""Yu Tonghai, what is your profession?" Song An asked again.

Yu Tonghai smiled and said,"I opened a travel company in town, specializing in leading tour groups."

Song An looked very interested,"Really? The tour group that our Yanshan Police Department found last year was from your town, maybe it was your family's tour group! Our director's surname is Gu, do you have any impression?"

"Director Gu........"

Yu Tonghai was stunned for a moment, and glanced to the upper left corner.

Finally, he smiled bitterly and shook his head,"I'm sorry, officer, it's been too long, I really don't have any recollection."

Seeing Yu Tonghai's micro-expression at this moment, Song An was sure that he was lying when he said he had been to his father-in-law's house the day before yesterday.

"Mr. Yu, I have a question for you. Do you remember what TV program was broadcast on Jibei TV at 9 o'clock the night before yesterday?"

Yu Tonghai touched his chin."Well, it seemed to be a replay of the news. I can't remember clearly."

"You can remember the exact time you bought groceries, you can remember the exact time you went to your father-in-law's house, but you can't remember the TV programs. Didn't you watch TV while you were eating?"

"I did watch it, but I really can't remember it. I don't like watching TV, I like reading."

Yu Tonghai touched the back of his head and said,"Officer, I can't remember the TV program clearly, is this not illegal?"

"What vegetables did you buy that day?"

Song An did not answer his question, but stared at his eyes and shouted in a loud voice.

"Ah? I bought it for 640.........Eggplant, potato and tomato."

Yu Tonghai was startled. The other person's eyes were as sharp as knives, and he shivered constantly.

"Where did you buy it?"

"From the vegetable market, Donghuan Vegetable Market"

"You visited your father-in-law's house, but didn't buy any meat?"

"Buy, buy! I bought ten kilograms of pork"

"Which butcher shop did you buy it from? Is the boss fat or thin?"

After Song An pressed this question, Yu Tonghai was already stuttering to the point of being unable to speak.

"I bought it at Master Wang's house on Jinshui Road. He is a thin guy, no, a fat guy."

"Where is your father-in-law's house?"

"In Erlang Temple........"

After Yu Tonghai finished speaking, Song An sneered,"What a lie! You think I'm from another place? You think I'm new here, so I can be fooled by you!"

Yu Tonghai was shocked by Song An's words and didn't know what to say.

"Donghuan Vegetable Market is at the easternmost end of your town, and Jinshui Road is at the northernmost end, almost reaching Yanshan District! And your father-in-law's Erlang Temple is at the southernmost end of your town! Do you have to go around the whole town just to buy some vegetables?"

Yu Tonghai was stunned for a moment, and immediately counterattacked,"Officer, I have a car, I drove there!"

Song An almost laughed his head off when he heard this.

"Yu Tonghai! It’s 20 kilometers from Donghuan to Jinshui Road, and at least 30 kilometers from Beijiao Jinshui Road to Nanhuan Erlang Temple. 7 o’clock is the rush hour after work. You drove at least 50 kilometers in 20 minutes! Are you driving a car? You are driving a rocket here!"

Song An threw the map to him,"Look for yourself!"

Yu Tonghai was dumbfounded.

Just now, Song An deliberately asked him questions at a rapid speed, just to leave him no time to think.

Yu Tonghai answered the first few questions fluently, and could even accurately say the minutes and seconds. It was obvious that he had memorized them at home and could say them without thinking.

But when Song An pressed him later, he was obviously not prepared, so he lied one after another.

"Yu Tonghai, you are a big businessman, you must know our policies. Telling it now and explaining it in the police station are two different things! You have to think it over carefully and don't ruin your future."Director Liu advised from the side.

Yu Tonghai's eyes were erratic, and there was a struggling expression on his face, and he was obviously hesitating.

Song An walked to Yu Tonghai's ear and whispered,"Yu Tonghai, I know you killed people for her. You hate Wang Changgui very much. You think Wang Changgui is not worthy of her at all. You think this matter is very shameful! So, in extreme anger, you rushed into Wang Changgui's house. You saw that they were inseparable. You were furious. You took out the murder weapon that you had prepared long ago and smashed Wang Changgui's head hard!"

Yu Tonghai was shocked and looked at Song An in surprise,"You, how do you know this?"

Song An sneered,"I said it a long time ago, we don't have evidence and we won't arrest people casually! If you confess the problem now, you can get a lighter sentence when sentencing."

In fact, Song An's words in his ear just now seemed to make the police know everything, but in fact they knew nothing.

He could only speculate based on the existing clues that Wang Changgui must have had an affair with a woman around Yu Tonghai.

As for whether that woman was Yu Tonghai's wife, his mother, or his sister, he didn't know........

As for the evidence and the like, it was all made up by Song An.

The best lie in the world is always nine truths and one lie.

After a few true and false words from Song An, Yu Tonghai sighed and had to confess.

It turned out that a few months ago, Yu Tonghai found out that his mother had an affair with Wang Changgui from the village, and Yu Tonghai was very angry!

He felt that his mother was over fifty years old, half buried in the ground, and she actually did such a shameful thing, which was too embarrassing for him!

Yu Tonghai looked for Wang Changgui several times to separate them, but Wang Changgui actually had real feelings for his mother and was unwilling to break up. At seven o'clock the night before yesterday, Yu Tonghai returned home and heard from his wife that his mother might have gone to Wang Changgui for a tryst again!

Yu Tonghai was furious, prepared a claw hammer, and went to Wang Changgui's house.

He saw Wang Changgui making dumplings with his mother, and in anger, he took out the claw hammer and smashed Wang Changgui to death!

Because he was worried about being discovered, Yu Tonghai used cooking oil and sofa cushions as fuel to ignite Wang Changgui's body and set it on fire.

As for Wang Changgui's mother, although she was sad about the death of her boyfriend, it was her own son who killed him after all.

Therefore, she did not make a fuss, let alone call the police.

After Yu Tonghai finished speaking, Tian Rui and the others just came back from outside.

Tian Rui found the tools Yu Tonghai used to kill people!

In addition, the police who followed Tian Rui out found out during their visits to the masses that Yu Tonghai's BMW had been parked in the village the night before and had never left.

These pieces of evidence together form a closed loop of evidence, and Yu Tonghai's suspicion of murder is confirmed!

After the case was solved, the police officers of Liudu Police Station were all shocked by Song An's criminal investigation ability.

From the time he came to the village to now, in two hours, a case that had no clues was solved directly!

In particular, it was discovered that there was something wrong with the filling of the bowl of dumplings on the long table in the main hall.

Then, from a bowl of dumpling filling, he deduced that the deceased had a close relationship with a member of the opposite sex!

All this seems simple, as if any criminal police officer could think of this.

In fact, if one does not think carefully and observe life carefully, no one would think that there is a story in the dumpling filling.

"Officer Song, I don't understand something. How can you be sure that the murderer is in the village?"

After the case was solved, Director Liu took Song An and asked curiously.

Tian Rui was also confused and listened carefully.

"In fact, burning corpses is a very dangerous behavior, because it is easy to cause complications. Therefore, ordinary murders generally do not involve burning corpses. But in this case, not only did the corpse burn, but it was burned in the deceased's home. This is simply too strange!

I followed the murderer's thinking and analyzed that the reason he burned the corpse was probably because he was worried that the scandal would be exposed and become a joke among neighbors. If someone has such concerns, it is very likely that the crime was committed by a fellow villager, so I brought seven men who met the conditions here based on clues such as footprints, and directly locked Yu Tonghai through micro-expressions and actions!".

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