But now there are too many Pluto forces, and there are three young people in the dragon soul hall. The bodyguards brought by them are all strong in virtual heaven.

The son of two of the great commandos of the divine war alliance also brought the fleet.

In contrast, Qin Feng has only one person to come, which is not convincing.

So he was still hesitating and asked tentatively what the princess thought.

"They are so purposeful that I don't like it very much. Moreover, even Guangming city has been affected. I have no way out. It's really difficult!"

Tina sighed three times and could tell she was sad.

Despite her status and status, she is only a woman in the final analysis.

"Princess, if you believe me, this Qin Feng is the helper I invited. He may be able to help you share your worries and solve your difficulties. Moreover, he himself and the worship of the moon are mortal enemies, and have dealt with each other."

"More experienced in dealing with it."

Hearing Tina's response, the emperor was very excited, and quickly pushed Qin Feng out to make an introduction.

At this time, Qin Feng is drinking red wine, feeling the mellow fragrance, Western wine making is indeed very effective.

It's been a long time since he had drunk such a pure red wine.

Tina smell speech, eyes a bright, play up the spirit, she looked at Qin Feng two eyes, and then doubt asked: "Oriental?"

"Yes, he is from the East, but he does not belong to any force. He has his own team. In terms of strength, I strongly recommend him and hope the princess can give him a chance."

"I'm sure you won't be disappointed!"

It can be said that the emperor's trust in Qin Feng has reached its peak, and he has made a guarantee in front of Princess Tina.

To prove how much he valued it.

"Oh? Mr. Qin Feng, would you like to help me

When Tina saw the emperor of Austria, she was very surprised to find out what the Oriental had in the end.


But the emperor said that he did not belong to any power, so there was no background.


Under Pluto, it seems, can surpass her Crusader power, almost No.

The ancient oriental tribes are now divided, unless they can unite!

Otherwise, if the eastern and Western array battalions fight, the bright army of Guangming city will be enough!

In contrast, the eastern camp in the second ring star is totally unable to compare with the Western camp.

Today's East has been completely asleep, because the source of their growth is aura, which has been controlled, sealed and set the upper limit under this starry sky.

Therefore, it is difficult for a powerful warrior to break the balance.

Xutianjing has been the peak of many people's efforts for several generations.

All this is because of the bad results of the imperial League.

So she can't see Qin Feng's uniqueness, but the emperor's recommendation is absolutely outstanding.

Tina's attitude is still very warm.

"No matter what I'm doing, I'm just here to help. If it's OK, I'll go back. Moreover, I'll state in advance that when I come, I'll be alone, and all the warships I'll take will be blown up. It's all about money. Who's going to pay for it?"

Qin Feng heard that he finally got to the point. Since he was talking about cooperation, he could not say anything about service. What he did was like free labor.

We must negotiate the price before we start work.

"In the face of the old emperor, you can get a discount, but you are also a princess. No, you can't be too shabby."

Qin Feng had already made up his mind to make up enough materials for the star core.

Now is an opportunity.

"Shut up, what are you? It's your honor to bargain with the princess and let you work for Princess Sabai II!"

At this time, the little maid's face was cold, pointing to Qin Feng's exclamation.

"Don't be rude!"

Tina waved, sat up straight, and stopped the maid's attitude.

The little maid bowed her head and stepped back two steps. She lowered her head, but her eyes to Qin Feng were still full of disgust.

Who is this person recommended by the emperor of Austria? It's too arrogant. Isn't it said that Oriental people are elegant and humble?

What's more, the eastern princes she met before were also very polite and had never been so arrogant and rude.

Compared with the people in front of us, they are very despicable, and they are not at the same level at all.

It's like a rogue.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Qin. I've always been with me since I was young, so I've developed a self indulgent character."

Princess Tina said something like an apology, but in fact, she did not blame the maid for what she said.

Obviously, the reason why she indulges the little maid is that the starting point of this maid is to consider her majesty and dignity, and also represents her attitude!Some things, her Princess is not easy to rely on the mouth, so there must be a servant to come forward, so as not to lose identity.

Qin Feng is not a fool, how can not see.

Since people's attitude has been indicated, he has nothing to say. He can't force others to agree.

Besides, he didn't ask too much!

Since it can't be accepted, it can only be ignored.

The emperor also saw Princess Tina's attitude. He was worried and complained about Qin Feng. Don't be so rude.

In another way, it will be easy to solve.

It seems that the kid who is so smooth at ordinary times, how can he be so frank when it comes to interests?

"Qin Feng, don't be rude. This star city disaster is imminent. If you look at my face, don't mention the reward."

After that, the emperor got up and said to the princess kindly: "Princess Tina, Qin Feng is too straightforward. Moreover, I can guarantee that if he solves the star city disaster, he will give you a satisfactory answer. So, would you like to listen to his conditions? It's better than those who have bad intentions? "

The emperor also made it clear that the princes of Pluto's influence had different thoughts, and they were obviously aiming at both money and sex.

Both want to get the princess this beautiful goddess, but also to master the Crusade army, lay the foundation for their own power, fight for the power between the sects.

So they didn't mean it at all.

But Qin Feng's purpose is very simple, just don't want to do free labor, want to get paid, very simple and straightforward.

Everything is on the surface.

"Uncle Ao Huang, if it is your guarantee, I can listen to Mr. Qin's request. As long as it is my ability, I can promise it."

"But if it's beyond my power, I'm sorry."

Tina also slowly rose to return the salute, said softly.

From her salute, as well as between the manner and action, we can see that she does not like Qin Feng very much, or even resists.

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