At noon, in order to welcome the new team members, the people of Team 6 prepared to have a barbecue.

Just after leaving the office building, Ji Jie received a call

"It seems that today's bureau cannot be put together. The Wansuishan Police Station in our jurisdiction has received a murder case. A motorcycle driver was killed. The crime scene is at the junction of three provinces. The public security is chaotic and the scene is severely damaged. Director Gu ordered us to rush over to provide support immediately."

After Ji Jie explained the situation, she pointed to two people,"Da Zeng, Song An, the three of us will go together."

"Captain Ji, can I go with Teacher Song? Tian Rui raised her right hand, eager to try.

"I'm afraid you can't. You haven't reported to the Political Work Department yet, so you can't go to the scene now." Ji Jie shook her head.

Seeing Tian Rui's disappointed face, Song An immediately said to Ji Jie,"Let her go. Talking about it on paper will never lead to success. When I first came, you also said that progress is fastest in actual combat."

Ji Jie was tricked by Song An. She shook her head helplessly and smiled bitterly,"Well, a master is like his apprentice. The instructor will call me to complain tomorrow."

"Ah, we can go to the scene now! Thank you Ji Jie, thank you Teacher Song!"

Tian Rui happily bowed to Ji Jie and Song An.

Da Zeng looked at Ji Jie a little embarrassedly,"Jiang Han and I happen to have a case of smuggling cars on hand, and the higher-ups want us to close the case next week."

"Okay, you guys go and monitor the smuggling case first, and the three of us will go to Wansui Mountain first." Ji Jie said

"Captain Ji, if you need our support, please call us." Lao Wang said with a smile.

Ji Jie smiled and waved to them.

Ji Jie drove the car, Tian Rui and Song An sat in the back, and they had lunch in the car.

The car drove out of the city and headed north along National Highway 105, and soon arrived at Wansui Town.

Unlike the tall buildings in the city, most of the houses in the town are made of blue bricks and tiles, and the roads are full of agricultural vehicles such as tricycles and tractors.

Song An rolled down the window and looked outside, and found that on the walls of many houses facing the street, there were slogans painted in red paint,"Respond to the call, vigorously develop gold mines, and make your hometown more beautiful"

"Captain Ji, Wansui Town seems to be developing a gold mine. It looks like this town will be prosperous soon."Song An said

"Well, two years ago, there was a rumor that a gold mine was discovered here. I heard that a few residents were unwilling to move, so no construction has started on the mine."

While talking, Ji Jie turned the steering wheel to the left and drove the car into the town's police station.

"Welcome, welcome! We welcome the city leaders to come to our town to guide our work!"

The old director stood at the door in person, accompanied by two policemen, to welcome Ji Jie and his party.

"Captain Ji, let's go eat first. I've asked Xiao Zhao to book a private room in Fugui Garden. We can talk about work after dinner." The old director said with a smile.

Ji Jie waved her hand,"No need, we've already eaten, let's talk about the case directly."

The old director nodded repeatedly and quickly invited Ji Jie and the other two to the conference room.

It was called a conference room, but in fact it was the room next door, with two desks, a few old chairs, and a rotten smell unique to old furniture.

A projector was hung on the beam, and there was a screen on the wall, which was the only high-end electrical appliance.

The old director closed the curtains and turned on the projector, and a photo of the scene immediately appeared on the screen

"The deceased was found in the north washing ditch. The body was stabbed four times. Based on our experience in handling cases, we suspect that the murderer used a dagger to stab him from the back four times, one of which stabbed the heart and the deceased died on the spot. At present, we only know that the deceased died around 10 am to 12 noon. For a more specific time of death, we have to wait for the county medical examiner to make a more detailed death report."

After the old director finished explaining the situation, Ji Jie asked,"Who is the person who reported the case?"

"The person who reported the case was Liu Laosi from Shangxi Village.

When he was grazing sheep in that area, he saw a person lying next to the ditch.

He ran over and saw blood on the ground and a dead person lying next to him.

When we went over, there were four or five hundred people watching, so the scene had been severely damaged.

"The old director said helplessly.

There is no way to deal with this kind of thing.

The villagers like to join in the fun and don't realize that this kind of thing will make it more difficult to solve the case.

"How is the investigation of the source of the corpse going?" Song An asked

"Found out! The deceased was named Shi Damao, a 47-year-old individual motorcyclist in our town. He owned a Xingfu 125 motorcycle, but we did not find the motorcycle at the crime scene. According to the public, Shi Damao had a bad temper, smoked, drank, gambled, and often liked to visit hair salons without paying, so he had many enemies."

The old director was explaining the situation when suddenly there was a cursing voice outside, and then the wooden door of the office was pushed open.

Ji Jie and the others looked up and saw a woman in her forties with disheveled hair, dirt on her clothes, and a little blood at the corner of her mouth.

""Sister Lan, what are you doing? We are investigating the cause of your husband's murder. Why did you suddenly come in?" The old director said helplessly.

"Investigate? What are you investigating? My husband must have been killed by Song Laoer! Song Laoer repaired our motorcycle, but we didn't pay him, so he cursed us every now and then! You guys hurry up and arrest him!"The woman cursed and yelled.

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