"Well, I'm going to get that asshole to get out of here!"

With that, chairman Zhao opened the door and went out!

"What are you going to do, and who are you going to ask for?"

President Wang's face changed and he asked in a hurry.

He realized that things were wrong and made him feel that the plot of these people was just beginning.

"President Wang, let me introduce you briefly. I, Liu Xun, the eldest disciple of the Xiaoyao sect in the third camp, is here to invite the president to settle in my third camp. As a condition, I will help you ask Qin Feng for debts."

While speaking, Liu Xun pushed the contract forward.

After seeing this, President Wang was stunned. It was a contract. It was a detailed IOU. What surprised him most was that Qin Feng's name was on the signature.

That surprised him!

The contract is true, and the signature can't be fake. Since the other party is prepared, it won't make any false things.

He couldn't understand why Qin Feng signed the contract!

That's what makes him wonder.

With Qin Feng's mind, how could his Chengfu make this kind of self restraint and leave a handle?

Absolutely impossible!

"You've already planned, haven't you?"

President Wang, with a face of anger, glanced at the crowd and questioned.

He has already handed over his badge, not to mention 500 million, even 10 billion dragon stones can be written off.

But these guys didn't want to face such a degree. They had already prepared this IOU and threatened him to hand over his badge. They still wanted to embarrass Qin Feng!

This is totally despicable and there is no bottom line.

Touched his principles!

"Ha ha, chairman Wang, it's not your turn to tell me what to do. Even if the badge is handed in, you don't need to be involved here. What's more, the two adults will help you to get back your five hundred million dragon stones. Laugh at you secretly!"

"That's right. You are a coward. You are trapped by Qin Fengkeng and dare not speak. We don't expect you either. Now we're looking for foreign aid. Why do you ask so many questions? Just wait for the money!"

The other presidents reprimanded and changed their attitude 360 degrees. They didn't have the same respect as before.

Even their tone was full of charity.

"Fart, you are against the principle. I have already handed in the badge. Why do you have to involve the matter on the dragon stone? Can you afford to offend Qin Feng?"

Chairman Wang angrily reprimanded.

He admitted that if there was this contract IOU, Qin Feng could not escape. Even if these people really joined the third camp, they would be protected by the third camp.

And Qin Feng must take out the debts he owes, or he will challenge their dignity and interests, and these people are obviously prepared to target Qin Feng.

If the situation worsens, it is likely to cause Qin Feng's anger. If he really wants to tear his face, he doesn't know whether he can pacify Qin Feng's anger.

At that time, no one can finish!

"Wang Cheng, please pay attention to your attitude. Now you are not the representative of the president at the beginning. Reprimanding us is like reprimanding our children. Qin Feng is a master in your eyes, and is a grandson in our eyes!"

"Well, today he will either take money or life, and the third battalion will support us, and he won't dare to pay back the bill!"

Several big presidents clapped their hands on the table and yelled angrily. It seemed that they had endured for a long time, and finally broke out.

In particular, their words are full of anger, and there are more signs to involve president Wang.

Maybe they've had a long time ago, but they haven't let off steam.

President Wang opened his mouth, and an indescribable anger stuck in his chest, unable to spit out, just like a mountain.


in the camp, there are all kinds of packaged meatballs on the streets, and some sales personnel are powerless to sell.

It's just that there are few adventurers on the street, and the business is so cold that people feel desperate.

Some of the salesmen are also talking to each other about when to leave the camp.

"We have received the order for a long time. Today we are going to leave this ghost place and make a fortune in the third camp!"

"I envy you so much. We can only knock here and sell the rubbish that nobody cares about!"

"Chairman Wang didn't mean to leave at all. I'd like you to ask if you want to help us, and we'll go there too!"

"Good brother, as long as you are willing to go there, we will take you there at any time. If we take the supplies there, we can definitely send a sum of money."

A group of people are talking!

"I'm too lazy to sell this kind of rubbish. When is it? Who will buy it

While talking, a young man casually dropped the meatballs from the stall on the ground and bounced several meters high, which immediately attracted the attention of several people.Just then

A transport vehicle came from the direction of the back gate.

I saw a large number of people jumping from above, all dressed up as adventurers, as if they were members of a certain force team.

A strong man, headed by a strong man, came to the stall and was shocked and speechless at the young man who was wrestling meat balls on the ground, causing laughter from other companions.

The young man stopped, frowned, looked at the man and asked, "brother, what can I do for you?"

"I've bought all the meatballs

As the voice of the strong man fell, the young man grabbed the meatball and was about to throw it out.

"Big brother, are you kidding? No one will buy this crap. To tell you the truth, we will leave. No one will buy this rubbish. If you want it, you can give it to you!"

With that, the youth threw the meatballs out!

At that moment, the strong man widened his eyes, almost burst, and his heart was twitching.

He just came from camp three, just for this meatball.

Because he got it from a dealer in the camp stall by accident. At that time, he heard the other party's peddling gimmicks very strange, so he only spent ten dragon stones to buy one.

It is said that it is a newly developed baby in the first camp, which can enhance blood energy and break through the coagulation state.

Coagulation state in this triangle area, can be regarded as the peak level of the strong, this exaggerated virtual head, he is not unheard of, so will not believe.

But new things, he is always curious to have a look, and it is very cheap.

But after he tasted it, he felt the blood in his body could be restless. At that time, he was shocked beyond measure.

He himself is the saint Queen's state, only one step short, but he can't break through at all, because his body can't absorb blood energy and completely break through the bondage of noumenon.

But when he took the meatball, he obviously felt the blood coagulation in his body, a strong force, and condensed the blood into a drop of atavistic blood bead.

At that moment, his excited eyes were full of excitement, and on the spot he was bought all the meatballs mastered by the peddler.

But he felt that it was not enough. Moreover, the effect of Meatballs was obvious. It had not spread in the camp, and no one had found the business opportunity.

He felt that the opportunity to get rich was coming. He immediately spent ten thousand dragon stones to buy information in the mouth of the peddler. After knowing the channel of purchase, he came nonstop.

However, the peddler changed hands and sold many people successively, leading to the spread of the whole third business circle.

The moment caused a violent sensation!

Of course, the strong man didn't know about it. There was only one way out of the wilderness to get around the tide of forbidden animals and reach the first camp.

On that road, transport vehicles have been lined up in a long line, there are tens of thousands of vehicles, surging to come.

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