"It's in the main hall, please come in!"

Director Liu led Song An and Tian Rui into the main hall, where several policemen were busy looking for evidence.

A male police officer in a white coat was taking pictures at the scene.

In the middle of the main hall, there was a body lying, and the body had been burned to charcoal.

On the west wall, there was a bloodstain, about fifty centimeters away from the body, and the bloodstain was obviously splashed.

Director Liu came over and introduced the situation to Song An,"The deceased's name is Wang Changgui, 61 years old, his children are all in other places, and he lives alone.

According to the forensic examination, the time of death was around 9 o'clock the night before yesterday.

The murderer should have used a blunt weapon and suddenly killed the deceased!

After the murderer killed the person, he used cooking oil and the cushions on the sofa as combustion materials to burn the body.

The body is now highly carbonized.


Song An saw that the limbs and organ tissues of the body had been burned. After the carbonization fell off, only the torso was left.

"Director Liu, the bones and internal organs of this corpse have been carbonized, and some bones have even shown signs of graying! Excuse me for being frank, but how did you determine the identity of the deceased?" Tian Rui asked.


Song An glanced at Tian Rui and gave her an approving smile.

Tian Rui asked a very good question. It was nonsense to investigate the case if the source of the corpse had not been determined.

The forensic doctor standing next to Director Liu immediately said,"It's like this. After a careful search yesterday, we found that the degree of carbonization of the deep tissue in the pelvic position was relatively low. So, we used the pubic symphysis cartilage as the test material and applied for a DNA identification from the General Administration's Identification Center."

The forensic doctor handed a DNA report to Song An,"This is the DNA comparison result we just received at 11 o'clock in the morning. The similarity between the DNA of the deceased and the DNA of the reporter Wang Changfu reached 68%, which is consistent with the average DNA comparison of the twin brothers."

"This Wang Changfu is the elder brother of the deceased Wang Changgui, who is 62 years old. According to him, the deceased lived alone, so he went to his house every day to drink, play chess, and chat. Yesterday morning, he came to discuss the purchase of fertilizers with his brother, but he did not expect to find a charred body when he opened the door."

After the forensic doctor finished speaking, Director Liu introduced some basic information about the deceased.

Song An thought for a while, and asked the policeman in the white coat,"Did your technical department extract the footprints?"

"We extracted two complete footprints, one from the door, the larger one. The other from the bedroom, the smaller one. However, after comparison, we found that both footprints had nothing to do with the deceased."The forensic doctor said. After listening, Song An arranged for Director Liu to call Wang Changfu in.

Wang Changfu looked like an honest man. When he saw the room full of police officers, he shrank his neck and dared not say a word, not even raising his head.

"Wang Changfu, when was the last time you saw your brother Wang Changgui?"

Song An handed the old man a chair, patted his shoulder gently and asked.

The old man was still a little nervous, stuttering and unable to speak complete words.

Song An gave Tian Rui a wink, and Tian Rui understood and immediately poured a glass of water for Wang Changfu.

Wang Changfu clutched the glass of water and said tremblingly,"Government, I saw Changgui the night before yesterday. He came to my house to eat, watch TV, and play cards just like before."

"Did you notice anything unusual about him that night?"Song An asked

"abnormal........By the way, he used to leave at 10 or 11 o'clock, but he left before 8 o'clock that night."Wang Changfu replied

"Did he have dinner at your house?"

"Eat, eat, it was my birthday that day, we had mutton hotpot. I saw he was very happy, so I asked him to eat more, but he ate one bowl and stopped eating, I thought it was strange, he usually likes to eat mutton the most"

"Does he usually live alone? Don't his grandchildren come to visit him?"

"They are all in the provincial capital and seldom come back, except during the Chinese New Year."

After Song An asked the questions, he asked Tian Rui to continue asking questions, and he walked around the room casually.

Song An found that the deceased Wang Changgui was a particularly careless person.

Things were piled up on the table, there were spider webs on the four corners of the wall, and a thick layer of dirt fell on the windows.

The main hall is a place to receive guests. According to the customs of northern rural areas, a central hall painting or a family tree is usually hung on the central wall.

Below the central hall, there is a long table, which is generally used to hold offerings or incense burners for ancestor worship.

Like the furnishings of other people's houses, a picture of autumn begonia is hung in the middle of the main hall of Wang Changgui's house, and below the picture is a terrazzo long table.

However, there are no fruits or incense burners on the long table, but two large bowls.

The two large bowls are placed against each other, perhaps because they are inconspicuous, no one pays attention to them

"Officer Song, have you found anything?"

Chief Liu came over and handed Song An a Liuyang River

""Director Liu, have you noticed that there is something wrong with that long table?" Song An asked.

Director Liu was confused and shook his head,"It's quite normal. Every household here has this."

Song An shook his head and walked over to the long table. He opened the two bowls and found that one of the large bowls contained the prepared meat filling.

"This is........Dumpling stuffing? It was really careless to say that Wang Changgui actually put the dumpling stuffing on the table!"

Director Liu smiled, and found that Song An had a serious face, so he hurriedly asked,"Xiao Song, is there something wrong with this dumpling stuffing?"

""Chief, when do you eat dumplings?" Song An asked.

Chief Liu smiled, took off his police hat, and touched his hair."The last time I ate dumplings was on February 2, the day when the dragon raises its head! Haha, this is not a festival, I haven't eaten dumplings for a while."

"That's it, for us northerners���Except during Chinese New Year and other festivals, people generally don’t eat dumplings. Unless there are important guests at home."

After hearing Song An’s analysis, Director Liu suddenly realized,"So, Wang Changgui was not alone at home on the night he died!!"

"Absolutely not! He is a single old man who is too lazy to clean, let alone make dumplings! And that night, he had already eaten mutton hotpot at his eldest brother's house, why did he want to eat dumplings again?"Song An asked

"yes........This doesn't make sense! No matter how delicious dumplings are, can they be as delicious as mutton hotpot?"

Song An nodded, looked at the east wall of the main room, and said,"Liu, let's go to the bedroom next door!"

There is a wall between the main room and the bedroom. There is a door on the east wall of Wang Changgui's house, and the two rooms can be entered and exited freely.

"Director Liu, the forensic doctor just said that among the two footprints extracted at the scene, one of the small footprints was extracted from under the bed, right?"

Song An asked.

Director Liu nodded,"It was next to the bed in this room. Officer Song, look, there is a layer of fine charcoal slag under the bed, and we extracted the footprints on the charcoal slag.".

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