Chapter 536: Rooms neededAt the speed Tsubaki was pulling the carriage, the Sanctuary was just ahead.

As for me, I was wondering whether it was fine to place Freesia-san, who in the Lodge, but it wasn’t good to set a precedent.

The gate is defended by golems specialized in guarding, and the outer section was being patrolled by security golems, so I thought there was no problem, but my opinion doesn’t exactly come across here.

We passed through the gate between the outer section and the Sanctuary and headed straight for the center.

Aside from my mansion, Princess Mimir’s residence, and the mansion for the Great Spirits, this section also comprised of many community establishments such as the church and concert hall.

Freesia-san had come here once during the wedding, but she didn’t have the freedom to look around last time, so she was gazing intently at the scenery of the Sanctuary outside the carriage.

「I did not have the chance to view this last time during the wedding, but now that I am looking at it once more, the Sanctuary is impressive. I am a citizen of Yggurle Kingdom which is surrounded by nature, however, this seems pleasant to live in.」

「Pleasant to live in?」

Freesia-san spoke excitedly, but it felt like there was a worrying word mixed in there.

「U-umm, what do you mean by pleasant toー 「Oh my, we’ve arrived!」 umm, Freesia-san.」

The carriage arrived at the mansion, and Sophia and the others came out to meet us.


Slamming the door open, Freesia jumped out of the carriage and pulled Sophia into an embrace.

「M-mother, please calm down.」

「Well done, Sophia! I am finally going to be a grandmother!」

Freesia-san was excited and in high sprits, and perhaps because it was her first time seeing her mother like this, Sophia was baffled.

「Isn’t your lower half cold? Have you been taking good care of your nutrition?」

「M-mother, it’s embarrassing, so please settle down! Takumi-sama and everyone else is watching!」

「Oh my, oh no, I......」

It was then that Freesia looked around. Then she saw Sylph looking unamused.

「S-Sylph-sama! I have shown you something so unsightly!」

Perhaps she thought she had exposed the Great Wind Spirit Sylph to disgraceful behavior, she fell to her knees and apologized profusely.

「N-no, it’s not that you’re not allowed, but......」

「Then it is fine. I have my son-in-law’s permission.」


Sophia, you can’t get agitated.」

「 apologies.」

For the time being, I had to calm Sophia down.

「Well, it can’t be helped now that I’ve arrived. When I return can be solved at a different time.」

「Haa, what will we do about her room?」

She’s not content with staying in the Lodge, after all.

「Takumi-sama, how about we take this opportunity to add on to building?」

「Haa, should we? Laeva you’ll help me right?」

「I can assist with the interior and the magic devices.」

「Thanks a bunch. ......Sophia, don’t get to agitated, okay?」

Recently, Charlotte’s mother Madam Elizabeth had been staying in the mansion too frequently. That’s why there’s no more vacant rooms. And so, Laeva took this opportunity to propose adding an annex.

Incidentally, Madam Elizabeth alternates staying between the Lodge and this mansion. She shows no sign of returning to the Royal Capital.

I took wood and stone from the Item Box, solidified an image in my mind and invoked transmutation in one go.

The first and second floors added four rooms.

I broke down the wall using 『Decomposition』 to remove that connecting point.

After that, Laeva and I split the work to make beds, closets, and other various things.

Was she really going to stay more than six months? I feel sorry for Dante-san.


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