A Violent Earthquake travels to Samandour Kingdom

The voyage to protect the Mermaids in the south of the continent was progressing smoothly, and at Fluna-san’s directions, we were approaching the area where the Mermaids are hiding.

During the voyage, we encountered monsters large and small, but most of them ran away due to the size of the ship. A portion of the enormous shark-type monsters often attacked, but their corpses floated to the surface after colliding with the ship repeatedly. These ferocious monsters truly stump me.

Also, I discovered a problem while voyaging. That is…………………too much free time. At least I, personally, don’t know what to do with my free time as we cruise in open ocean with its unchanging scenery. Golan and I were on the helm in the pilothouse, and even if that wasn’t the case, Wappa and the kids played a game of tag inside the vast ship. Maybe I should have made a recreation room. In my previous life, I think the the ferry I once boarded had a recreation room and game arcade. Although, making a large public bath was the correct choice. Everyone, more so the kids, had fun in the spacious bath.

After a few boring days, we went around the areas of the ocean south of Samandour Kingdom where the mermaids lived. Fluna-san became our point of contact. We had her say “If you so desire, why not migrate to safe seas west of the Sanctuary?”. Surprisingly, every group of mermaids wished to migrate.

「It was the same for us as well, any group would be scared to live in these waters where monster have increased and become more ferocious. All the Mermaids said that if there are safe dwellings, they certainly wish to be taken along.」

「I see, as expected, they were quite cornered. That’s why Undine hurried us.」
「Yes, many of the girls who couldn’t catch prey are in poor health, and I imagine they couldn’t even have a day where they could sleep without risking their lives.」

The sheltered mermaids slept like logs after being given food. It must have been a long time since they last slept in a safe place without needing to be vigilant.

Having been able to shelter the mermaids of the southern continent safely, we headed back to the Sanctuary feeling relieved, but it was only a bit later that we realized that we hadn’t gone so far as to consider that our gigantic sail-less ship could be seen by surrounding countries, such as Samandour Kingdom.

In an especially extravagant room in the royal castle of Samandour Kingdom, a man of excellent physique in his prime was sitting on a high class chair and drinking wine.
And then, loud footsteps could be heard from the hallway and knocking resounded from the door to the King’s room.
「Your Majesty! This is a serious matter!」
「What is this, you’re a boisterous one, Monterey.」

The sweaty man with a thin, balding head is the Samandour Kingdom’s Prime Minister, Monterey. The seemingly annoyed man whose private time was interrupted was this nation’s King Valdebeut.
The ruler of the Samandour Kingdom, a nation of commerce which had entered into diplomatic relationships with all countriesー Valkyra, Lomaria, Triaria, Sydnia, Yggurle, and Gnomstoll Kingdomー and profits from trade, Valdebeut.

With the withdrawal of the Light God Faith in Valkyra and Lomaria, this is the only country on the continent that has around the same number of churches of the Light God Faith and the Genesis Faith.

「So what is it!? Here, this late at night!?」

「Your Majesty! This is not the time to be calm! A huge ship without sails appeared in the southern seas!」
「What absurdity is this? There are many sea monsters that are large there, furthermore, I heard that they have been more ferocious recently. And you’re saying a large ship is in such a sea?」

It couldn’t be helped that Valdebeut doubted Monterey’s words. Fishing boats and transport ships for trading exist in Samandour Kingdom too. However, any boat would use a magic device to avoid monsters, and small boats would travel in shallow waters where gigantic monsters would find hard to approach. Of course, that goes for sailing ships too. A few magic ships exist, but the best it could do is make use of the sailing ship’s sails supported by Wind magic.

「Your Majesty, that enormous ship moves even without sails, and its materials have been deemed to not be of wood. According to the Shadows’ report, Mega Sharks rammed themselves onto the ship and had no effect, conversely, the Mega Sharks seemed to have floated on the sea’s surface.」
「Wha?! You said a Mega Shark, right!? Is that not a ferocious monster over 10 meters long?!」

In the harbors located in Samandour Kingdom, Mega Sharks are called “Demons of the Sea”. They are monsters that have sunk several ships to their watery graves. Krakens, Sea Dragons, and Sea Serpents seldom appear in shallow waters, but Mega Sharks would seek prey in shores of sandy beaches without hesitation.

「Which country’s ship is it? For what reason did it appear in Samandour?」

「Its nationality is unknown. The Kingdoms Valkyra, Lomaria, and the Sydnia Empire are landlocked countries. And for Yggurle Kingdom, it is difficult to imagine Elves leaving by way of ocean. Although the likeliest possibility is Gnomstoll Kingdom, they do not have a location to construct a harbor.」
「Gnomstoll’s side is a sheer cliff. Even so, isn’t it feasible for the Dwarves to construct a harbor through force?」
「How many years would it take to mobilize a mass of excellent earth mages to…………. Nevertheless, they certainly are the most likely to have.」
「Dispatch additional Shadows to Gnomstoll Kingdom.」
「Yes, by your will.」

Monterey left at a quick pace.
Alone once more in his room, Valdebeut swirled the glass in his hand, but he rapidly sobered up.

Samandour Kingdom faces the vast ocean in the south, if the gigantic ship capable of disregarding monsters invades, the nation might possibly be invaded easily. On this continent where navies do not exist, it was inevitable that Valdebeut envisioned a future of being one-sidedly trampled upon.

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