Qin Feng also walked in the past, Mo Ming felt that the two spirits were attracted, blooming different brilliance!

"Through the ladder, the higher you go, the more you can prove your talent. The closer you are to the gate of heaven, it also means that you can open the gate of heaven and become gods in the future."

After the Pope's voice dropped, a spiral staircase appeared on the column of light.

The stairs are spacious enough to hold at least ten people walking at the same time.

A lot of people have started to step up the ladder and go up!

Their soul power also began to consume with the rising steps!

When Qin Feng went up, he also felt that his soul power was consumed at a high speed.

And it will increase with the number of steps.

When walking to the height of 100 meters, there are many men and women can not support, can only stop, stand in place to recover!

But the speed of their recovery is far from keeping up with the consumption of the ladder. If it is not just a test, I'm afraid that their souls will be swallowed up by the steps of the abyss!

Qin Feng also began to struggle, hundreds of people, his soul level in the upper level, at this time in his upper ladder only less than 20 people!

Behind him, they are all below the rank of soul emperor!

Only a few seven to nine star soul emperor, closely behind Qin Feng, even bite teeth will surpass him!

"Yellow monkey of the East, you deserve to join the papal election?"

"Go down, even if you reach the top, the gods will not admit you!"

"Sal, you look up to him too much. It's just the nine star soul emperor. Among the sons and daughters, it's just in the middle reaches."

Several have already passed Qin Feng, the son and the daughter, all turn back and laugh at Qin Feng!

At this time, Qin Feng's soul power has been consumed greatly, so you should keep your pace when you take a step. Many people have already fallen down and will not be hurt until they are covered by the border!

Qin Feng picked up his head and gave a cold smile: "the drama has just begun!"

With his release of the little white tower, the soul power of the second soul was directly increased by 10 times, and the soul power of the second soul was all transformed. It was increased by 20 times again, directly reaching the level of the three star spirit God!

Fury of soul power, burst out from the body, he step out of three steps, rising speed is very fast!

In the blink of an eye, he left behind those who laughed at him.

"How could that be possible?"

"My God, his soul is so strong!"

"It's very good for an Oriental to cultivate his soul, and he has such a powerful star."

"Spirit, he has reached the spirit state!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

"Even naker has been surpassed by him!"

With Qin Feng's soaring speed, more than ten people were surpassed by him, causing a great disturbance!

Among them, there is a saint son of the two star spirit God. At this time, he also widens his eyes and stares at it in disbelief!

All of a sudden, a ray of thunder came, Qin Feng instinctively propped up a rattan shield!


Thunder light actually burst, turned into a geomagnetic diffusion, and instantly spread his arm, sent out bursts of crispy.

He raised his head, but there was a young man with short golden hair, who made a humiliating gesture towards him with his middle finger!

"The native dog of the East, catch up."

"Have the ability to fight me!"

"If you don't have the ability, you don't want to go here!"

At this time, someone has reached the top and passed the examination!

But most of them can't support being eliminated!

Qin Feng is sure to pass, but at this time is blocked by a guy who doesn't know what to do!

Aoyi Leiguang, frequent bombing to him!

The smell of terror spread!

Everywhere are arc thunder snake swimming, Qin Feng has been forced to retreat more than ten steps!

In other words, he spent his soul in vain!

"I hear that you dare to question the Pope. Do you really think that the cardinal can protect you and do whatever you want?"

"In the west, you will always be a reptile, a humble dog!"

The young man was dressed in red. Obviously, he was also the son of the red dress sect.

But at this time, he is launching an offensive to Qin Feng, and he is bound to be eliminated in the first round of assessment!

His intention is obvious, and he is likely to be instructed by the pope!

At this time, the cardinal on the ground saw it and frowned deeply!

He was a disciple of his sect, but now he is fighting with Qin Feng, which makes him feel frightened.

If Qin Feng misunderstood, he can be bad!

Qin Feng looks down at the stairs that have begun to disappear. He has no time to waste. The white tower has been upgraded to 40 times of soul power!

He broke through the nine star spirit in an instant, three stars higher than the young man in red who blocked him."Rattan of dead wood, all things wither, I give you endless life!"

"Dragon vine!"


With Qin Feng reciting the mantra, then, he left hand thunder shield, right hand wooden shield, left and right hand alternately carrying each other's bombing, one step across three or four steps, soul power accelerated consumption!

At the same time, the young man in red sneered coldly, and suddenly released a Thunder Dragon, spurted out a piece of thunder and lightning, and turned into a raging light and shadow, and directly rushed to Qin Feng!

Once hit, even if Qin Feng can carry down, but also be imprisoned by the thunder spirit!

And the steps below are collapsing, faster and faster.

Qin Feng licked his lips and released his soul power at the same time, condensing the eight elements shield!

this is the natural system. Although complicated, Qin Feng's small white tower can be used to enhance and integrate the eight elements to produce the power of against the sky!

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, thunder, light!

Eight elements, forming like a set of baby's shield, suspended in the top of the head, indestructible!

When the Thunder Dragon impact broke the triple shield, it was pushed back, and in the impact of the major elements, gradually collapsed!

At the same time, a 100 meter long dark vine emerged from the void, and raised a violent sound of air, which lashed hard at the young man in red!

"Gulac, interdiction ray sword!"

The young man in red looks surprised. He didn't expect Qin Feng to be a natural department, and he could use the eight elements of Yuan soul skill with such a high degree of perfection!

Not only can defend, but also can counterattack!

At the moment when the rattan was drawn, he directly released the profound meaning and forbidden level of Yuan soul skill!

With a thunder sword, across the sky, shaking nine days, as if to split the light column momentum!

The vine was hit instantly and began to wither!

"Nine Star forbidden curse, is already your limit?"

"It's beyond my ability. It's really the native dog of the East. Ha ha!"

"Compared with our decent son of the Holy See, you are a piece of rubbish!"

The arrogant laughter of the young man in red spread all over the place, so that all the saints and saints were laughing at Qin Feng's suicide!

If he surrendered now, there would be no danger!

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