The Beginning of the Tri-nation Joint Venture

While I was rejoicing over the ripening of the ears of rice, the joint venture of the three nations, Valkyra, Lomaria, and Yggurle, had begun.

Mobilizing a mass of mage users specializing in Earth Attribute from the three nations, they’ve begun constructing a highway from Wedgefort to the Sanctuary and as well as the foundation works of the town.
Each nation dispatched their knights, suppressing the monsters in the vicinity with their might so as to not hinder the construction.

The three nations each provide 1/3 of the funds to begin the establishment of the town in the savage lands. Small they may be, monster nests dotted the savage lands in great numbers. Although strong monsters rarely come out of them, it doesn’t mean there are no monsters living in the savage lands but outside the monster nests. As such, from time to time, Kaede and Tsubaki would thin out the monsters without being discovered by the knights.

This joint undertaking seems to have significance as it would stimulate the participating countries’ economy. Because the creation of a town is a public works project, a large amount of money will shift. Building materials such as stone and wood have been ordered equally from the three countries’ companies, and the moment the safety of the laborers was guaranteed, they continued to gather from the three countries. The gathered people have already made a worker’s settlement, as well as a garrison for the knights, thus creating a town of temporary cabins and many tents.

Merchants also gather where people gather, and so countless of them have already gathered to do business with the knights and laborers.

「They have a plan for the highway to be up to the Sanctuary, aren’t they a bit too rash?」

「Now now, I understand what you’re saying Takumi, but those people are also desperate, so it can’t be helped. Like Yggurle Kingdom, they are planning on a highway from their country to here.」

When I said it with a slight frown, Undine showed her understanding of the three nations’ franticness. Still, it’s only been a couple of days since the observation party returned and the eagerness of the three countries to have secured and mobilized this many people makes me draw back a little.

We erased our presence as we watched the many, many people working.

Specifically highway and the high walls that would become the ramparts of the town that were being completed at a quick pace with Earth Magic.

「They have mobilized many mages that use Earth attribute magic, haven’t they?」
「Yes, the Elves are also invoking Spirit Magic, so it appears that the three countries have brought their own people.」
「In Yggurle Kingdom’s case, there is a mage division that specializes in Earth attribute and Wind attribute Spirit Magic.」

While I was watching them build high walls and a moat with interest, Undine informed me that Spirit Magic was also being utilized. Hearing this, Sophia said that Yggurle Kingdom’s mage division was likely deployed.
Actually, I understood just by observing that Earth attribute Spirit Magic is incredibly powerful. If we’re to talk about the efficiency and power in terms of magic power, then common attribute magic wouldn’t be a match for Spirit magic. It’s not that attribute magic is weak, but when use magic of the same might, Spirit magic is overwhelmingly more economical.

When I made Wedgefort’s ramparts, I used Earth magic as if magic power was water, but it was nonsensical. Sophia only had aptitude for the Water and Wind attributes, nor could she borrow the strength of Gnome with Spirit magic, so she continued to be my escort while I made the walls, but if she had been able to help with Spirit magic, I think things would have been much easier.

「Takumi-sama, the number of people with the aptitude for the Earth attribute in the Mage division of Yggurle Kingdom are few, therefore, I believe that it balances out with the two other countries.」
「I see, Dwarves are more compatible with Gnome and Salamander than Elves too.」

The town under construction is not a halfway point with Wedgefort, but half a day’s walking distance from the Sanctuary. I feel it’s a little too close.

「Hey Undine, would it be better if we made high walls in the Sanctuary too?」
「H~mm, it isn’t necessary to make the Sanctuary a fortress city, but I agree to covering it with a bulwark. I believe it would be effective for making the Sanctuary known from here onwards.」

「…………it is our duty to assert the demarcation line, isn’t it?」
「Of course it is. As long as we the Great Spirits who have no lifespan and the Spirit Tree are here, this barrier will not lose even to an Ancient Dragon. Well, the Ancient Dragon is already a being close to Spirits, so it would not be hostile to us and the Spirit Tree. Better yet, it might even come greet us soon.」

Before I knew it, Sylph spoke of something terrifying. I’ve heard that Ancient Dragons have a different status from things like Sea Dragons. Western dragons and eastern dragons[1] are clearly different. The strength of such a being is entirely different.

「Well, it falls in comparison to us Great Spirits though.」
「…………that doesn’t give me peace of mind though.」
「It’s fine, there are no bad little ones right now.」

Undine told me it would be alright when I was not reassured by Sylph’s words, but she then said “right now”.

「You said “Right now”, which means there were bad ones before.」

「It was a long, long time ago. At that time, Sylph manifested and defeated it.」
「Yep yep, it was 1 hit with a Wind Blade, you know.」
「Takumi-sama, I believe this is only natural for the Great Spirits.」

The Ancient Dragon’s scales that had excellent physical defense and magic defense was done in in one hit. The Great Spirits are amazing. To Sophia, it was only natural.

「Now now, don’t space out, you’ll make the bulwark, won’t you?」
「Ah, yeah, you’re right. Okay, tell me where to build it.」
「Leave it to me!」

At the end of the day, I went around the Sanctuary to determine the area to be enclosed by the walls.
I’ll have Maria and Titan who can use Earth attribute magic help out.

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