No one retreated. They were all using their bodies as the strongest fortress to resist the attack of strafing, and they fell on the warships like moths.

Every impact is the fall of a life.

Gao Xiaotian's eyes turned red and grinned. This is their mythical Legion. They only need one command and are fearless.

War never ends, life never ends.


Gao Xiaotian waved his axe and blasted into the sky. With an incomparable momentum, he let the flame devour his body.


Gao Xiaotian broke through again, and his armor was damaged in many places, burning flames, turning into a black shadow, hitting the rear wing of the warship!

He raised the Tomahawk, once again, again and again, every time with all his strength.


More than 2000 people, less than 1000 people were left in the breakthrough attack. All of them fell on the warship and waved their axes. After half an hour's attack, they finally tore the mask.

"A Biao, rush up for me!"

Gao Xiaotian pointed to the hatch of the warship and roared.

I saw a thin man, heavily nodded, very sensitive action, holding high-pressure particle thunder, then rushed over.


A gamma ray, instantly its hole, the man was powerless to kneel down, the hands of the particle thunder was thrown out by him.

"Connect, connect."

Gao Xiaotian saw this behind the scenes and roared.

With a succession of figures, from around, staring at the sweeping ray, across the line of fire, finally rushed to the grain of thunder.

"God, I'm coming, ha ha!"

A strong man, with his arm torn when he rushed, grabbed the particle mine with one hand on his face.

"Be careful, Shen Fei!"

Suddenly a person exclaimed, but it was already late!

Two rays, have locked two people, burst instantly.

Boo Hoo!

Shen Fei and another comrade in arms were all pierced and killed on the spot.

Seeing that the particle mine was about to slide down on the warship, all the surviving members gave up the Tomahawk and looked at the location of the particle mine.

That's their last hope for the task.

Wave after wave, wave after wave, one after another, all died on the way to charge.

In the blink of an eye, less than 1000 people were damaged more than half again. Many people had no hidden position. They were gnawing at the warship with their teeth before they died.

Qin Feng saw this scene from the projection. His eyes were red and his teeth were pounding.

"Commander Qin, see? You don't have a chance. Just before, I gave you the opportunity to evacuate, but you didn't grasp it!"

"Next, you have to suffer from this harvest drama. After all, it's like watching your brothers die in front of you one by one Tut tut ~! "

Emperor's voice, into Qin Feng's ears, hard to stimulate his heart.

"Report to the emperor that the battle situation on the ground has come to an end. Continue to advance or wait for the warships above!"

"Report to the emperor that the enemy will fight in a desperate position and completely solve the battle within 10 minutes!"

Ghost Warrior, Paladin two commander, at the same time the voice of reporting, fell into Qin Feng's ears.

At the same time, to prepare to hang up the communication emperor, his face showed a proud smile, and made a gesture to Qin Feng.

It's a humiliating act that any commander knows.

"The countdown has begun. I thought you would be an excellent commander, but now it seems that I am wrong and overestimate you. I am ready for the highest etiquette to salute your mythical legion, but you are not worthy of..."

The emperor's face returned to plain, meaningful smile.

He regained his playful nature, which was to show it to his opponent. When he returned to normal, it was the moment of the end of the battle.

“10…… 9…… 8……”

The emperor's expressionless countdown, want to see the enemy collapse of the moment, that is as a commander to see the glorious achievements of a sketch of the enjoyment.


When there were only three numbers left, Qin Feng suddenly opened his mouth and his voice fell steadily.

They look at each other and smile!


There was a tremor and shaking from Qinfeng.

And the image on the emperor's side disappeared.

"Ha ha Ha ha... "

Qin Feng suddenly raised his head, tears flowed from his eyes, his hands were shaking, and his whole body was shaking. His laughter became more and more crazy and morbid. His face was empty and white, but he could not cover up the pain in his heart.

"Boss, bomb drones, all explode, none left Finish... "


In the communicator, came the keyboard man's painful voice, and in the command room, Qin Feng had disappeared.On this battlefield, the earth is devastated and full of shocking caves.

Thick smoke, smoke and dust all over the sky, a huge Tiankeng, emitting flame, high temperature, like a huge magma basin.

It's full of potholes, and there's residual particle energy, and there's a thunderbolt.

Within a kilometer radius, there is no sign of life.

The battlefield on the ground was completely ended, and no one survived. The so-called terror tolerance also completed the final mission.

At this time, in the main control room of the warship, the emperor was breathing heavily and his brain was buzzing.

A minute ago, he saw with his own eyes the plume of flame rising from the earth.

Dense UAVs, put into the battlefield, fall in the way of mushroom flame explosion range, all devour.

Ghost warriors, paladins, all at that moment.

He thought Start the countdown and put pressure on the other side.

The countdown of the other party is not despair, but a devastating decision to die together.

On that battlefield, the members of the mythical Legion were not spared. After the bombing, all the legions of both sides were killed.

The emperor trembled. He had been the best commander and had been a great force on the battlefield.

With his own command ability and counter heaven tactics, he developed Tianchuang from a small force at the bottom to today, becoming one of the three.

He was arrogant, aloof and aloof, which he thought was a sign of invincibility.

In the field of command, countless commanders died in his hands. This life's record is illustrious, and his reputation spreads throughout the two camps.

Even the western city of light, at no cost to provide him with warships, spacecraft design drawings, resources, just for his command ability!

How important a good commander is will be reflected when there is a camp war.

Small scale war, only individualism, so-called teamwork.

A large-scale war needs tactics. A commander who knows how to lay out a command and can predict the outcome of a war is definitely a talent urgently needed by any camp.

This time, he thought it would be easy to win. When he saw that the other side was fighting to death and there was no tactics to speak of, he was still very disdained. How did a group of hot blooded savages annex the top ten legions.

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