Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 669: If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

Crazy, the ultimate mad!

The sound of the piano is high, and everyone perceives it, the artistic conception of the piano sounds like an instant sublimation.

Moreover, it is still getting stronger!

In front of Luo Wushu, an astonishing storm of piano sounds converged, pervading devastating fluctuations.

At this moment, Yunhai's expression became extraordinarily solemn, and from the sound of the piano, he felt a sense of danger, as if it could destroy everything.

"Do Youqin, is it so scary?" Yun Hai couldn't help asking himself.

At the beginning, outside Qingu, Luo Wushu had no resistance at all in front of him.

But now, it can threaten him.


There was a loud noise, and the dark dragon and the piano sound storm met, erupting into a terrifying sound.

"Roar..." The evil dragon roared, and the dark body seemed to be swept out of the monstrous magic power, directly rushing into the storm.

"May I ask Dong Liushui, don't hesitate to be short and long with whom?"

Luo Wushu spoke quietly, his expression still unchanged.

The ten fingers quickly plucked the strings, and there was a glimmer of brilliance on the body, and the temperament became more and more dusty.

In the piano sound storm, there are countless sharp swords emerging, clamoring loudly, and with an incomparable sharpness, they descend towards the dark dragon.

That sharp sword, like a robbery sword, tore through the defense of the dark dragon, penetrated it, and rips it directly apart.

The Qin Yin storm continued to sweep, shrouded in the shadow of the sea of ​​clouds.

At the stage of discussion, many people's faces have changed. Luo Wushu's strength is so powerful?

This is different from what they expected.

Of course, they also understand that if they change places, the situation is also not much better than the sea of ​​clouds.

Yun Hai got up, with a look of horror on his face, was it actually a ruin?

The soul of the piano appeared in front of him, and the strings of the soul of life were also played, and the guqin and the soul of the piano played at the same time.

In an instant, the sound of the piano shook the sky and was extremely violent.

Many people showed painful expressions on their faces, and the violent sound of the piano seemed to attack their spirits, and they had to gather their spirits to resist, otherwise they would end up miserably.

Luo Wushu also felt the threat of this piano sound. The ten fingers played quickly, making it seem that a more terrible offensive was brewing in the piano sound storm.


Yunhai screamed, rolling resoundingly, even his voice violently echoed in everyone's mind.

The soul of the piano blends with the notes of the guqin, and in front of him, there are golden arrows condensed.


The arrow pierced through the void, carrying an extremely violent wave, and shot towards the piano sound storm.

Luo Wushu glanced away, with a sense of gaze, "A long song shocked the world, straight up to the blue sky to capture the bright moon!"

The strings are plucked faster, and the outgoing notes merge into the storm of piano sounds, making the storm more and more violent, without fear of everything.

The strong wind blows, his long hair is flying freely, and his white clothes are hunting and hunting, exuding a heroic spirit.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A sharp arrow fell crazily, and a terrible confrontation erupted in the piano tone storm, trying to directly pierce it and smash it.

But in the storm of piano notes, waves of destruction were also vomited, annihilating the sharp arrows that came.

"You might finish listening to this song?"

Luo Wushu asked faintly, only to see that the piano tone storm continued to roll towards the sea of ​​clouds, trying to submerge his figure.

Many people's hearts trembled, looking at Luo Wushu shockedly, how good is his piano sound?

Even the sea of ​​clouds, in front of it, will be crushed strongly.

You know, only with regard to the sound of the piano, few people in Donghai Fu can do it.

Although this is due to the fact that there are few people who practice qin, it also cannot conceal the outstandingness of Yunhai.

Otherwise, he is not qualified to follow the Son of God.

"Sea of ​​Clouds!" The Son suddenly shouted out of the Lundao stage.

Yunhai glanced at Shengzi, and instantly realized that he quietly took a prepared pill in his mouth.


In an instant, his blood seemed to boil, and an incomparably violent mana swept across his body suddenly, and his breath rose sharply.

"Luo Wushu, I don't deny your sound knowledge, but today, you don't want to beat me!"

Yunhai's face was flushed, with incomparable ferociousness and madness.

Duyouqin, he is bound to win.

"Blood lotus pill!" Luo Wushu glanced at Yunhai, disapproving, is this the trump card that Shengzi prepared for him?

Not much!

"You can actually see it?" Yun Hai was stunned, and then he had a growing ferocity on his face.

"Then you should understand more, what kind of scene will be waiting for you next."

"The arrogance you show will become a joke for a while."

The sound of Yunhai's piano hasn't changed much, but the waves surging in front of him have indeed become stronger several times in an instant.

At this moment, he can fight even in the late stage of the Tong Dharma Realm.

A sharp sword, converged and born, with a hideous meaning, smashed through the air.

"Despicable!" Wu Sha Sha Dai frowned, and even if his cultivation base took such a big advantage, she even took this kind of short-term strength-enhancing pill.

