Song An couldn't bear to continue.

""Brother Song, what is piranha acid? Is it the acid extracted from fish?" Bai Ling interrupted and asked.

Song An shook his head,"Actually, it is a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide solution. This acid is very corrosive. Experiments have been done abroad and it is said that after a certain period of time, it can directly corrode diamonds."

Bai Ling smacked his lips after hearing this,"It's so powerful! No wonder it can corrode muscles. If it was discovered later, there would be few bones left."

"Ji Jie, I heard that the deceased was a public figure and had acted in a TV series before?"

While talking to Ji Jie, Wang Guijin put all the braised pork he bought into Song An's plate and told him to eat more.

Ji Jie nodded,"Yes, I think his name was Fang Yi. He was very popular in the 1980s! But for some reason, he hasn't been on TV for many years."

"I know her! Back then, Fang Yi was famous all over the country! I remember one time her movie was shown in the next county, and my dad took me and my sister on a bicycle. We watched the movie until late at night before going home. We were so happy!"

Tian Rui was immersed in the memories of her childhood, with a smile on her face..

"Yes, I was studying at No. 4 Middle School at that time, and she even gave a report at our school. I gave her flowers!"Bai Ling also said happily.

The people in Team 6 were talking and laughing, but Song An found that Lao Wang was silent all the time, and his expression seemed a little sad.

"I'm full, you guys eat first."

Wang Guijin patted Song An on the shoulder, looked at everyone with a smile, and left with the tableware.

"Captain Ji, what happened to Lao Wang today? He is not like this usually. Bai Ling asked in confusion.

Ji Jie hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether she should tell him about this.

"You mentioned your childhood, Lao Wang probably missed his daughter again."

Da Zeng said,"Lao Wang's daughter had a quarrel with him a few years ago. It was said that it was because of the college entrance examination application. The two of them had a falling out! Later, the child ran away from home in anger and has not returned for several years."

"Uncle Wang's daughter? Uncle Wang is almost fifty, so his daughter must be almost thirty. 「?"Bai Ling stared at Da Zeng

"How can it be that big! In our criminal police team, people generally get married late. When Lao Wang got married, he was already in his thirties, and his daughter is only in her early twenties this year!"Da Zeng said

"Don't mention this matter anymore. This is Lao Wang's own business. Don't embarrass him." Ji Jie reminded.

Everyone nodded and ate in silence.

Team 6 is like a family. Lao Wang treats everyone, especially the young people, like his own children. Everyone feels sad when they hear this.

Song An was eating when someone suddenly pulled his clothes. He turned around and found that it was Tian Rui.

""Did I go too far today?" Tian Rui whispered.

Song An smiled.

He didn't know whether the girl was referring to the incident that almost collapsed the office building in the morning, or the incident when she accidentally talked about her childhood.

Song An shook his head at her, stretched out a hand, and gently held Tian Rui's hand.

Tian Rui felt warm in her heart, and a sunny smile appeared on her face again.

""Tian Rui, why are you laughing when you're not eating? You've been so silly these past two days!"

Bai Ling looked at Tian Rui in confusion, picked up his chopsticks, and picked up a fried chicken leg from her plate.

"If you don't want to eat, I'll eat it for you. Just enjoy yourself!"

Tian Rui felt sweet in her heart after hearing Bai Ling's words. She smiled at Song An and the arc of her mouth became bigger.

In the afternoon, Song An turned on his computer and looked up the name"Fang Yi" on the Internet.

It turned out that there were news everywhere on the Internet that Fang Yi had been a mistress and destroyed other people's marriages.

Other black materials, such as gambling on cruise ships, beating security guards, hiring thugs to beat people, and even tax evasion.........

If the scandal is true, then Fang Yi has made basically all the mistakes an actor can make.

No film crew would dare to use such a notorious female artist.

Song An investigated Fang Yi purely for his own amusement, and it had nothing to do with solving the case.

Besides, the other criminal police teams were not there to do nothing. It was just a case of acid dissolving a corpse, and Zhou Hao and his team would definitely be able to solve it.

Song An had just turned off his computer when someone from the political department came to find him, saying that a reporter from"Police Storm" was here to interview him.

《"Police Arena" is an internal publication. This kind of interview is prepared in advance, and there is very little freedom for personal speech.

The interview lasted for an entire afternoon. After six o'clock, Song An waited downstairs for Tian Rui to get off work. The two drove to the beach together.

"Teacher Song, this is our first date." Tian Rui sat in the co-pilot seat and looked at Song An affectionately.

"Date? Are we dating? How come I don't know?"Song An deliberately frowned.

"Teacher Song refused to admit his mistake after the meal. I decided to ignore you. Tian Rui pouted and ignored Song An.

Song An ignored her.

After the two got off the car, Tian Rui deliberately walked in front, swinging her arms and legs to attract Song An.

After walking a few dozen meters, she found that Song An did not catch up.

Tian Rui had no choice but to turn around and took the initiative to run to Song An and hold his hand.

"Are you really angry?"I'm sorry, Mr. Song, I was wrong. I won't do it again. Don't be angry."

Tian Rui took Song An's arm and apologized to him.

Song An couldn't help laughing.

It was so fun to bully Tian Rui.

".〃 Ah, so you were lying to me!"

The two of them had already reached the beach. Tian Rui bent down and scooped up a handful of sea water and sprinkled it on Song An.

Song An also bent down and scooped up sea water and sprinkled it on Tian Rui.

The two of them played a boring game of splashing sea water, but because they liked each other, they actually had a lot of fun.

A few minutes later, they came to the pier and walked forward hand in hand.

Both of them rolled up their trouser legs and stepped barefoot on the wooden floor.

When they looked at each other occasionally, they would both laugh happily.

"Teacher Song, why can't I see you enough?"Tian Rui asked with her head tilted.

"It's very simple, because your boyfriend is more handsome."Song An said directly

"So narcissistic, but I think so too."Tian Rui rested her head on Song An's shoulder and said with a smile.

The scenery at the seaside is very good, the sky is blue and the sea is vast. Occasionally, seagulls fly over the blue ocean, which makes people feel very open.

Tian Rui felt a little regretful (the king's),"It's such a beautiful place, but I forgot to bring my camera. What a mistake."

Song An gently kissed Tian Rui's hair,"It's okay, my eyes are the shutter, and I will freeze all your most beautiful moments in my heart."

"Oh, so corny, I like it so much, is there any more?"Tian Rui raised her head and said very happily.

Song An pinched Tian Rui's little nose,"How can you be so shameless as to ask your boyfriend for sweet words."

The sunset dyed the beach red, and the two of them snuggled together, saying shameless sweet words between lovers.

Suddenly, the sound of wheels rubbing against wooden boards was heard behind them.

An old man was pushing a wheelchair, and an old lady with the same white hair was sitting in the wheelchair. They stopped not far behind them.

The wheels were stuck in the gap between the wooden boards, probably because they were stuck and could not be pushed.

Song An and Tian Rui quickly stood up, and they worked together to help the old man push the wheelchair out

"Thank you! You two look so good together! If I am not mistaken, you must be lovers, right?".

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