"By the way, Xiaojian’s mother is about to get off work, so I asked her to buy some meat and a sea bass for lunch! The two teachers have finally come to visit us, so please make sure to have lunch before leaving."

Song An couldn’t bear to listen any longer, so he gestured to Lin Qi and stood up to walk around the house.

This is a two-bedroom, two-living room house with a bad layout and very poor lighting conditions.

Song An found that one of the two bedrooms was full of dust, with clutter piled up in the room, and no air conditioner installed.

The other one was very strange, clean and bright, with an air conditioner hanging on the wall, and the floor was almost spotless.

Song An walked around the clean bedroom. The bookshelf was full of books on architecture, and there was a red graduation certificate from"Lubei Institute of Architecture and Engineering".

Opening the graduation certificate, the photo showed a graceful man, handsome and handsome.

Next to the photo was the name of the owner of the certificate: Guo Jian.

On the desk opposite the bed, there were several trophies, and under the trophy base were engraved"Provincial Quality Project"、"Luban Award"、""National Excellent Supervision Third Prize" and other words.

Opening the drawer under the desk, there were several bottles of medicine. Song An took a look at the label and was shocked.

Sorafenib 15, Apatinib...

These are all drugs for treating advanced liver cancer.

After walking out of the bedroom, Song An saw Guo Jian's father holding a piggy bank and said mysteriously to Lin Qi:

"Teacher, there are more than 80 yuan in total. They are all my private savings. You can't let his mother see it! This is the money I secretly saved for Xiao Jian to buy an air conditioner! The family conditions are too poor. Our child just likes to study. He also said that he wants to be an architect when he grows up and build a big house for me."

Lin Qi could only agree with the old man and said that Guo Jian is very good in the class and will definitely be admitted to university.

The old man kept nodding his head with a proud face.

After the two came out of Guo Jian's house, Song An thought about it and went directly to the neighborhood committee of Xinyuan Community with Lin Qi.

The two explained the situation of Guo Jian's father to the director of the neighborhood committee and asked the people in the neighborhood committee to take care of him and apply for subsidies.

This is the only thing they can do for the old man.

Before getting in the car, Lin Qi wiped his tears,"Oh, I just thought of my dad. We are criminal police and we are away from home all day, and our parents are also worried."

Song An handed her a tissue,"Guo Jian is already in the late stage of liver cancer, and the old man will live alone in the future."

Lin Qi held the tissue and was speechless.

"You don't have to worry too much. I've been to the old man's room. He worked at the grain bureau before he retired, so he should have all the five insurances and one fund."Song An comforted.

Lin Qi took a long breath, looked at the sky and said,"It's okay. When people get old, they are afraid of having no money. At that time, it will be difficult to even hire a young aunt to cook." At this time, Song An's cell phone rang. He opened it and saw that it was a call from Park Huizhen from the Forensic Department.

"Song An, the charred body in Nanhe Warehouse has been confirmed to be Fang Yi! In addition, similar to the hotel corpse case, we also detected fentanyl in Fang Yi's body."

After Park Huizhen finished speaking, Song An was silent for a while and said,"If I'm not mistaken, there are definitely no traces of cigarette ash in Fang Yi's throat and organs."

"Indeed, there wasn't! It seems that Fang Yi was killed first and then her body was burned! Moreover, the cause of her death was the same as the hotel corpse dissolution case, she was also injected with a large amount of fentanyl before her death. In addition, we also found an enteric-coated capsule in the stomach of the deceased Fang Yi. The enteric-coated capsule can remain in the body for three hours, so it was not dissolved by the small intestine."

Hearing Park Huizhen's last words, Song An's eyes lit up.

After hanging up the phone, Song An patted Lin Qi on the shoulder,"The forensic department has made a major discovery, let's go back quickly!"

Lin Qi turned the steering wheel to the right and looked at Song An strangely,"Did you think of something?"

"Captain Lin, when you visited the surrounding construction workers, did you find anything unusual?"Song An asked

"There was one thing that was very unusual! The deceased was wearing a suit and tie. When he walked to the second floor of the building, the workers were holding lunch boxes and calling the roll downstairs.

Everyone felt that the deceased seemed to be deliberately letting them see him. As soon as the workers finished calling the roll, they heard a scream from the second floor, and then found a lot of thick smoke coming out of the second floor window!"Lin Qi said

"A scream? But in the hotel corpse dissolving case, other customers did not hear screams, why did Fang Yi scream?"

Song An lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

Lin Qi smiled and said,"What you said, she was doused with gasoline and set on fire! Who would not say a word when their body is burned by fire? How painful it must be! Didn't you see that during the meeting, Zhou Xun was burned by a cigarette butt and screamed for a long time."

Lin Qi's explanation made Song An shake his head.

Lin Qi was just like Qin Ming yesterday. They both ignored fentanyl. Of course, it was understandable that Qin Ming had just tested positive for it.

Lin Qi didn't understand forensics and wasn't sensitive enough to fentanyl, so he focused all his attention on arson and burning the body.

An hour later, in the office of Captain Guo Zijian,

Song An and Lin Qi ran here one after the other, panting heavily.

Song An originally thought that a gentle female criminal police officer like Lin Qi must have average athletic ability.

Unexpectedly, this female colleague who likes to wear leather boots, leather pants, and leather jackets is only half a beat slower than him in sprinting.

Several captains were in Captain Guo's office, taking notes to analyze clues.

Song An and the other ran in, and they were startled.

Qin Ming was holding the autopsy report and introducing the latest findings of the autopsy.

"This is the general situation. The deceased Fang Yi was injected with an overdose of fentanyl, then doused with gasoline and burned."

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, Song An suddenly grabbed him by the collar and shouted,"Capsule! Where is the capsule?"

"What capsule? Also, you are too close to me."Qin Ming said lightly.

Captain Guo and others were stunned by Song An's sudden reckless behavior.

"Song An, the capsules are not thrown away. They are here with me."Park Hye-jin pushed the door open and walked in.

"You suddenly hung up the phone, I knew there must be something wrong with this capsule."

Song An looked at Park Huizhen with apology. It was because the atmosphere in the police force was good and everyone understood each other. If you dared to hang up the phone with another female colleague, she would dare to flip your desk.

"Song An, what are you talking about? What capsules?"Captain Guo was stunned.

"Captain Guo, several captains, the deceased Fang Yi looked very strange from the time she appeared at the construction site to her death."

Song An calmed down and continued,"She dressed up as a man, and when the workers called the roll, she walked towards the building that was still under construction, which seemed very deliberate! Moreover, when she died, her knees were on the French window! Don't you think it's strange? She gave people the feeling that she was kneeling down to apologize to the workers outside!"

Several leaders of the criminal police team all nodded thoughtfully.

"So, I suspect that the deceased also swallowed this capsule deliberately. It seems that she had already calculated that we would find her and would definitely perform an autopsy on her within three hours! Fang Yi is guiding us!"

Song An said as he opened the capsule.

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