Yan Liang walked a few steps quickly to Song An's side, staring at Song An's eyes with a pair of sharp phoenix eyes.

Song An looked at Yan Liang fearlessly,"Because he is not murdering, but wants to exercise his courage! He just got the pistol and can't wait to test the power of this gun. Now the result makes him very satisfied! So, he will continue to kill people until the whole world is afraid of him!"

"Why do you dare to say that he just got the gun? Why can't it be that he bought the gun a long time ago?"Yan Liang continued to ask

"The taxi meter showed 2.4 kilometers. According to the nighttime speed of taxis in the city, the murderer shot and killed the driver just two minutes after getting in the car. Just now you said that this place is not a suburb and it is easy to be discovered. Therefore, the murderer is not a thoughtful person. Such people have poor thinking ability and cannot control their temper. He has been holding back for a long time. He will definitely kill people on the same day when he gets the gun!"

"Moreover, the murderer did not know the deceased?" Yan Liang continued to ask

"The body has not moved, the crime scene is in the city, there was no fight in the car, the two parties could not know each other, and it is even less likely to be murder. The murderer is simply conducting a killing experiment! He must have been bullied often in the past, so he found a way to get a gun. He thought that with a gun, he would be invincible in the future!"

Yan Liang stared at Song An's eyes for a second, then turned his head to look at Guo Zijian

"Captain Guo, according to me and Song.......Song An's analysis showed that the murderer was most likely a migrant worker. He had just gotten a gun and was going to kill people at night to build up his courage. This person was very twisted psychologically. If he could not be caught as soon as possible, he would continue to kill people."

Yan Liang and Song An asked and answered each other. The others were confused, but the two of them became more and more excited.

Especially the look in Yan Liang's eyes when he looked at Song An. His fluffy eyes were brighter than ever before.

Female forensic doctor Park Huizhen looked at Song An curiously, with a hint of shock on her face. Yan Liang was a loner in the police force, but he was chatting passionately with a trainee police officer.

"Captain Guo, the identity of the deceased has been found. He is a driver of the Oriental Taxi Company, named Feng Shilun."

Guo Zijian was about to speak when Wang Xiaoguang hurried over from behind,"Captain Guo, according to ballistic identification, the bullets used by the murderer came from the Type 64 pistol that Li Feng lost, and the bullet numbers are exactly the same. In addition, according to the results of footprint identification, the murderer in the shooting case and the gun theft case are not the same person, and the difference in their body shapes and weights is very large."

This report from the Technical Department shocked everyone present!

This conclusion basically confirmed that Song An and Yan Liang's previous inference was completely correct. The murderer did buy the gun that day and killed people that day! The Type

64 pistol magazine has a capacity of 7 rounds. In order to reduce the pressure of the support spring, ordinary police pistols are only equipped with 5 rounds of bullets.

Two of the five bullets were used, which means that even if the murderer has no channel to replenish bullets, he still has at least three Type 64 bullets!

"It seems that the 9.21 gun loss case and the 9.22 shooting case can be investigated together. Now I order one by one."

Guo Zijian began to issue investigation orders. The tasks of the first, third and fourth teams are mainly to investigate the outside population and the unemployed.

According to the mileage displayed on the taxi, first conduct a dragnet investigation of the construction sites, nightclubs, businesses, snack stalls, hair salons, etc. within 3 kilometers.

The tasks of the fifth and sixth teams are to investigate along the two clues of the reporter Zhang Hongwei and the identity of the deceased.

"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Ji Jie closed the car door and glanced at Song An who was sitting next to her."Zhou Xun and the others have gone to Zhang Hongwei's hometown. Let's go to Red Sun Taxi first, shall we?"

"Captain Ji, I don't think it's very meaningful to check for witnesses. Although this is not the suburbs, there are no street lights at night. Even if Zhang Hongwei saw the murderer, it would be difficult to see his face clearly in that environment."

Song An's view is not groundless. When handling cases in his previous life, he often encountered such ridiculous things.

Many witnesses often provide the police with wrong clues and mislead the police to handle the case because they are too nervous when the murder occurs.

A qualified criminal policeman must find the only correct way to solve the case from the countless clues.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Ji Jie asked back.

"Let's go find the deceased's family first. Maybe we can get some useful information from the deceased's personality."

""Okay, since there are five teams watching over at Red Sun anyway, we just happened to go investigate Feng Shilun."

In the car, Ji Jie called Wang Guijin's cell phone and asked him to find out the specific address of the deceased Feng Shilun immediately.

In less than ten minutes, Wang's cell phone called back. He had found out everything about Feng Shilun's family background and his workplace.

Feng Shilun's home was located in Fufengyuan, South Second Ring Road. Half an hour later, Ji Jie's police car stopped at the steel mill family compound where Feng Shilun's home was located.

"Lao Wang and Liu Mengyang have already arrived."

When Ji Jie and Song An got out of the car, Liu Mengyang took off his sunglasses and waved to them.

When they reached the third floor, Wang Guijin rang the doorbell, and a middle-aged woman in pajamas opened the security door.

"What are you doing here at my house so early in the morning?"

The middle-aged woman looked unhappy and yawned.

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