"Do you remember the sesame seed cakes we ate last night? If I'm not mistaken, Tong Zhen's sesame seed cakes should have come from Chen Mo, right?"

Song An looked at Tong Zhen and asked.

Tong Zhen nodded,"Yes, at that time, we were fighting wits and courage with the wild dogs, so we were tired and hungry. It was Chen Mo who said that he had a few sesame seed cakes in his bag and asked me to distribute them to everyone."

"That's right, there should be anesthetic ingredients in these sesame cakes. After you ate the sesame cakes, you fell asleep very deeply. Chen Mo took advantage of this time to sneak downstairs and kill Lu Xin. You were all sleeping very deeply at that time, so no one heard Lu Xin's cry for help. It was not until you woke up in the morning that you found that Lu Xin was gone!"

After Song An said this, he found that Ji Jie and Da Zeng had some guilt on their faces, and immediately said,"Captain Ji, Da Zeng, you don't have to think too much. After all, no one knows that a person who fought side by side with you to drive away wild dogs, and is Tong Zhen's classmate, would actually be a terrible butcher!"

Ji Jie forced a smile.

Da Zeng patted his forehead,"I was rushing all day and was starving, so I didn't think too much."

Song An took out a red whistle from his pocket and said to everyone,"This whistle was found by Captain Ji and I at the death scene of Li Yu in the cubicle! This is not an ordinary whistle, but a special dog whistle! Chen Mo had a very short time to kill Li Yu, and it was easy for you to find him in broad daylight, so he used a whistle to summon the wild dogs outside. You were all busy repairing the doors and windows, so he took this opportunity to enter the compartment and kill Li Yu!

But the time was too short after all, and in his rush, his dog whistle was left at the scene, and he didn't have time to cut the opponent's throat and abdomen with a sharp blade like he did with the other two bodies! That's why Li Yu had the least wounds on the outside and his body was different from the others."

As Song An analyzed, everyone slowly stepped back, looking at Chen Mo with fear in their eyes.

"Nonsense! Is this how you police officers handle cases? Humph, it's all your subjective assumptions, all of which are false, you don't have any direct evidence at all! I'm going to sue you for framing me!" Chen Mo shouted loudly

"Why are you in such a hurry? If you want evidence, we can take our time! Not only is your evidence very sufficient, but because of your excessive self-righteousness, you have also given our police a lot of extra evidence."

Everyone was puzzled when they heard Song An's teasing words. What extra evidence?

Song An blew the red whistle, and a strange sound came out of the whistle.

Woof woof woof!

When the wild dogs heard the strange sound of the whistle, they all wagged their tails and ran out of the workshop again.

"this.........Impossible! You can do it too..........."

Song An looked at the stunned Chen Mo and laughed,"Among all the people present, except you and me, no one else knows how to use this dog training whistle, so, as long as we ask the people at the identification center to compare the DNA, we will soon know who the owner of this whistle is."

Chen Mo was really speechless now.

"In addition, I also found half a sesame seed cake in the handbag of the deceased Lu Xin! I don’t know if she doesn’t like to eat cakes, or if she noticed something. Anyway, she put this half sesame seed cake into her handbag. I think, as long as the ingredients of the sesame seed cake are tested, we can know whether there are any ingredients that make people sleepy."

Song An said, holding up the half sesame seed cake in the evidence bag.

Tong Zhen covered her mouth and cried,"Sister Xinxin studied medicine in college, and then switched to become a host! She must have noticed something, so she didn’t finish it. It was she who guided us to find the murderer in the dark!"

Hong Lie walked in front of Chen Mo, grabbed his collar, and looked at him angrily,"Mr. Chen, we have no grudges against you, why are you so cruel to kill us in such a cruel way!"

""Chen Mo, we were college classmates after all. I took good care of you yesterday. Why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?" Tong Zhen wiped her tears and said with a painful expression.

Chen Mo said nothing, pursed his lips, and stared at Song An with two bloodshot eyes.

"You are right, but what about my motive?"I have no reason to kill so many people!"

""Of course you have reasons, you hate every one of them! You want to eat their flesh and drink their blood!" Song An said coldly.

Tong Zhen and Hong Lie were dumbfounded.

They looked at Song An in confusion, not understanding why he said that.

Song An looked at Chen Mo,"Am I right, Chen Ming?" Chen

Mo's shoulders trembled when he heard Song An call out his real name.

"Chen Ming? Are you........"Chen Ming, the son of the village chief Chen Dahai?" Hong Lie asked in a trembling voice.

· ·····Request flowers····· ·······

"Hehe, Mr. Hong, it seems that you are not such a ruthless person. It turns out that you still remember Chen Dahai."

Tears welled up in Chen Mo's eyes, and he pointed at Hong Lie and Tong Zhen,"You self-righteous moral gentlemen, you bastards, you destroyed our family back then, should I ask for your lives!" Hong Lie grabbed his hair and squatted on the ground powerlessly.

Tong Zhen was the same as him, with lifeless eyes, leaning against the wall and sliding down, half kneeling on the ground.

Both of them looked very regretful.

"Our Beigou Village is remote, without electricity or water, and the villagers live a very hard life. Girls from other places would not marry in Beigou Village no matter how much dowry they are offered. My father was the village chief at that time, and he saw it with his own eyes and was very worried.

....... 0 0

Later, he heard from some tourists that raising bears and selling bear bile was very profitable. My father was very happy. He sold all our family’s previous belongings, borrowed 1 million yuan from the bank, and led the villagers to rent this abandoned factory and start raising bears."

Chen Mo said this, with tears in his eyes, looking at the empty ruins around him.

"I will never forget the day when the first wages were paid. The villagers set off firecrackers for the whole morning! Everyone laughed and talked, and men, women, old and young worked together to clean the factory so clean and clean every window, because the villagers knew that they had finally taken off the hat of poverty, and the young people in the village could get married and live like others!

But you people from the Forestry Institute insisted that our behavior was cruel. You brought people from the TV station and came here with cameras. Overnight, our factory became a sin factory in your mouth. All the belongings accumulated by the villagers were sealed up. There was no hope. My father jumped off the cliff and committed suicide. My mother also died. I became an orphan."

Chen Mo walked up to Tong Zhen, patted her shoulders with both hands, and asked,"Tong Zhen, let me ask you a question. Your TV station said that it is cruel for our village to raise bears to extract bile. You city people eat pork and mutton every day, wear mink fur, and watch animals perform acrobatics. Aren't you cruel? Why should our Beigou villagers return to their previous poor lives just because of your words? Why?"

Tong Zhen did not answer Chen Mo, but could only keep apologizing to Chen Mo.

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