"The suspect's footprints appeared on the north wall, which means he ran north. There are wheat fields to the north, but there is a highway to the east. If he ran east, wouldn't he run faster? But why did he choose to run to the wheat fields in the north? There is only one reason, his home is likely to be in the village in the north!"

Several people nodded, this analysis is very reasonable.

Song An continued,"The north is all dirt roads. I looked carefully along the place where the footprints disappeared, and no wheel marks were found nearby, which means he may have walked home! This proves that his home cannot be far away from the crime scene, no more than five kilometers at most!"

Tian Rui suddenly realized,"This is what the criminal investigation handouts said, the crime safety distance! The farther the murderer's home is from the scene, the faster the driving vehicle he needs must be, because he is very afraid of being discovered!"

Song An nodded and gave Tian Rui a thumbs up. Tian Rui smiled and was very happy.

Originally, the case was still confusing. After Song An's analysis, the scope of suspects was quickly narrowed down to one or two villages.

The old director looked at Zhu Ming,"Who usually knows the exact time of your salary payment?"

"The people in the accounting office will definitely know, and then the factory will notify the workshop directors two days in advance, and basically everyone in the factory knows about it."

After Zhu Ming finished speaking, everyone from the old director to Ji Jie had ugly looks on their faces.

The scope is too large now, with nearly 300 people in the factory, and if any employee lets slip the news, people in the outside village will know about the salary payment.

Song An looked at the old village chief,"What village is to the north of the blanket factory?"

"Baizhuang, there are about 300 households in the village."

After answering Song An's question, the old director had a troubled expression on his face,"Officer Song, you don't want to investigate the whole Baizhuang, do you? There are four policemen in our police station, plus the public security joint defense team, there are only twelve people, and now they are all going to the city to escort the suspect. There are only four or five of us. If we really want to investigate Baizhuang, I'm afraid we don't have enough manpower!"

"Yes, Song An, what the old director said makes sense. If it doesn't work, let's ask the director to transfer a few more people to support us." Ji Jie said.

Song An shook his head and said,"Don't make it so troublesome. I think I should have a way to make the person who stole the money return the money himself.""



"Did I hear it right?"

After hearing what Song An said, several people in the accounting office were dumbfounded, and no one dared to believe their ears.

The reason for everyone's suspicion was simple. Although you, Song An, came from the city, you are not the thief's father. Why should he listen to you when you ask him to pay back the money?

Tian Rui quietly pulled Song An's sleeve,"Teacher Song, you can't say such things casually. Who would spit out the meat in their mouth? It's not too late for you to change your words now."

"Song An, this matter concerns the wages of more than 300 employees. It is not a trivial matter. You must not make such a joke!"

Even Ji Jie, who usually dotes on her team members, had a sullen face and a serious tone at this time.

Wansui Town is not Yanshan Police Station. If something goes wrong, she, the captain, will be responsible. If the people in the factory push Song An out as a shield, it will be a big mess.

"Officer Song, are you sure?"

The old director and the security director looked at him expectantly at the same time.

Song An was aware of Ji Jie and Tian Rui's worries, but he still nodded to the old director,"I am 80% sure that he will take the initiative to return the money tonight! But you must do as I say! And...........After the case is solved, I am afraid we will have to go to the homes of the people of Baizhuang and personally apologize."

""Okay, just tell me! As long as we can get the money back, we will do it!" The old director said immediately. Just as Song An was about to speak, a pickup truck drove into the factory, and Song Lao Er led five or six people and came directly over.

"Brother, these are my friends. I think you must need help to solve the case. Let's see if we can help!"

Six construction workers wearing construction hats took off their hats and smiled at Song An.

"Great, second brother, with your joining, I am more confident!"

The old director drew a map of Baizhuang temporarily and outlined several main streets with pencils.

Song An called all these people together, along with several leaders who had not left work at the factory.

"There are three main streets in Baizhuang. We will be divided into three groups! Then walk from west to east. You must do what I say while walking!"

Song An told everyone his plan, and then divided into three groups, each of which selected a team leader.

Everyone discussed it and then set off in groups.

Of course, Song An was the team leader. He brought Tian Rui, Song Laoer, security chief Zhu Ming and others to the first street in Baizhuang.

When they reached the first house at the westernmost end, Song Laoer turned his head and glanced at Song An, who nodded.

""Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!"

Song Laoer used all his strength to knock on the big iron door, making it clang loudly.

Soon, the same knocking sound was heard on the two nearby streets.

All the dogs in the village started barking, and several households that had turned off the lights also turned them on.

""Who is it? What are you doing? Why are you knocking so late at night?"

An impatient voice came from inside.

Song Laoer shouted at the top of his voice,"Listen carefully! We are all from the county. A major case has happened here, and we need to find your village chief to understand the situation! Open the door!"

Song Laoer used the local dialect and yelled at the top of his voice. The villagers inside were frightened and ran over to open the door.

"What's going on? Why are you opening the door now? Where is your village chief's house?��"

Song Laoer deliberately shouted loudly.

The villagers had never seen such a scene before. In the dark, they only felt that there were several people standing at the door with their backs straight. They looked like ordinary people!

The villagers quickly opened the door and pointed out the address of the village chief's house to them.


: This case is adapted from a real case. The criminal investigation method is based on criminal psychology and is not fabricated. Once again, I would like to extend my holiday greetings to all respected readers and wish you all good health and happiness in the new year.

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