Labyrinth of Heresy 11

「(Just how many people and monsters did it take in?)」

With various types of arms and tentacles shooting out of the haphazardly combined mass and attacking me, I was exposed to the fierce attack of the grotesque Monster, so I had to switch to the defensive.
As I was grasping for a way to attack the monster that regenerates even when it’s cut with the sword and spear and absorbs magic attacks, I avoided its attacks and counterattacked.

「(Rather than the magic not passing through, it’s more like it gets absorbed. ……no, there are magic that get through.)」

I stowed the Ice Bringer into the Item Box and, in the middle of the storm of attacks, I moved towards the monster.

Repelling a tentacle attack that came from my blind spots using my gauntlet, I reached for that tentacle and activated a spell that could be called my own.


I discovered a clue in the tentacle that I completely destroyed.
It absorbs magic launched at it, but the Alchemy skill 『Decomposition!』  still connected.

I had discovered an weakness, but it doesn’t seem like I could make an opening. Since I was preventing its regeneration with Decomposition, the Monster’s sense of danger made it refuse to approach me.

An ogre-like arm swooped in from outside my senses. In an instant, its claws came down on me when my reaction lagged behind, and at that moment,

A wind magic spear cut off the ogre arm that grew from the monster.

「Please concentrate on the main body!」
「I’m here too!」


Maria rushed in and cut a tentacle using a flame magic spear.

That was when I realized that the battle was tilting in our allies’ favor.
Our side seems to have injured people that retreated to the back, but we’ve managed to keep anyone from dying.

I ignored the monster claw grazing at my cheek and carried my feet forward.
I sidestepped the attacking monster arms, tentacles, and tails, then used  『Decomposition』.

「Shit, it’s turning into a battle of endurance.」

Decomposed parts of the Monster did not regenerate, but just how many monsters and people did it absorb? Different monster parts continued to attacked one after the other.

「Ah! Oh no!」
The moment I lost concentration, a human arm wielding a sword protruded out from the Monster and headed towards me.
Just as the sword was about to reach me, a halberd swung in order to throw that sword up.


「I’m here to assist! Iruma-dono, I leave the Monster’s main body to you!」
「King Gandalf!」

King Gandalf worked together with Sophia and Maria, attacking in order to split the Monster’s attention and stop attacks still aimed at me.

「LEt mE eAaa4aaAaaT!!」

Perhaps irritated, a large number of arms and tentacles shot out from the monster in one go, a scorpion stinger and thick dragon-like scaled tails began appearing violently.


Despite the rapidly increasing pressure, I still activated 『Decomposition』 even while attacking frantically.
「Quit your dillydallying!」

Seeing that the subordinates who desire power so much that they turned into monsters were gradually decreasing in number before his very eyes, Pope Warvaal did not conceal his irritation.

「You are a hero that took an enormous amount of magic power and time to summon! Make yourself useful to us!」

Having been driven away to an ominous place where no human lived called the Demon Continent, they created a new base. Yet, the people that drove them away and the caused the decline of the Divine Empire Sydnia had relentlessly pursued them to this continent and just as they thought they had finally built a new base with the power of their God, their base was attacked once more. It was inevitable that blood rose to Warvaal’s head.

There was something that creeped at the exasperated Warvaal’s feet.


「!? Wha!? Something is…!」
「What are you doing!? I am the Pope!!」

Leaving only shrieks behind, Warvaal was consumed by the monster. The Monster that devoured Warvaal pulsated and began catching the troops of Sydnia that had turned into monsters.

「Mo0Oo0ooRe! Eaa4aAt!!」

The monster that had cut loose of its bindings started to rampage wildly.
「Rear guard units fall back and support from a distance!」
「Vanguards, don’t get too close!」
「The injured, fall back momentarily!」

Queen Fraal, King Gandalf, and King Guzhr jumped in to instruct their troops to surround the Monster.
I alone faced the Monster.

When I become unsure of my remaining magic power from the continuous usage of 『Decomposition』 , I drank mana potions and used every bit recovered back into casting it more.
To break down even a part of a monster like this is a lot of work, but perhaps because the Monster was originally a tattered being, its ability to resist the skill was weak.

「Ag4N3eeeEee! LeT’s b3cOmeE onE!!」

The face of Akira which had surfaced from the Monster called out Akane’s name.
The exterior of the Monster had heads, arms, and legs of not only Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Trolls, but also Wolf-type and Insect-type monsters haphazardly projecting from it, but its main consciousness seemed to be Akira’s.

I kept my strong feelings in check and exposed myself to the storm of attacks.
Sophia, Maria, then King Gandalf and King Guzhr, and before I knew it, even King Ryvar, King Deega, and King Jairu were repelling the attacks that I could not evade.

「Akira! We’ll set you free!」

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