Zhou Xun finally looked at Guan Hongfeng

"Captain Guan, you were also involved in this case! In my opinion, men are men. There is a huge difference between men and women in terms of temperament. From what we saw on the surveillance video, whether it is the way she walks, her temperament, her gestures, she is a very normal middle-aged woman!"

The criminal police at the scene nodded one after another. This was also the question they wanted to ask.

Tai Wei pointed at Qin Ming and said,"I think the female victim played by Lao Qin last time is quite similar to her."

"Tai Wei, you have been very tired recently, your dark circles have worsened, and you often turn the ballpoint pen in your hand intentionally or unintentionally. If I am not mistaken, you have been going to the toilet more and more frequently recently, and when you go to the toilet, your head will suddenly shudder, right?"

Qin Ming counterattacked without hesitation.

Tai Wei was stunned for a moment,"Yeah, is there any problem with that? I stayed up late."

Qin Ming didn't want to talk anymore.

Section Chief Li Jinglan sighed,"Tai Wei, take some time to go to the Andrology Hospital. You are not married yet, so everything is still in time! But you must also be restrained. When you feel like it in the future, take a cold shower and go for a run." Tai Wei was stunned. What are these two forensic doctors talking about, singing the same tune?

A bunch of married old-timers understood as soon as they heard it, and lowered their heads and laughed secretly.

"Okay, stop joking around! Tai Wei, don't you think about it, can you gain any advantage by joking around with a bunch of people who deal with corpses all day long?"

Gu Ming glared at Tai Wei.

Tai Wei didn't notice Director Gu's eye roll, he was still thinking,"What does liking to spin a pen mean?"

Gu Ming ignored him and turned to look at Song An,"Xiao Song, do you have anything to say about Captain Zhou Xun's opinion just now?"

Song An thought for a while and said,"Actually, Captain Zhou's question is very easy to answer! There is a phenomenon in psychology called synchronous behavior, which is what we ordinary people often call the couple look alike!" As soon as

Song An opened his mouth, many veteran criminal police officers below were taking notes, including Zhou Xun, who liked to sleep in meetings the most, and took notes honestly.

"After two strangers become lovers, they will unconsciously imitate each other's voice, tone, or habits because they like each other. This is what psychology calls homophonic behavior. In addition, some people will deliberately imitate the stars and idols they admire, imitate her dressing, and imitate her tone and movements.

In the 1970s, a famous"fan murder case" appeared in the West.

A fanatical male fan of the famous Hollywood movie star Alice Lurest deliberately imitated Alice's scenes in"Taxi Driver" and assassinated the general manager of the local FCC.

It is said that when the police arrested this male fan, he was wearing the same beige long skirt as Alice Lurest, wearing a white French sun hat, and elegantly tasting afternoon tea like a lady from the upper class.

The police almost mistook him for the female star herself.


Song An's explanation answered the question of"Why men can imitate women" from a psychological theoretical level.

At the same time, he gave everyone a positive answer from real cases.

If men deliberately imitate women's behavior and actions, they can completely deceive ordinary people.

The venue began to discuss. In the era when social customs were relatively simple, Song An's theory was simply incredible.

"I think, although this speculation is bold, it is not impossible."

Guan Hongfeng glanced at the technical department,"Lao Qin, Section Chief Li, when you go back, the forensic doctors should review the video footage of the Millennium Hotel, especially pay attention to whether the other party has any male characteristics. Even if a man knows how to imitate a woman, it is impossible to be 100% perfect, and there will always be flaws."

Qin Ming and others nodded.

Song An continued,"In addition, we found a large number of Fang Yi's personal belongings at the scene. According to the visit of the third captain Lin Qi, Fang Yi and her mother usually keep in touch. If there was a theft in Fang Yi's home, Fang Yi's mother should have chosen to call the police. From this analysis, Fang Yi and the deceased should have known each other, so the deceased could easily get Fang Yi's personal belongings. Moreover, Fang Yi is also a very suspicious person."

"Everyone understands, right?"

Gu Ming put down his pen and looked around the venue.

"I know that because actress Fang Yi has problems with her private lifestyle, rumors are circulating in society that this is a curse from God to retaliate against her.

As the enforcers of the rule of law and order, I will not allow such rumors to spread within the police force!

According to Officer Song's analysis just now, the possibility that Fang Yi committed the crime is very high, so you must find Fang Yi within two days at all costs!

I want to see her alive or dead!


The meeting was dismissed, and the captains walked out of the meeting room while whispering about the case.

Song An took off his coat and high heels and returned them to Park Hye-jin.

"You are really good. As soon as you came, you pointed out so many doubts about this case."Park Hye-jin said with a smile.

Song An shook his head,"It's not that easy! I have a very bad feeling that once the truth of this case is revealed, I am afraid that all of us will be surprised, including myself."

Qin Ming put down his pen and looked up at Song An,"You are still referring to the method by which the murderer entered the scene."

Song An nodded,"I can be sure that the deceased entered the scene in this way, but I am still not sure about the murderer. What if, I mean what if, is there a possibility that there is no murderer at all."

Park Hye-jin buttoned up her clothes, and after hearing Song An's words, she was stunned for a moment,"Song An, do you also believe that it was a ghost who killed people? Director Gu said that we can't spread rumors randomly"

"I mean, no one killed him, he killed himself." Song An held his chin and thought.

Park Huizhen and Qin Ming looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Brother, I suggest you read more medical books! Do you know how much courage it takes to pour strong acid on yourself? This is not something that ordinary people dare to do. Unless the deceased cuts off all his nerves, otherwise, this will never happen."

Qin Ming patted Song An on the shoulder and left like a gust of wind.

Song An felt that there was a big loophole in what Qin Ming said just now, because he ignored another clue at the scene.

But at present, he is also speculating, and there is no need to point out mistakes to others.

Song An returned to the office of Team 6 and saw that Tian Rui and Chang Baole had no cases, so he discussed with Ji Jie and took them to the scene.

"Teacher Song, are we going to the scene of the acid dissolution case?" Tian Rui asked.

Song An nodded,"But remember, the deceased is not an actress, but a man."

Tian Rui and Chang Baole were dumbfounded.

The three of them had just left the office building when they saw a woman standing in the corridor wearing a white women's suit, with short hair and light makeup, about 25 years old, who looked very capable.

"Hello, are you Officer Song An from the Serious Crime Unit?"

The short-haired woman took the initiative to extend her hand."Let me introduce myself. I am an investigative reporter from Jibei TV. My name is Bai Yun."

"Hello, reporter Bai Yun".

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