Greatest Alchemist? Chapter 206 A new event

By the time we finished the forts we were in charge of in the south to the reclamation of the farmland in the north, the construction of the settlement that the agrisoldiers and their families would live in was also completed.

Because the farmland can immediately be planted in with Gnome and Dryas’ powers, grains and vegetable seeds were promptly sowed in. The agrisoldiers do combat training and wall reinforcing during their breaks from farming.

In the living room of my mansion in the Sanctuary, I drank tea and idled for the first time in a long while.

「Fuu~ The tea is delicious.」
「Thank you very much, Master(Husband).」
「Marnie, you should take a break too.」

It was then that Akane and Lulu-chan entered the living room while stretching. Lulu-chan prepared to brew tea for Akane once she sat on the sofa.

「Hey Takumi, don’t you think the Sanctuary needs an event?」

「Umm, we held a showy concert recently though……」

Yes, thanks to the success of that concert, for some time, I was busy making instruments. Even now, the three countries Valkyra Kingdom, Lomaria Kingdom, and Yggurle Kingdom were making an orchestra to produce new music.

「That’s that and this is this. I think we need a festival!」
「A festival? Could this “festival” you’re talking about be a festival like the one in Japan?」
「Yeah! That! I want to eat cotton candy and candied apples!」
「Master, what is “cotton candy”?!」

Kaede bit at the topic of food.

「In the place that Akane lived, it’s a sweet thing often found in festivals. A candy that is fluffy and melts as soon as it’s in your mouth.」
「Woaaah! Kaede wants to eat too!」
「That’s right Kaede!」
「Is the festival (omatsuri) not a harvest festival (shuukakusai)?」

It looks like Sophia doesn’t know what a festival (omatsuri) is. This world does harvest festivals, but hardly any other event. Come to think of it, since coming to this world, I haven’t seen anything besides a harvest festival.
「A Japanese festival was originally a ceremony to worship the gods and ancestors, for gratitude, prayers, and comforting of the spirits. But what Akane wants are the food stalls that come out at that time.」
「Isn’t that obvious? What am I going to do with carrying a portable shrine(mikoshi). Ikayaki, takoyaki, kakigoori.」
「What delicious sounding names nya.」

Lulu-chan’s eyes were sparkling too. This had become a situation where I can’t say no. Akane’s sort of festival seems to be disjointed from Shinto rituals. Normally, the Shinto ritual was the main event and the food stalls were the extra though.

「So, will you do it?! Or will you not?!」
「Haa, I get it. Lulu-chan and Kaede seem like they’re looking forward it as well. Just in case, we’ll leave offerings to Norn-sama, the Spirit Tree, and the Great Spirits.」
「It’s similar to a harvest festival, isn’t it?」
「Sophia! It’s not the same as a harvest festival! A harvest festival doesn’t have candied apples!」
「It doesn’t exist. That thing.」

In the end, having caved to Akane’s influence, it’s been decided that I would think and prepare stalls for the fair. Well, the kids living in the Sanctuary will be delighted too, and it would be fine to consider this a reward for them doing their best at work everyday. The inhabitants of the Sanctuary have also greatly increased, to the point that I can’t remember everyone’s names and faces. Since building the school, the children are glad to be able to study, but perhaps amusement is also necessary.

Leaving aside what I can or can’t do for the time being, I asked Akane what stalls would be good.
「So Akane, your requests are?」
「Let’s see, cotton candy and candied apples are essential. Goldfish scooping looks unreasonable, so how about yo-yo fishing? And I want to eat takoyaki and baby castella. Also, I want have kushiage and yakitori.」
「…………aren’t almost all of those food?」

For the cotton candy, if the machine is replaced by a magic device, the only ingredient would be sugar so there’s no problem with that. The candied apple, takoyaki, baby castella, kushiage, yakitori are fine to reproduce because we’ve finally made shoyu and usta sauce. Goldfish scooping is too much, so for yoyo fishing, I’ll have to check if I can make rubber balloons.

「Got it. I don’t know whether or not this can be realized, but I’ll try giving it some thought.」

Takoyaki. There are squid and octopus-like beings even in this world, so I’ll try discussing it with the Mermaid Fluna. So I think both takoyaki and okonomiyaki can be made. Baby castella. I wonder if it would be fine to replace baking powder with baking soda. Cotton candy. I’ll be making a magic device for it. Yakitori sauce. It has soy sauce, sake, mirin, sugar, and I don’t know the rest. I’ll adjust the taste when I attempt to make it. I don’t think the kushiage will have any issue.

「Ah, the kakigoori too, okay?」
「Yes, yes.」

If I’ll be using all sorts of fruits, then it would be better to discuss that too.

「I’ll go ask Melty-san if she’ll sell fruits.」
「See ya!」

The managers of the Sanctuary’s orchard are the first Elven family that arrived at the Sanctuary, the mother Melty-san and sisters Melanie and Malorie. The population of the Elves has increased, but the Elven women have a central role in the orchard work aside from the manual labor.

「Melty-san, can we talk about a few things?」
「My, Takumi-sama. If it’s you talking, then whatever it is I shall obey.」
「「Likewise for me.」」
「No, it’s not that heavy a topic. Please calm down a bit. The truth is…………」

I hurriedly talked about wanting to use apples and other fruits in stalls for the festival that Akane suggested.

「Hmm, a thing like that would be no problem at all. Both this orchard and us are here thanks to you, after all, Takumi-sama. Because of this, even if you were to tell me to present my body, I would gladly do so.」
「No no, calm yourself, Melty-san!」

Once Melty-san and the girls composed themselves, they agreed to supply fruits. Afterwards, they also agreed to help with the candied apple and kakigoori stalls. The candied apple stall will have apples and grapes, and for the kakigoori stall, they promised to help make syrup with various fruits.

Now then, to make the stalls, I have to talk to the Dwarves.

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