Song An and Tian Rui came to Xiangguang Community and knocked on the door of 201

""Hello, Auntie. We are all staff members of the community neighborhood committee. We are here to learn about the situation from you."

Tian Rui took the old lady's hand, helped her sit down, and began to chat with her.

Fang Yi's mother has lived alone for many years. She was originally lonely, and the old lady was very happy to have Tian Rui to chat with her.

Song An walked around the house casually and pushed open a small bedroom opposite the bathroom.

The bedroom was cleaned cleanly, and there were many books on the bedside table.

Song An went up and flipped through it. Most of the books were related to acting.

Above the bedside table, there was a huge movie poster.

The poster showed a girl about 20 years old, lying on the grass, surrounded by flower petals.

The girl smiled sweetly, and cattle and sheep were grazing next to her.

Below the poster was a line of small words: Golden Bear Award-winning film"Bath", Best Actress, Ms. Fang Yi

"This is Fang Yi's bedroom."

Fang Yi was staring at the poster when Tian Rui suddenly walked in, supporting the old lady.

Song An pointed at the poster and asked,"Auntie, this movie"The Bath" is the movie that won Fang Yi the Golden Bear Award that year, right?"

The old lady nodded and said,"Yes, this 977 is my daughter's lifelong pride. She put the poster on the wall, and every time she is unhappy, she takes a look at it and immediately becomes happy."

Song An and Tian Rui helped the old lady sit down on the edge of the bed. The old lady sighed and said,"No one has asked her to film in these years, so she has been hiding in the house alone, reading books and practicing acting. She really wants to return to the stage and become an actor again."

"Auntie, I heard that a film crew signed Fang Yi some time ago. Will she go to other places to film?"Tian Rui asked. Fang

Yi's mother shook her head,"The crew actually asked her to play a supporting role, the sixth female lead, which sounds good! After Fang Yi arrived at the scene, some young actors laughed at her in front of her, saying that she was old and ugly, and no one would watch her even if she made a movie."

Song An's eyes lit up,"What happened next?"

"There is no such thing as later! Fang Yi came home and burst into tears. She hugged me and kept saying: Mom, I have no chance, I will never have another chance."

Tian Rui saw that the old lady was very sad, and quickly took out a tissue to wipe her tears.

After persuading her a few words, the two walked out of Xiangguang Community.

In the Land Rover, Tian Rui said to Song An,"Teacher Song, do you think the deceased could be Fang Yi's previous director? Fang Yi asked him to give her a chance, but was rejected by the other party, so she killed the other party in anger."

Song An shook his head,"It is possible, but the possibility is very low. When I was observing the poster, I found that the girl in the poster was lying on the ground, and there were colorful flowers and plants beside her. This shot is almost exactly the same as the shot of the deceased lying in the bathtub!"

Song An's words made Tian Rui's back cold,"Could it be that the murderer is really Fang Yi? She killed the other party and deliberately arranged the scene. After the bones dissolved, the colorful inside became the same as in the poster. This is too incredible!"

"No matter what, Fang Yi must be involved in this matter. I hope the other team members can find Fang Yi as soon as possible!"

Song An started the car, drove out of Xiangguang Community and returned to the police station.

When he arrived at the technical department on the fourth floor, several people in the technical department saw that it was Song An, and they all took off their masks and greeted him.

Even Lao Qin, who was very rare, moved a chair for Song An and asked him if he wanted some water.

"You forensic doctors, did you take the wrong medicine today? When have you ever been so enthusiastic about a living person?"

Song An looked at them a little uneasily.

Li Jinglan smiled and said,"If you hadn't asked Chang Baole to secretly give us the newly discovered evidence, we would definitely have lost our bonus this month!"

"Not only that, at least half a year's bonus will be gone, plus a 5,000-word self-review." Qin Ming raised his tweezers and said

""How is your evidence search going?" Song An asked.

Park Huizhen came over with a few pages of reports,"We extracted a fingerprint from the bathtub plug you sent, and this fingerprint is in our fingerprint database."

Song An put down the water cup, picked up the report and glanced at it quickly, lingering on the fingerprint owner for a few seconds

"Wang Shan? Not Fang Yi, but a fingerprint of a person named Wang Shan?"Song An was stunned.

"Two years ago, this girl named Wang Shan was detained by the Bingmasi Street Police Station for helping her friend in a fight, so our Curry took her fingerprints. In addition, based on our comparison, we found that she should be the girl with her hands in her pockets who appeared in the surveillance video."Park Hye-jin explained

"It's her!"

Song An pondered in his mind and roughly figured out the connection.

"I think the answer must be this! This bathtub plug is a custom-made one, made of acid-resistant material. Before 12 o'clock that night, Wang Shan personally handed it to the other party."

After Song An finished speaking, several forensic doctors nodded at the same time. The situation was almost the same as their analysis.

"Song An, there is another situation. This girl named Wang Shan........"

Li Jinglan hesitated for a moment, and Song An felt very strange,"What happened to Wang Shan?"

"She is the daughter of your team's old detective, Wang Guijin!"

Song An's heart skipped a beat!

"Wang Shan is involved in this case, and no one can figure out whether she is the mastermind or an accomplice. What if Wang Shan is the murderer, how can Old Wang bear it!"

Li Jinglan's expression was very solemn,"We have been colleagues for decades, and I see him worried all day because of his daughter's affairs."

Song An thought for a while, then shook his head,"Wang Shan just came to deliver the plug, and the possibility of her committing the crime is almost non-existent. If she went to the hotel, she should be seen on the hotel's surveillance, but Zhou Xun and others only saw her on the ICBC surveillance, which means that her suspicion of committing the crime is very low."

Several people from the Forensic Department nodded.

""Okay, I'll trouble you with the other pieces of evidence. I'll go tell Captain Guo about my findings."

When Song An came out of the forensic department, he saw Lao Wang standing outside the corridor, leaning against the wall in a daze.

Song An walked over, and Wang Guijin looked at him, still looking at him kindly as before.

"Xiao Song, I know everything about Wang Shan. I am not a good father. If she really killed someone, you should not feel any psychological burden because of me."

After Wang Guijin finished speaking, Song An shook his head and said,"Old Wang, don't worry. Wang Shan only appeared in one of the shots. She did not show up at the murder scene."

Wang Guijin looked at Song An deeply, which seemed meaningful.

"Five years ago, she wanted to apply for a dance academy to learn dancing.

I thought, what future does dancing have? What if she has no food to eat in the future? So, I suggested that she apply for computer science.

Unexpectedly, she was very angry and contradicted me on the spot.

Later, she simply ran away from home.

" PS: I checked the previous chapter many times but found nothing.

I can only wait until tomorrow.

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I hope everyone will support niche books.


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