
The pig head monster was awakened, naturally very angry, opened its mouth and showed ferocious fangs. It was even more brutal than the second elder martial brother. It looked like a wild boar magnified by ten times.

It began to be irritable, looking for the culprit who disturbed its sleep, and instantly locked Qin Feng in the distance.


Another roar of thunder on the flat ground nearly broke Qin Feng's eardrum.

"You step on the horse, when I am a God, so far away, wake you up is that silly old seven, it has nothing to do with me!"

Qin Feng pointed to a seven under the boulder, the fire suddenly came up, regardless of the fear of emotion, angry voice scolding.

To his surprise, the pig's head had a trace of intelligence. He really lowered his huge head. The lantern's bloody eyes were staring at ah Qi below, and he opened his mouth to devour it.

Ah Qi stands still. Qin Feng is in a hurry. He knows that he has attracted the attention of the pig head monster. He is obviously going to commit suicide. He must not be allowed to succeed.

The next second, Qin Feng into a wild wind, recklessly rushed out.

However, no matter how fast his speed is, there is a difference of 100 meters. There is no time for him to solve the problem. However, all he can do is try his best and look at God for the rest.

When the pig's mouth was about to fall, Qin Feng still did not stop!

At the critical moment, pig's head suddenly uttered a scream of rage. His fat neck was stuck on the boulder, causing his mouth to bite. However, it was 10 meters away from ah Qi's head.

But it was frightening enough. Qin Feng took the opportunity to rush past, grabbed the silly old seven's hair with a big hand, and rolled away to one side.

"Three questions from Laozi, are you cerebral palsy? Wake up and remember that your life was given by your parents. It's not just because of your own efforts that you should take your parents' genes and pass on your lineage. It's not because of your temporary frustration that you waste your life and your life!"

Qin Feng grabs silly old seven's hair, rolls to one side, two people lie on the ground, he raises his hand is a punch in each other's face, and curse.

"Hey, my life, it's not your turn to save me. Did you see that stupid pig is stuck and can't make it, so you don't have a chance to play big brother in front of me!"

A seven grinned, let Qin Feng hate can't a slap to death him.

It turns out that this idiot is not stupid enough to cool his heart. No wonder he has entered the territory of nine star forbidden animals and has not died. It turns out that the pig head monster is stuck in his body and can not get out of the predicament for a short time.

"You son of a bitch, do you want to open up now, even if you see through my mind, but life is your own, you don't need to be angry with me!"

After cursing, Qin Feng ignored each other and got up to leave.

This ghost place, he did not want to stay any longer, always felt inexplicable danger.

Can the stone really block the pig's head?

Qin Feng has been thinking about this problem in his heart. After he has figured it out, he quickens his pace and finally runs out in a desperate way.

Next second!

Behind him came a howl, thundering through the sky.

Then, the moment Qin Feng looked back, he saw that ah Qi had been stunned, with a big mouth, drinking the cold wind, had completely frozen in place!

He did not expect that the pig head monster, who had just been provoked, would break free and devour at this time.

The cruel shape, which comes from the appearance of the sleeping pig just now.

"Silly old seven, you are still so stupefied, I really want to die, you just stand there as pig head monster food, leave half step, I look down on you."

Qin Feng stood beside a big stone thousands of meters away and called out.

Ah Qi suddenly wakes up and runs away. Now that he has completely awakened, how could he be so excited by Qin Feng that he can stand still and wait for death.

In particular, even if he died, he didn't want to die in the mouth of the pig head monster. He felt sick at the thought of being swallowed and turned into pig manure.



Pig head monster desperately rolling, in front of the huge stone, originally holding its head to sleep on the pillow, is now savagely broken.

Then, even the body caught in the crack of the boulder shook violently, and the boulder with a height of several tens of meters broke into pieces and fell to the ground in several pieces.

Ah Qi's frantic running, originally condensed blood can be ready to kill Qin Feng means, all used in the escape, rolled up a blood light to the sky.


He crossed a hundred meters from the air, and immediately made Qin Feng's face full of amazement. His coagulation state was really extraordinary. He even ran for his life, which was a bit more powerful than those warriors in the later period of the emperor.

Seeing a seven is about to approach, Qin Feng can't stay in place, if behind each other, he can be passively reduced to the target of the dead pig.

Thinking of this, he is not staying, stepping on the flexible body method, dark gas into the sole of the foot, the speed suddenly soared."Roar!"

At the same time, the pig head monster seems to have been provoked. Because of his rage, he broke free from the shackles of three days and three nights, smashing two huge stones. His huge body, like a small truck, rolled up all over the sky and rushed out.

It shook its huge head, scarlet eyes at the front of the two figures, the limbs severely gouged the ground, leaving deep holes, like a body shell burst out.

When Qin Feng looked back, he saw the ferocious speed of the pig head monster. His pores were frightened, and his legs lost their control, leaving only instinctive strides.

"Qin Feng, you don't want to take Lao Tzu as a younger brother. Show your sincerity and go back to fight with him!"

Ah Qi soon catches up with Qin Feng. They run shoulder to shoulder and drive around the boulder. When they go around the boulder, they will be pulled closer by the fear behind them.



The earth is shaking, and the pig head monster behind is extremely ferocious, even does not hide. It smashes the boulder of the obstacle directly, and the huge head is incomparably hard.

It is like a bulldozer, where it passes, leaving a flat land, and the surrounding stone forest has been destroyed into rubble.

"Don't excite me. Don't be ungrateful. I can wake you up. I've saved you once. I don't expect you to repay me. You should do good and accumulate virtue."

Qin Feng face red heart does not jump, said even he felt kidney deficiency words.

When he came back from the adventure, he naturally valued ah Qi's loyalty. He knew that he was used by his brother and sister, and finally became an abandoned son. He still had no hatred.

There are not many such people in the restricted area. It can be said that when Qin Feng saw this guy for the first time, he was still thinking about how to kill him.

When ah Qi fell into endless despair, disillusioned, and the breath of heartache in his body, he knew that there were too many similarities between ah Qi and his brothers.

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