Xiaoyuan took a few breaths of melancholy. He had already had enough of this kind of life.

Who was born is not for the sake of death, but they are wandering on the edge of life and death every day.

Looking at the brothers around him, one by one, he felt so painful in his heart that he didn't want to experience it, so he was ready to finish the last vote.

"Brother yuan, we listen to you!"

"Yes, after the last vote, pension!"

"Brothers, work together for the future

All the people were shouting in a low, excited voice!

Thousands of meters away, there are traffic fortresses of the fifth and sixth ring roads. If they want to return to the dark forest, they must go through the fortress and leave from the sixth ring road.

Similarly, if they can come in, they can go out, they can choose to smuggle in, or they can use their false identities to cross the border.

"Well, let's go!"

Xiao Yuan waved and said in a deep voice.

All of a sudden, they are ready to leave on the floating car, and they are surrounded by bodies, at least dozens of people!

Qin Feng hides himself in the grass and stares at him. He can probably judge that the man sent by Cheng Hu has been killed. There is no strong energy fluctuation trace in the battle trace. He is obviously afraid of attracting the guard's attention.

So this battle ended with the cold weapons of science and technology.

In this way, let Qin Feng more excited, he can't wait.

These guys even want to go back to receive a reward to deal with themselves. There is no way out. There is no way to retreat!

When the crowd got on the bus, he suddenly got up and rushed to the direction of the car!

When the last one was ready to get on the bus, he was already close to him, and the man also reacted instantly without looking back. The man had a strong sense of the team, and his backhand was a bloody bayonet, which stabbed Qin Feng's heart and mouth.

Next second!

Qin Feng fingers around the other side's arm, through its shoulder, pull back with force, 100000 tons of power burst!


The other side was hit by Qin Feng on the ground, suddenly kicked out, just listen to a click!

The sound of bone breaking sounded, Qin Feng turned into a black shadow, exploded and flashed in the night sky and disappeared in place.

And the people in the car all rushed out, more than a dozen cold lights all stabbed at the place where Qin Feng was just now, and all lost their targets.

And the companion on the ground, has turned into a corpse, killed on the spot.

"ALFY, wake up!"

"Damn it, you son of a bitch, you dare to sneak attack ~!"

"I'll kill him, I'll kill him!"

Suddenly, a few flying fork war criminals are going to chase Qin Feng away.

"Come back to me. This is an order. The man is obviously not Cheng Hu's, but he is definitely aimed at me. He is an expert. Don't fall into his trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain!"

Xiao Yuan stares at Qin Feng's back, and his heart trembles. It's the man!

The guy Lee wants to deal with is a very strong opponent.

He has no time to waste, especially the appearance of Qin Feng, which makes Xiaoyuan feel uneasy and has a strong sense of crisis.

Retreat, so you don't have a lot of dreams!

People are very unwilling to put the body of the companion on the car, many people are very angry, several times want to chase past.

After a few words, Xiao Yuan went back to the co pilot's seat, looked at the time, and ordered, "go ahead, run straight, don't stop all the way!"

The fortress has a weak gate specially used for transportation. Originally, the plan was to muddle through. But now Xiaoyuan is extremely manic and restless. He always feels a sense of panic haunting him, making it more and more difficult for him to sit still.

He knew that emotion was brought by Qin Feng.

However, before the suspension car was started, a flying fork war criminal driving suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the front and shouting: "brother yuan, that man is in front!"

When Xiao Yuan heard the speech, he looked up and saw a figure, just a hundred meters away.

"Don't worry. Run over. Come on!"

Xiao Yuan clapped the car and roared.

Suddenly, the suspension car started, broke out the fastest speed, to the front of the figure suddenly hit the past!

Qin Feng standing in place, Shura battle body suddenly erupted!

He will never allow these people to leave alive!

When the suspension car hit like a shell, the front of the car was less than one meter away from Qin Feng. In the flash of light, his body suddenly overflowed and turned over. The dragon claw directly penetrated the side of the suspension car, and his feet fell heavily on the ground!

His power has exploded to the limit of 150000 tons!

And the impact force of the suspension car. At most 50000 tons, after being caught by him, he quickly circles around him.

For five minutes, the roar of the motor was connected with the exclamation!


When the speed of the suspended vehicle dropped, he lifted it hard and threw it into the air.

The suspension car drew an arc in mid air, and then a dozen figures jumped out of it and rushed to the car. Before landing, it turned into a dark shadow and landed on the ground easily and stably.The moment the group landed, they launched their cold weapons, particle swords and photon knives. They pierced the wind and twisted the space, sending out extreme tears and sharp edges. They all rushed to Qin Feng!

After Xiaoyuan landed, he did not stop him, because now they have no way back. They can only get rid of this obstacle of Qin Feng before they can go on the road.

Otherwise, when you get to the fortress, you will have no chance.

Xiaoyuan, holding a particle lightsaber, followed those companions step by step. There was no change in his face, only cold and numb.

Qin Feng saw a group of people all rushed over, turned around to run, hard attack him not too sure.

After all, these people are all martial arts and masters of the popular state.

Soon, when Qin Feng turned back and ran fast, the people who caught up with him began to waver, and then turned back on the same road after chasing out kilometers away.

But also at this time, Qin Feng then rushed over, hard attack a wave, took each other's life, then broke out to leave.

The group still chased for kilometers away, and then gave up again.

Qin Feng then returned to attack, attack, break through, repeated several times, the other 18 people, only 12 people.

At this time, a dignified color finally appeared on Xiao Yuan's face.

He took people, waiting in place!

"Brother yuan, do your best

"This time, he must not be allowed to run away!"

"Damn it, if I catch him, I will eat his bones, eat his meat and drink his blood!"

All the flying fork team members are almost confused by Qin Feng's consciousness and nerves. They are angry and want to eat people.

"All evacuate, hurry up, don't disperse, the other party is delaying time!"

Xiao Yuan suddenly seemed to think of something, then waved and took the people to leave quickly,

all of a sudden!

The watchtower in the distance, a strong beam of light!

Then there were heavy footfalls from all directions, and photon machines were flying in the sky.

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