report the case.

At present, we have checked all the passengers, and 32 passengers have been preliminarily ruled out as suspects of stealing guns."

After Captain Guo finished explaining the case, there was a silence in the conference room.

"This case is indeed difficult to solve. The crime scene was in Guzhuang, the eastern suburbs, at night, and there were no street lights. At the time, everyone was busy rescuing the wounded, and no one would pay attention to an ordinary handbag."

Captain Zhou Hao spoke first,"Leader, I suggest that all villages within a radius of ten kilometers be checked one by one with Guzhuang as the center. Even if we turn the area around Guzhuang upside down, we must find the lost gun!"

Guo Zijian frowned slightly. This is a stupid way. If we continue to check like this for two months, we won't be able to solve the case.

But now, it seems that there is no better way.

"Yan Liang, what do you think?"

Captain Guo looked at Yan Liang. At critical moments, Yan Liang always had unusual insights.

"I suggest checking the railway hospital.

"Railway Hospital? But we have checked the five injured passengers. They didn't have the time to steal the gun, let alone the motive."

Guo Zijian looked at Yan Liang in confusion,"Can you tell me your reason?"

Yan Liang scratched his head,"It's hard to say now. Based on my intuition, there may be something wrong with the hospital."

The conference room was filled with disappointment.

Just based on intuition, we can check the Railway Hospital. There are more than 2,000 doctors and nurses in that hospital, not to mention the patients. It will take a long time to check.

""Does anyone have any other opinions?"

Captain Guo asked again when he saw the silence in the meeting.

Song An looked around and found that no one was talking, so he raised his right hand,"Can I express my opinion?"


: The shooting case is to introduce the main characters in the book. If the picture in this chapter is approved, it is Captain Guo Zijian.

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