"I've decided to start a new career. I know you won't trust me, so I'll prove it to you from the transporter!"

While speaking, Zhang Kui's face was excited and his decadence was swept away.

"You In fact, it doesn't have to be like this. I know that in those days, it had nothing to do with you. That race was not about the car at all. It was my father who Forget it, I don't want to mention it any more. Since you can come back, you can go on the stage. Although the suspension car can't be handed over to you, I absolutely trust the transport vehicle! "

Words fall, purple Yan unexpectedly walked over, very enthusiastic gave each other a hug.

"You smell terrible. Remember, since you are back, you should show me what you should be!"

Ziyan suddenly pushed the other side to say.

Zhang Kui grinned, full of big yellow teeth, extremely solemn salute, which made Ziyan a happy smile.

He used to be his father's most proud student and assistant. Now he can come back to help himself, which is absolutely a tiger's wings.

Transport vehicle is also a key step, can not be easily ignored, once the speed of the transport vehicle to keep up, absolutely can let the whole team ahead of the opponent by a large section.

"By the way, this chip, Lao Wang, you can help me dispose of it. It's best to sell it at a price of two million yuan. All the chips that drive the device are already at a fair price."

With the new chip, although the old chip is reluctant to part with, but it is also idle. It is better to sell it and upgrade the new chip.


Wang Hao took over the chip very carefully. As soon as he turned his head, Fu Fangyu and others surrounded him.

"Boss, the market price of this chip is 2.2 million yuan. You can make money by changing hands."

Wang Hao frowned and glared at him!

The market price is priceless. The chips used in salon tours have long been antiques. No one has collected them. Its value is 1.5 million.

Two million sold out, is Ziyan again give him a problem.

It's just that as he passes by the transport truck, a big hand reaches out and several star coin cards appear.

"Two million, bring it!"

Wang Hao looked up and saw Qin Feng carelessly said.

He was very surprised that Qin Feng actually wanted to buy this chip. He wanted to persuade him that two million yuan was enough to buy a new version of last year's chip.

But to the mouth of the words, he can't say, because he has been in front of Qin Feng once.

"Do you really want to buy it?"

Wang Hao asked again.

"Nonsense, sell or not!"

Qin Feng is very impatient to lean on the car, a look of powerlessness.

In fact, this is the old lust ghost emperor has no way to pay attention to him, saying that he has a way to upgrade the chip, then backhand can sell a higher price.

By dismantling, he had begun to believe that the old ghost would not pit him, so he took out the hot star coins after a long struggle in his heart.

"Sell, since you buy in good faith, I will charge you 200 thousand less!"

Wang Hao always felt that he was in debt to Qin Feng. He could not afford to start his own business. He could still decide on a discount of 200000 yuan.

Qin fengle couldn't save money. He simply took back a card and took the chip to his hand.

Then, he would drill into the car before the equipment, according to Emperor Wudao's reminding steps to open, put the chip into it, and then began to operate.

Although his movements are clumsy, after all, he is still unfamiliar with shentech.

However, Youdi Wudao, the teacher himself, is completely conscious of the transmission, operation, and gradually into which, unable to extricate themselves.

At this time, Zhang Kui has climbed onto the transport vehicle, looked at Qin Feng behind, ignored.

With the sound of the countdown!

The moment of public attention, finally in a curtain of light after the sky, broke out!

More than 300 suspended vehicles sped out at the same time, with gusts of air roaring.

The three main chariots, Qinglong, Fengfeng and saloon, were modified and named by Ziyan as Xuanniao. On the same level, they went hand in hand. They had not won the victory in a short time, but they had already pulled down a large part of the team behind them.

The public platform set up between the teams also opened voice chat rooms, where many drivers were shouting.

Bobcat mouth raised, looking at the new chip in front of the blackbird, a look of greed on its face.

"The battle of God worship has finally started. The three main battle vehicles are advancing together, showing speed and passion."

The voice of the commentary touches the atmosphere!

The fans of the Qinglong have already formed an ocean like cry, and the roaring waves have covered up the whole audience.

Storm's otaku fans are also shouting!

At this time, Ziyan piloted the Xuanniao, started the propulsion device, changed the tail, turned into a huge wing, burst out a strong halo, the speed soared a large section, will Qinglong, storm at the same time surpass!Whoosh!

It was like a flamingo trying to soar in the air, setting off a blaze of fire. In the first 80 degree turn, the speed was still soaring.

All of a sudden, a clear long sound sounded, and the Xuanniao rotated in half an arc. The limit drift crossed the first curve and was 100 meters ahead again.

Qinglong is more violent impact, the storm is raging and spinning, and there are a large number of floating vehicles, Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magic power, showing the absolute flow of technology, turning to drop the opponent.

But also in the turn, many cars hit the track wall, fell from the track, eliminated on the spot.

More than 300 cars in the turn, eliminated more than half of the number, instant shrinkage!

There were also three vehicles left behind in the endless motorcade, two of which were eliminated, one stopped by the roadside, and the transport vehicle quickly came to the front.

Zhang Kui jumped out of the car and connected with the driver. After asking about the condition of the car, he took out his tools, put on his gloves and began to repair.

"The car has been repaired, brother. Let's go on. Come on!"

Ten minutes later, Zhang Kui got up and said happily.

"Thank you, elder brother. You are so skillful in this technique. Sister Ziyan really knows how to look at people!"

That driver also very enthusiastic thanks, then got on the car, quickly left.

Zhang Kui returned to the posture, and then started all the propulsion devices, followed the car in the special passage.

The transport vehicle is heavy, but in Zhang Kui's posture, it is also extremely fast, catching up with the team behind.

"Hey, that boy, don't make a fuss there and give me a hand, you know?"

Zhang kuishun mirror to see behind Qin Feng, is still buried in the drum repair machine, tone is very strong command.

However, Qin Feng did not respond, immersed in the fun of chip upgrade.

At this time, the chip has been upgraded successfully once, unlocking a device, which makes him very excited.

According to his calculation, the upgraded salon cruise chip is already a B2 level chip. As long as it is upgraded twice, it is S-level!

That is equivalent to a new upgrade on the basis of chip technology. If you don't understand this technology, you will waste several times the resources, and the gain is not worth the loss.

And Emperor Wudao has a strong deduction ability to upgrade the chip, so that Qin Feng can't stop being happy!

Therefore, Zhang Kui's words, he did not hear a word.

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