Chapter 111: Banquet (2)

The banquet, which started with the setting sun, became lively as everyone in the village participated. Of course, about half the people here were people I don’t know, but in this world where there’s little entertainment, everyone gladly joins in when there’s a feast.

Entertainment, huh, …… maybe I should give it a bit of thought.

「Ou, Takumi, rumor has it that you handle mithril, not to mention adamantite. Also, that Ryuuma’s armor is adamantite, right?」
「Yes, our armor also uses mithril and adamantite.」

With an ale in hand, Bobon-san started talking to me.

「Is that so? I’d also forge if I’d got ingots of ’em mithril and adamantite though.
Hey, between you and me, could ya lend me some?」
「Maybe just an ingot’s worth[1]… The furnace in Bobon-san’s workshop would only barely be able to handle, after all.」
「Ooh, I’m grateful. Drink, come on keep on drinking!」

In a good mood knowing he’d get his hands on an ingot, Bobon-san offered me an ale, but that ale is the alcohol I provided.

「Ale sure is good if its chilled.」
「Yeah, it goes well with the grilled meat.」
「This sauce is tasty.」

With ales in hand, the village men bit into the one grilled meat after the other.

「Tasty meat! 」
「Fruit water is so sweeeet~!」

「Sho gwooood!」

The small children were enjoying the barbeque too.
There are more children now than when I lived here. This is a good thing for the village.
The previous Bohd village was in a state where it could be called a marginal village. It had no future if left as it was; Just awaiting the day it becomes a deserted village.

「It’s a lively village.」

Sophia sat beside me, smiling as she watched as the lively villagers made merry.

「A mere 3 years ago, there were few people, and they weren’t as lively. The village’s economy began turning around ever since the construction of the hand pump manufacturing workshop. The young couples also increased. The number of small children will likely also increase. Even so, increasing by another 100 people might be their limit.」

It’d be good if they can develop their land size, but there is no merit in making this place into a big town. On the other hand, there is the demerit of losing rare medicinal plants disseminated around Bohd village. A multitude of medicinal plants grow in this area.

「An Adventurer guild branch as a counteraction against thieves would be desirable, wouldn’t it?」
「That’s right. There are few strong monsters in this area so it’s the thieves and bandits that they must be vigilant of.」

The wealthier Bohd village gets, the higher the likelihood they’d be targeted by thieves and bandits.

「How about using golems?」
「Indeed. The performance of the security golems did improve thanks to Titan.」

If those golems have a similar performance to the security golems protecting my mansion at Volton, they’d be able to suppress things if it’s at the degree of an ogre. Furthermore, if they’re equipped with a shield and a sword or mace, their fighting strength would increase even more.

「Ah, you two are being all flirty in a place like this~」
Akane-san tottered closer to the spot Sophia and I were talking at and then she leaned on us. Wanting to ask for help, my eyes searched for Lulu-chan, but she was having fun at the barbeque with the village children.
I gave up and kept Akane-san company.

「Akane-san, are you drunk?」
「I’m not drunk~」

No, you’re hammered, aren’t you?

「It’s a good village~. I wish I was also summoned to this village~」
「Can you drink water?」
「Dwont neeed iit~」
「Takumi-sama, I will put Akane-san to bed.」
「I’mm shtiill driiinkiiing~」

Sophia took Akane-san to the carriage.
To drink more than she could handle, her stress must have piled up.
Did Sydnia support the heroes’ minds? Those two were irritating, but maybe their environment was bad.

「She fell asleep immediately.」

Sophia, who took Akane away, came back.

「As I thought, it would be better if I take care of Akane-san, right?」

「Probably. Akane-san seems like she might break if she was at Margrave Volton’s or at the royal capital.」
「Right? Let’s support her so she can slowly adapt to this world.」
「I think that would be good for Lulu-chan too.」

Incidentally, when I looked up, the starry sky that seemed like it would fall at any moment shined.

How long did I gaze at that starry sky?

The starry sky at Mildgard’s night sky was incomparably more beautiful to the starry sky my grandfather showed me in the countryside when I was young.
And when I gazed at the starry sky again, I realized yet again that this is not Earth. Two blue moons, large and small, were suspending on the west of the sky. Few stars could be seen on the western part of the sky because of the light of those moons.

「Even I couldn’t afford to admire the moon and stars.」

I think I might have not had the mental composure to notice it, either. Even though I’ve camped many times under the moonlight, I had not noticed how beautiful the starry sky was. I really am glad that we went to Bohd village at this time.
At that moment, Sophia held my hand gently.

「The bewilderment of having been thrown into this world all of a sudden was too much for Takumi-sama’s heart, wasn’t it? Please do not worry. I will always be by your side.」
「…… thank you, Sophia. I’m counting on you.」

I held Sophia’s hand back.

Sophia has been released from slavery too, so it would be better for her to return home once. It’s not as if she could never return home ever again, like me.

「Sophia, would you like to return to your country?」

When I asked that, Sophia slowly shook her head.
「………… No. I certainly do have feelings of wanting to see Mother, however, they would have already assumed I’m dead, wouldn’t they?」
「………… I see. But if we have the chance, let’s consider going to Yggurle Kingdom.」
「………… okay.」

「Fuu, it’s a village in such a remote region, but it’s a plentiful village.」

Marnie, whose face was dyed slightly red, sat on the opposite side of Sophia.

「Marnie, your village wasn’t like this?」
「Master, Bohd village is special. My village was poor and it could barely pay the annual head tax. That’s why we placed our hopes on the pioneering village, but…………」

Marnie volunteered for the reclamation village and it failed.

「Aaa! That’s unfair!」

Just when things were close to becoming gloomy, Maria turned up feeling slightly drunk. Then she sat cross-legged on my thighs.


She instinctively looked at Marnie, and together they laughed.

「It’s a good night, isn’t it?」

The banquet at Bohd village was an enjoyable night for us. And the clamor of the villagers continued late into the night, with men who drank themselves to sleep scattered here and there.

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