Eve laughed and said, very easygoing.

"Remember your words, if there is any loss of my people, even if I fight for this life, you and your father will live in a nightmare for a period of time in the future. Even deer pill can't stop it!"

Chihiro sneered and pointed to Qin Feng and others behind him. He said in a deep voice: "it's almost here. I'll find the way and ask them to follow."

As a result, she rode the snow wolf and burst out, leaving a whirling wind dust and diving down to the jungle under the hill,

the speed and bravery of the wind and lightning made Eve nod frequently.

"You'd better be honest and obey the command of the man in front of you. Whoever dares to disobey is the end of the line."

Eve's voice dropped. Suddenly, he surrounded the guards beside Qin Feng and others. At the same time, he raised the laser spear in his hand, and instantly pierced the body of one of the subordinates of commander Zhao into pieces of meat and scattered them on the ground. Even the snow wolf was scared to death and lay on the ground shivering.

Too abrupt, Zhao head of the reaction over, face more gloomy, dead bite teeth.

That subordinate, with him for seven or eight years, but finally even a word can not stay, was instantly killed.

In his heart, he was filled with hatred, forced by the situation, but could only bear it.

Qin Feng is also in the heart of a shudder, this eve Fu means really cruel, cutting bold, not like a woman should have the character.

At that time, all the people drove snow wolves to the bottom of the hill.

Just then, a huge roar came from below.

Qin Feng and others, who are in full swing, all stare at each other. They can see a colorful python with a length of tens of meters and a bucket thick. They are plundering out of the dense forest. Chihiro in front of him, riding a snow leopard, crossed the path of cold electricity.

A piece of green liquid, from the air of the python, sprinkled down, the trees were instantly soaked in thousands of holes, the ground was corroded, emitting black smoke.

The smell is pungent and has strong toxicity. It makes people feel stuffy and nauseous.

Qin Feng quickly took out a detoxification pill and threw it into his mouth. The suffocation disappeared.

But see Zhao head and others, are dead bite teeth, face appeared a touch of pain color!

"You can't go there. It's a poisonous tumor python. There's no way to live once you get close to it."

When he was halfway there, he saw Chihiro riding a snow leopard and triumphant with the giant python. He was very breathtaking. Countless times, he saw that he was enveloped by the venom, and all of them walked around.

But Qin Feng and others just stopped, a series of whistling sound came from the rear.

A shower of lasers, a dense net of strangulation, roared over their heads.

The sharp edge tore the air flow, leaving behind a series of explosions!

Laser arrow!

A light arrow with ten times more penetrating power than a sniper bullet can shoot through any ancient warrior in the early days of the emperor.

On the spot, when the two subordinates of commander Zhao stopped the diving speed of the snow wolf, they were pierced and fell from the snow wolf to death.

"A group of mindless things, what have I just said, disobedient, there is no amnesty to kill those who disobey!"

in the rear, Eve, holding a laser bow and arrow, aimed at commander Zhao and others, and yelled coldly.

At her side of the hundreds of forbidden guards, also holding laser arrows, locked in the crowd.

"What to do, let's go!"

Qin Feng called out to the head of Zhao.

"Rush forward, and then wait for an opportunity to escape their control. Then we will be free, and then join with those blood clans. When they are encircling the forbidden animal, we will take the opportunity to kill them by surprise!"

Commander Zhao quickly gave the plan, pretending to rush down.

Qin Feng after hearing, the heart is like a mirror, but did not tear it down, also follow up.


The python is very terrible. Its power sweeps all over the place. The tree with thick bowl mouth is uprooted by its body and bombards Qianxun violently. The ground trembles.


Oops! ~

the wood rolled by the python was thrown out like lightning, and the speed was as fast as lightning. The speed of the snow wolf couldn't compare with one of them. When it came to a critical moment, Qianxun gave up the mount of the snow wolf, jumped out and landed on an old wood branch, which was flexible and ran up like a monkey.

The snow wolf, who was abandoned by her, immediately gave up the wood rolled by the Python and smashed it more than ten times in succession. The broken tendon was broken and the flesh and blood were blurred. After a miserable sob, there was no movement.

The next moment, Qin Feng and others become an instant exposure, don't Python stare.


The python opened its mouth and spewed out a large amount of green venom, sweeping away.

On the spot, two people were shrouded in the venom, and the corroded flesh and blood were separated on the spot, and even the bones were continuously smashed on the ground. Even the snow wolf's Mount was not spared.

This scene, however, frightened commander Zhao. He didn't expect that the woman who was the pioneer would suddenly break away from the fighting state and take them as the target to attract Python's hatred.Qin Feng had foresight for a long time. When he was climbing a tree in Qianxun, he jumped from his mount and ran to the back of a huge rock at a speed to avoid the attack of venom.

Although there was no damage, it was also very dangerous. The huge stone was constantly foaming, and the corrosion shrinkage was more than 50%.

"My mother, this is more poisonous than high sulfuric acid!"

Qin Feng tilted his head, staring at the rock melted by the venom, grinning and exclaiming.

It seems that the most damage is the mount poison!

Zhao Tuan had a long life and escaped from it. Several of his subordinates waved laser knives and resisted a wave of poisonous Python's sweeping attack, and were in danger.

All of a sudden, a beautiful image fell from the sky, holding a laser bow, a torrential pear like continuous fire, dozens of laser arrows all accurately pierced the Python's body.

Apparently, none of the laser arrows hit the deadly seven inches, but only pierced the scales on its head.


Who could have thought that the poisonous boa could make a wild animal's roar. I'm afraid it's going to be fine.


Under the sharp pain, the python is irritable, and the huge tail whistles across. Qin Feng instinctively steps back more than ten meters.

The half man high rock was smashed into pieces in an instant. Several pieces of gravel shot out. Qin Feng waved his laser knife in his hand and blocked his body!

Stick, stick!

After the three percussion sound, the laser knife was almost defeated, and the stone was crushed by the flowing laser.

Can't stay any longer, that Python is too fierce, Qin Feng has begun to look for a way.

However, behind him, Eve, with more than 100 guards, is releasing laser arrow rain and launching a total attack on python.

If he turns back now, he will be targeted and shot into a hedgehog on the spot.

But if you don't look back, there's a python in front of you, and there's no way out on both sides.

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