Song An pointed his gun at the back of Dong Xiaofeng's head and said,"Now you know who I am, right?"

Huang Mao and Song Lao Er also ran over, followed by two policemen from the police station.

"Got it, got it, brother, don't shoot, we can talk about it if there's anything!" Dong Xiaofeng raised his hands and begged for mercy.

Song An glanced at Song Lao Er behind him,"Lao Er, his head is stuck in the guardrail, think of a way to get him out!"

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely let him come out comfortably."Song Laoer said with a smile.

Song An, Huang Mao and two policemen stood by and smoked and chatted. The police handed Song An the information about the killer Dong Xiaofeng who had just been investigated.

Song Laoer took out the tools, pliers, screwdrivers, wire, and began to dismantle the guardrail.

Then, Song An and the others understood what Laoer meant by"comfortably".

Dong Xiaofeng kept howling, sometimes in tenor, sometimes in contralto, with a strong sense of layering, like singing an opera.

"Be gentle, my ears are going to fall off!"

"You're gonna break my hand.���You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

When Dong Xiaofeng pulled his head back, his face was bruised and his fingers were pinched red. He didn't know how Song Laoer did it.

Dong Xiaofeng knelt on the ground, and two policemen handcuffed him behind his back. Huangmao went behind him and took the opportunity to kick him.

Song An glared at Huangmao, squatted down, hugged Dong Xiaofeng's shoulders, and said:

"Dong Xiaofeng, I know you were hired by someone. If you betray the person behind you, I will consider you a meritorious service."

Dong Xiaofeng twisted her mouth and said,"Come on, you think I'm a three-year-old child! The people I have killed over the years are enough to be executed eight times! What's the point of me making meritorious service?"

"What about your family? It's not easy for them to raise you. Don't you want to see them again before you die?"

Dong Xiaofeng lowered her head and thought for a while, then said,"I can promise you to meet with the informant! But you have to let me see my wife first."

"Your wife?" Song An was stunned for a moment. The information showed that Dong Xiaofeng was not married. He only had a mistress, Sister Hua, who was married.

"My wife is not like me. She has a proper job and is a law-abiding citizen! If you want me to help you find the sponsor, you must let me see her for the last time!"Dong Xiaofeng said with his neck stiff

"What's your wife's name and what does she do?"Song An asked

"Her name is Li Guihua, a technician at Nan Guo Foot Bathing City. Although she is not well educated, she is very pretty."Dong Xiaofeng said proudly.

Song An threw away the cigarette butt and nodded to agree to his request.

Twenty minutes later, under the supervision of Song An, Song Laoer, and the police officers of Wansui Town Police Station, Dong Xiaofeng met his mistress for the last time at Nan Guo Foot Bathing City.

Dong Xiaofeng finally made a request, whether he and Li Guihua could go upstairs to get a private room, he wanted to be intimate with his wife one last time.

Song An and a group of police officers almost laughed out loud, at this time, Dong Xiaofeng was still thinking about that kind of thing, it was ridiculous.

Dong Xiaofeng did not get his wish, but he still confessed the name of the informant.

The informant was Tian Lu, the village chief of Wansui Village, Wansui Town.

Song An took Dong Xiaofeng to Tian Lu's house. They first ambushed near the village chief's house, and then let Dong Xiaofeng in.

When Village Chief Tian saw Dong Xiaofeng, he was so angry that he went up and twisted his nose directly.

"You are a five-star killer! You are a legend in the frontier! You are the best swordsman in Kanto! I paid you fifty thousand to kill a mechanic, but you killed a driver, you are a waste!"

Mr. Tian cursed him and twisted his nose hard, twisting it into a carrot, causing Dong Xiaofeng to scream in pain.

"Stop twisting it! Something went wrong!" Dong Xiaofeng covered her nose and shouted.

"What went wrong? What happened?" Tian Lu panted and stared at Dong Xiaofeng.

""The man you asked me to kill is Song Lao Er. He is not an ordinary person and has a powerful background!" Dong Xiaofeng said.

Tian Lu rolled his eyes, then raised his hand and slapped Dong Xiaofeng on the face,"Dong Xiaofeng, your uncle, Song Lao Er is just a lousy car mechanic. He has a shitty background!"

Dong Xiaofeng raised his neck,"Believe it or not, I can't talk to you. I want to see the big boss!"


Tian Lu thought about it for a while, took out his cell phone, and quietly made a call.

While on the phone, Tian Lu kept nodding and bowing, even more shameless than the Japanese translators in the anti-Japanese war movies.

Dong Xiaofeng looked down on him a little, rolled her eyes at Tian the village chief, and spat blood on the ground.

"All right, the big boss said we'll meet at the Firebird Casino in an hour!"

Tian Lu pointed at Dong Xiaofeng's nose and said,"Dong, let me tell you, if you mess up again this time, I will go to Huluwan myself and dig up your ancestral graves!""

"Don't worry, Old Tian, the one I gave you last time is a gift! This is called buy one get one free, I'm a trustworthy person!"

Tian Lu heard Dong Xiaofeng's serious words, nodded, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. There was an ancient building printed on the pack, and at the bottom it was marked 1916

"Here, have one, the boss gave it to me!"

Village Chief Tian offered Dong Xiaofeng a cigarette. Dong Xiaofeng put the cigarette between his ears and looked around."Where is your thatched house? I drank too much beer this afternoon."

""Go to the east wall, hurry up, you lazy donkey is trying to get to the millstone!" Tian Lu waved his hand impatiently.

Dong Xiaofeng looked around, suddenly quickened his pace, ran madly towards the east wall, stepped on Tian Lu's chicken coop, pressed the top of the wall with both hands, and exerted force with both arms at the same time!


Dong Xiaofeng just popped his head out and saw Song An and Song Lao Er standing outside the east wall, looking at him with a smile.

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