"Shasha's words are wrong, but no one has said that it is impossible to take a pill during battle."

"Na Luo Wushu has the advantage of Duyouqin, and no one said anything about him!"

The son smiled and looked at the saint, "I am disrespectful of the quota!"

The saint said noncommittal: "Laughing now, is it too early?"

"It's a foregone conclusion!" Shengzi smiled.

"With the help of the blood lotus pill, within an hour, Yunhai's cultivation level is comparable to that of the later stage of the Tong Dharma realm."

"How can Luo Wushu have another chance of winning?"

The three days were not only for Yunhai to heal his injuries, but also for the battle to become suspenseless.

Of course, Luo Wushu's strength was amazing enough.

But it's just amazing, it's hard to change anything.

Duyouqin, Feiluo Wushu is eligible to have it.

Hearing the words of Saint Son, everyone understood that Luo Wushu really had no chance of winning.

However, he did not lose to Yunhai, but to Shengzi.

If Ruo Luo Wushu can also get the help of the saint, the result will be different.



With a loud noise, the sharp sword rushed into the storm, seeming to be able to break all the shackles and directly tear the storm apart.

"Do you have a chance to finish this song?" Yun Hai asked back, with an incomparable irony in his eyes.

Luo Wushu dare to continue to be mad again?

The sharp sword broke through the storm, turned into a stream of light, and directly punished Luo Wushu's figure of Fuqin.

"Can you win without a book?" Mo Qingcheng's heart trembled and looked at Mo Fan.

Although she has almost blind belief in Luo Wushu, she has no bottom in her heart when she sees the power displayed by that sword.

After all, she hadn't seen Luo Wushu make a move for too long, and she didn't know what Luo Wushu's current strength was.

"Yeah!" Mo Fan nodded slightly, without thinking, "I may not be able to beat Brother Luo, let alone that idiot Yunhai."

Hearing Mo Fan's unabashedly ironic voice, many people showed a strange color.

Hearing what he meant, wouldn't Yunhai be his opponent?

It also……

How can the people who have entered the Donghai Mansion practice more arrogantly than the others?

Luo Wushu took the initiative to challenge first, and then this fat man made a big deal.

It is worth mentioning that in the high-altitude battle that day, except for the Saint Son, the others did not know that Mo Fan had brutally abused Yunhai.

And these, Mo Fan disdain to show off, the saint son, naturally it is impossible to deliberately spread it.

After all, Yunhai still needs to retain the last face.

Mo Qingcheng became more at ease. Since Mo Fan spoke like this, the ending would naturally not be too different.

Although, this remark sounds a bit exaggerated to many people.

But she understood that neither Mo Fan nor Luo Wushu was a targetless person.

In this battle, Luo Wushu will win.

On the Dao stage, Luo Wushu still sat in the air, playing the piano.

One after another, the sound of the piano became more and more high-pitched, making his whole body raging in an astonishing storm.

The gust of wind swept across the world, and the weather became extremely harsh in an instant.

"Boom..." There was a thunder from heaven and earth, and everyone seemed to have a flash of frightening lightning.

The sound of the piano was still rising and becoming stronger, the sun was blocked by dark clouds, and in an instant, thunder and lightning flashed, and the power between heaven and earth ran away, and it seemed that a terrible offensive was brewing.

"The state of the world is overwhelmed by the clouds and rain, and it makes people dream of returning to the mountains."

When the sharp sword came, Luo Wushu slowly let out a voice.

The devastating sound of the piano offensive and the sword intersected, and in just an instant, it shattered and annihilated.

Many people's hearts trembled. In this state of the sea of ​​clouds, Luo Wushu could even be an opponent?

This guy, where is the limit?

The world situation was plucked by the sound of the piano, and a devastating offensive of the sound of the piano swept out, covering the entire Lundaotai.

He could not only finish the song "Long Song Xing", but also played it beautifully.

From now on, the name of the sea of ​​clouds will resound throughout the Donghai Mansion.

However, he is a supporting role.

Yun Hai frowned and his expression was extremely gloomy.

He originally thought that there would be no suspense in this battle, and Luo Wushu would definitely be crushed by it.

However, who would have thought it would be such a scene.

Even after he took the blood lotus pills, he couldn't help it.

Looking at Shengzi's slightly indifferent eyes, and then thinking of Luo Wushu's ironic words, Yun Hai knew that now he has no retreat.

If this battle were defeated so ugly, in the future, he would no longer be qualified to follow the Saint Child's practice.

The Son will never allow a loser to follow around.

Therefore, he cannot lose!

Moreover, for the sake of Duyouqin, I would not hesitate to do so.

Crazy thoughts rushed into my mind. At this moment, the sea of ​​clouds had become helpless, only desperately fighting.

If you don’t succeed, you will become benevolent...

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