All the people who attended the meeting nodded slightly to Song An and said hello.

Especially the squadron leaders who knew Song An's abilities well.

Tai Wei, Zhou Xun, Lin Qi and others actually smiled.

""Don't think that your burden will be lightened just because I seconded Song An here!"

Gu Ming slammed the table,"The commendation meeting for the entire bureau is about to be held. Director Zhang of the General Bureau told me personally that the commendation meeting will not be held until this corpse dissolving case is solved! Think about it in your heart, the weight of this sentence!"

The general meeting room was silent. The curtains were drawn and the light was dim, which made it even more depressing.

Song An wrote a note and handed it to Lin Qi next to her.

Like Ji Jie, Lin Qi is also a female criminal police officer.

But she is completely different from Ji Jie, who is vigorous and powerful.

Captain Lin Qi is known for her gentleness and is best at sensationalism. It is said that many of the suspects she has interrogated came out of the interrogation room crying.

Lin Qi opened the note and saw a sentence on it,"Have you found the suspect?"

Lin Qi drew a zero on the note and handed the note to him again

"Okay, let's hold a case analysis meeting in the task force now. Since there are several new comrades, I will talk about the basic situation of the corpse dissolving case."

Guan Hongfeng walked to the projector and turned it on.

Immediately, a photo of the murder scene appeared on the screen of the conference room.

After seeing the photo, Song An almost vomited his breakfast!

He now knew why the second captain felt nauseous and retched when he saw the eight-treasure porridge on his plate yesterday.

It was because the murder scene was too heavy!

The corpse corroded by strong acid was soaked in the pool.

After the internal organs were corroded by strong acid, the bathtub was colorful, with all kinds of colors.

There were also various broken bones, densely packed, all piled together.

People who saw it broke out in cold sweat on their backs!

These are just a few photos of the scene taken by the technical department.

It is conceivable how much psychological pressure the criminal police who were dispatched to the scene would be under.

Lin Qi leaned close to Song An's ear and whispered,"The first person to discover the dissolved corpse was the hotel waitress. The girl has been sent to the psychiatric department for compulsory treatment because of her extremely unstable mental state."

It can only be said that she is too unlucky. This kind of horrible case may not be encountered by front-line criminal police in their lifetime. I didn't expect that the waitress encountered it.

"At nine o'clock in the morning on October 5, the lobby manager of the Millennium Hotel on Dong'an Road called the police!

The other party claimed that Fang Yi, a guest living in room 1707 on the 17th floor of the hotel, had died!

When the forensic doctor arrived at the scene, he found that the deceased Fang Yi was soaking in a large bathtub in the bathroom.

The body had been dissolved by the strong acid of piranhas.

The scene was horrific.

Comrades from the Forensic and Technical Departments used three large barrels of PTFE material that were resistant to strong acids to carry the remains in the bathtub back to the police station.


After Guan Hongfeng finished his introduction, he gave Wang Xiaoguang a look and said,"Chief Wang, your technical department should tell us about this."

"Our technical department has collected evidence many times from the deceased Fang Yi's suitcase and the fingerprints on her ID card. It turned out that only Fang Yi's fingerprints were left. The footprints extracted at the scene also matched Fang Yi's height information. In addition, we also made a portrait based on the waiter's description. After comparison, we found that the deceased was confirmed to be actress Fang Yi."After

Wang Xiaoguang finished speaking, Guan Hongfeng looked at Qin Ming from the Forensic Department.

Qin Ming stood up with a notebook and said,"After that, we in the Forensic Department spent three full days and three nights to assemble the skeletal remains that were brought back. Based on the jawline of the skull and the shape of the pubic symphysis, our Forensic Department found that the deceased was not Fang Yi, but a male!"


As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, there was a whisper in the conference room, and some people gasped.

The forensic result was only delivered to Gu Ming last night. Except for a few senior police officers, many squadron leaders didn't even know about it.

Many people never expected that after three days of investigating the case, the deceased was wrong!

And the gender was wrong!

Lin Qi threw away the pen, hugged his arms and smiled bitterly,"Now it's good, the murderer hasn't been caught yet, and now we have to investigate the deceased from the beginning!"

"Old Zhou, we have been busy for nothing these days! After a long investigation, it turns out that the deceased is a man!"

Tai Wei and Zhou Xun, the two brothers in distress, shook their heads together speechlessly.

The two brothers stayed up all night and had panda eyes. If it weren't for the cigarettes, they would have fallen asleep in the conference room.

Wang Xiaoguang, Feng Jing, and several people in the technical department all looked unhappy.

These complaints were clearly directed at the technical department.

""Everyone, be quiet! Qin Ming, please continue!" Guan Hongfeng patted the table.

"After examination, we found that the deceased was injected with an overdose of fentanyl before her death. Fentanyl is an opioid analgesic, which is mainly used clinically for various pains or analgesia after surgical and gynecological operations. However, if an overdose is injected, heart failure, shortness of breath, and even death will occur."

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Qin Ming held the infrared remote control, switched the slides, and continued to introduce:

"After killing the victim, the murderer put the deceased into the bathtub, blocked the water outlet, and finally poured a large amount of piranha acid solvent into the bathtub to dissolve the victim's body!"

Second team leader Zhou Hao shook his head and said,"Tell me, how can people be so cruel! Killing is not enough, you killed the person, how can you dissolve him? How much hatred is this?"

The participants nodded, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"It is not necessarily hatred. Destroying the original appearance may be to conceal the truth or to........"


Song An suddenly stopped talking here.

Everyone looked at him, and Guo Zijian immediately said,"Song An, have you thought of something? Don't worry, keep talking!"

Song An seemed to have grasped something, but there were too few clues at the moment, and this was not Team 6, so he didn't dare to speak it out casually.

"Sorry, Captain Guo, I want to hear what happened on the scene."

Song An looked at Zhou Hao across Lin Qi,"Second Captain, please tell me about the situation on the scene."

Zhou Hao first glanced at Gu Ming,"Leader, look at me here......."

"We are all investigating the case, why are there so many little calculations! From now on, you must obey Xiao Song's words unconditionally!"Gu Ming said impatiently. Zhou Hao shuddered and quickly stood up with his notebook.

"There were no signs of a fight at the scene, and we did not extract any blood residue except near the bathtub. In addition, six glass bottles were found at the scene, which should have been used by the murderer to hold strong acid, but unfortunately there were no fingerprints. According to the waiter, from the time Fang Yi registered to enter the hotel, of course this Fang Yi was a fake, until he was found dead, no one had entered or left his room."

After Zhou Hao finished speaking, Song An immediately asked,"I remember that the Millennium Hotel is a foreign-related hotel, there should be surveillance, right?"

"Yes, we did check the surveillance video, and we repeatedly watched the surveillance video of the night of the crime. From the surveillance video, it is proved that the waiter did not lie, and no one entered Room 1707."

After Zhou Hao finished talking about the scene, some veteran detectives thought of the same sentence: a murder case in a closed room! Eight.

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