"This button should have fallen when the gun thief climbed the wall, but it's just an ordinary button with no direction."

Ji Jie put the button into the evidence bag, looked at Song An and said with relief,"The information analyzed from this set of footprints is similar to the information about the criminal you inferred at the meeting. It is very likely that this is the footprint of the perpetrator."

Song An nodded,"We should notify the technical team immediately to make a footprint mold. I really hope he has a criminal record so that we can catch him as soon as possible."

Song An learned from chatting with his teammates that he is now living in the era around 2000.

In this era, most units did not install surveillance. Although DNA technology has been applied in the field of criminal investigation, there is no way to perform DNA comparison because there is no database. It was not until the beginning of autumn this year that the Jibei City police began to collect DNA information from prisoners on a large scale inside the prison.

Therefore, in this era, when solving cases, people with criminal records are often checked first, because the police have their identity information on file, and the efficiency of solving cases will be much higher.

A few minutes later, Guo Zijian came over with several team leaders.

Ji Jie handed over the footprints found by Song An and a button found to Captain Guo.

What touched Song An was that Ji Jie attributed all the credit for finding the footprints and buttons to Song An.

Team Six is a group of old criminal police. It can be seen that Ji Jie can become the team leader for a reason.

"Based on the footprints and buttons you found, and the confirmation of a duty nurse found by the first team, we now preliminarily conclude that the perpetrator came to the hospital at around 4 a.m., stole Li Feng's bag and threw it away, sneaked out the back door with only a 64 pistol, and then climbed over the wall to escape, leaving a button behind when he fled. Unfortunately, because it was dark, the nurse did not see the perpetrator's specific appearance clearly."

Guo Zijian took out an evidence bag, which contained a very ordinary black leather briefcase

"This is the briefcase found by the third team, and it has been confirmed to be the briefcase that Li Feng lost."

Guo Zijian immediately ordered,"The technical team will immediately extract the footprint information and compare it with the footprint database inside the system, and first check those with criminal records.

Others will immediately visit nearby factories and construction sites. We are looking for a young man under the age of 20, 1.6 meters tall, 60 kilograms in weight, severely malnourished, and often owed wages by his boss."

Several team leaders received the order and immediately began to act separately without hesitation.

Ji Jie put her hair behind her head, a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. The criminal profile that Captain Guo had just made when he gave the order was almost a copy of Song An's analysis in the morning. After the others left, Guo Zijian patted Song An on the shoulder and smiled,"As a trainee police officer, you are very good! I hope you will not be arrogant or impatient, and strive to become a qualified criminal police as soon as possible."

"Yes!"Song An looked calm and saluted Guo Zijian.

After Captain Guo left, Ji Jie received a call from Da Zeng, and the two freshmen of the Police Academy had received

""Let's go, Xiao Song. Let's go back to the police station first. After lunch, you newcomers should go to the Political Work Department to study first."

Ji Jie took Song An to the police car.

Song An felt it was a pity. He wanted to continue to follow up on this case, but according to the work discipline of trainee police officers, newcomers must go to the Political Work Department for education.

Song An also had an impression of the two newcomers. One was Bai Ling, with short hair that reached her ears. She was a very cheerful girl and a native of Jibei City. The other one was Chang Baole. As his name suggested, the young man looked very festive. He used to be a police officer in Shuangyu Police Station and later went to the Police University for further studies for two years.

Song An was of the same age as the two of them and they all had straightforward personalities without any scheming, so they had a very pleasant chat.

Bai Ling heard from Ji Jie that Song An had made great contributions as soon as he came to the police force, and he immediately admired him very much. He pulled Song An's arm and asked him to tell her about it...........

At noon, Song An and Da Zeng had lunch in the cafeteria, while Ji Jie and Da Zeng continued to investigate the missing gun case.

Song An and the other two newcomers received three hours of ideological education in the political department. Bai Ling was a lively and active person, and he kept dozing off in class.

When it was almost time to get off work, Ji Jie came over in person and took the three newcomers from Team 6 to the gun depot to get their guns.

"Sister Ji, how is the case of the missing gun going? With the clue from handsome Song, the gun thief must have been caught, right?"

Bai Ling held Ji Jie's shoulders and asked as they walked, chattering like a lark.

Ji Jie sighed,"It's not that easy. The footprints are our only clue at the moment. Unfortunately, the technical department has been busy for most of the day, but there is no result from comparing the footprints. This guy has never committed a crime before.""

In fact, this result is within the expectations of most people. No matter how arrogant a professional thief is, he would not steal from a policeman."

Bai Ling was dumbfounded,"Then what should we do? We can't arrest everyone in the city for a footprint comparison, right?"

"What are you thinking about, Bai Ling? Our city has a permanent population of 15 million, plus the floating population is almost 20 million! After comparing so many people, the national football team should have qualified."

Chang Baole said with a smile, Bai Ling rolled his eyes at Chang Baole and pouted.

"Don't worry about the case for now, just get your guns first. From tomorrow, each of you will be assigned a master and follow the old criminal police to learn tracking and investigation."

Ji Jie took them to the gun depot, and when they arrived at the gun depot, Ji Jie submitted the gun-carrying consent document issued by Director Gu Ming.

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