The Relationship of Elves and Spirits

Knowing there was a group trying to enter the barrier by attacking it from the outside, the Spirits and I had paid them no attention and faced Yggurle Kingdom’s Third Princess Mimir across the table.

「Please, let us talk while having tea.」
「T-thank you very much.」

Maria made tea for everyone.

「Fuu~ how delicious. Maria is skillful at brewing tea.」
「You’re right~」
「Thank you very much, Undine-sama, Dyras-sama.」

Since everyone was taking a break, I had asked Princess Mimir for the important matter she had returned here for. If I didn’t, she would be unable to speak from the tension.

「So, how may we help you today?」
「Y-yes. At present, the Spirits in Yggurle Kingdom are decreasing. Furthermore, individuals lost the ability to hear the voice of the Spirits and are unable to use Spirit Magic. As such, this may be a truly impudent request, however, please stop taking any more Spirits than this from Yggurle Kingdom. And I would like to ask if there is a method the individuals who’ve lost the ability to use Spirit Magic could somehow do?」
Though she looked bitter, Mimir had earnestly appealed the words that the King and the Prime Minister had probably told her.

「My, how unfortunate. The Spirits gather here because this is a comfortable place. We do not take them here. Also, they lost the ability to use Spirit Magic? Is that not the result of having been had been careless with their interaction with the Spirits and continuing to use them like tools?」
「Now now, Undine-sama, the Princess might have been told to say that.」
「Fufu, in any case, hasn’t the Elf King spoken of this Sanctuary being his territory?」

Did Dryas’ words had hit its mark? Mimir’s complexion had turned pale. Since she looked too pitiful, I addressed her kindly.

「Princess-sama, this place isn’t owned by anyone. If I’m forced to say, then this is the land of the Spirits and the Spirit Tree. This land was a monster nest in the miasma-encroached savage lands that was purified by us, and was coincidentally made into a sanctuary because the Spirits liked it. As people that could hear the voice of the Spirits, you understand, don’t you?」
「………… Yes, I understand. However, when the King was told that the World Tree might be replaced, he was unable to make calm judgments.」
「Haa~ We said that the World Tree might be replaced, but it will not happen anytime soon. I expect this Spirit Tree will not grow to the size of the World Tree for another 100-200 years.」

When Undine said so, the expression of the Princess didn’t look well. To the elves, 100-200 years likely isn’t considered long.

「Undine, we must say that the World Tree will be replaced at the current situation. Girl, do not misunderstand that it is a decided fact.」
Hearing Dryas’ remark, the downcast Princess’ face raised.
Undine and Dryas had reassured that her that the World Tree in Yggurle Kingdom and Spirit Tree in this land taking its place is not set in stone. On the other hand, she was informed that if the Elves continue to treat the Spirits as tools, it would happen in the not so distant future.
Even so, the complexion of the Princess was still poor.

「…… Father and the Prime Minister, however, have settled with stating that if it is a land that the Spirits and a Spirit Tree are concerned with, then that land is the territory of Yggurle Kingdom. The nobles living in the avaricious royal capital are much worse.」
「Are you under the impression that Yggurle Kingdom will dispatch an army?」
「Since I have warned them, I imagine they would not do so immediately, however there is a possibility that the personal armies of the nobles would dispatch their troops to the Sanctuary.」
「Differing from the barrier in Yggurle Kingdom, the barrier here is not something that will break to powerful attacks, though. It would be easy for our God to shatter, but it would be impossible for people.」
「Haa~ If Yggurle Kingdom dispatches troops, this place would be exposed to other countries as well, wouldn’t it?」

I was worried about that. Even now, there were fools who exhausted their magic power were sitting outside the barrier, and we were able to confirm this in Sylph’s monitor-like powers. My image of Elves seems to have crumbled.

「Triaria Kingdom seems like it would be making a move again.」

Sophia didn’t hide her disgust as she said the name of the country that seemed like it be the first to send troops. Since they desperately want a base in these savage lands, Triaria Kingdom will surely send out troops. As it is close to both Valkyra Kingdom and Lomaria Kingdom, Triaria might dispatch troops to the savage lands and not be silent, and she’s getting a headache just thinking about it.
「Many countries would station troops in the vicinity of the Sanctuary.」
「Quit it.」

Undine had said so teasingly, but just imagining it wears me out.

「What could I say to Father and the Prime Minister? Jeez, I feel like running away to this place.」
「If it’s only you and an attending maid, would you like to come in and out? You would not treat us Spirits as tools, correct?」
「W-would that be alright?!」

I have a bad feeling about this, somehow. My trouble sensor was sounding out. Sure enough, Dryas looked at me smilingly and started saying outrageous things.

「Then Takumi-chan, one additional mansion please.」
「One house for us spirits to live in, and one hose for the Princess to come stay in.」
「……………… I will be building two? Just when I thought I could finally research potions with materials given by the Spirit Tree, it’s another carpentry job.」
「Takumi-sama is a carpenter?」

「No, I’m an Alchemist and at times a Blacksmith.」

So the Princess wouldn’t misunderstand, I corrected her at the speed of sound.

「Isn’t that fine? If you build two houses, we’ll give you mithril ore to use for your transmutation pedestal………… Gnome will.」
「Haa~, I understand.」

In this place where materials obtainable from the Spirit Tree were in their best condition, I had intended on creating a variety of potions. Since the rank of the potion transmuted are affected by even the temperature when combining materials, a transmutation circle was necessary. A transmutation pedestal is a large table made of a mythril alloy plank affixed onto a stand, on which I’ll draw a transmutation circle. Only Laeva and I were eager to do these minute works. We have patience, after all.

「The size and number of rooms can be the identical to Takumi’s house.」

By a Japanese’ standards, they had demanded what would normally be a house that be in the category of palatial residences. Are the Spirits free? Or is it because they are free that they are Spirits?

The Princess has no antagonistic feelings towards Yggurle, but she had decided not to report to the King and the Prime Minister that she was basically given permission to enter the Sanctuary.
About the bunch that attacked the barrier from the outside using magic, they were being investigated by Sylph’s subordinates.
We had just planted a seed, but is it just me or had it turned into something earth-shatteringly important?

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