But he did not go, but stood in place to threaten!

"Are you bluffing me?"

"Ha ha, I've been watching nearby just now. Your combat power is no longer there. Your mana consumption is huge. You can't be my opponent at all!"

"You have the power to fight. It's better to use it to escape!"

"This is the choice of smart people. If you can live to this day, you can't encounter this kind of thing for the first time. How did you choose before? Now, you should continue to keep it. Otherwise, if you die, don't mention the corpse, everything on you will be lost!"

After hearing Qin Feng's words, the monk was just a little stunned, and then took a step!

At the same time, he waved a streamer in his hand and turned it into a mirror!

The mirror is flashing white beam, gently push the position of Qin Feng!

"Haotian mirror!"


A white light, burst out, rolling in the void, past!

The surrounding rocks, vegetation, were all crushed!

Qin Feng almost instinctively took out the seven treasures wonderful tree, forced a brush.


Two forces offset, and the next second, the white light through the seven treasures wonderful tree defense, even directly on Qin Feng's body.

If struck by lightning, like a mountain, hit the chest, Qin Feng flying upside down, coughing up blood in mid air.

He was pale and his eyes were swollen. He bit his teeth and turned around!

The only magic weapon he can use now is the dizang suit and the dizang Leigang, but he can't activate it. His mana can't recover in a short time.

Then there is the Qibao Miaoshu, which doesn't need to consume mana.

however, he can't defend the opponent's attack at all, so he has to go.

Just now, he was just bluffing. As soon as the fight started, he ran away.

Seeing Qin Feng retreat, the monk's face showed the color of wild smile.

Then he went to the body of Lei Mang, took out the flying sword and began to dismember it.

After all, the storage ring can't hold such a huge body at all, and it's still the corpse of thunder.

So dismember up, also more troublesome!

It took the monk half an hour for such a delay!

After waiting for him to put away completely, he raised his head, locked the direction that Qin Feng left, and then showed the fierce color.

Yes, he didn't intend to let Qin Feng off at all!

If the other side runs all the way, he can easily catch up, because he has a flying magic weapon, yunsuo!

In the imperial capital, they are very famous magic weapon!

If the opponent stops to recover mana, half an hour is not enough.

You can still consume the opponent's mana, and then kill him or her to grab treasure.

So think, he will cloud sleeve, streamer flashing out, above flashing thunder.

The friar stepped up, stepped on the cloud shuttle, turned into an aurora and flew away


However, he just flew thousands of meters into the sky. Suddenly, he felt that the void was dark!

There's gravity all around!

Then, from the air, invisible, as if there were a hand, holding him, the speed decreased.


A strong thunder, like an arm, came straight at him!

The experienced Friar's face changed slightly. At a glance, he could see that there was a void trap here!

He quickly summoned the Haotian mirror, the thunder in the air, urged the mana, and the two forces offset each other!

After counteracting the thunder, he hummed coldly and speeded up again, tearing the energy that bound him in the empty air.

Then the speed was restored!

But after ten thousand meters!

He stepped into an area, heavy power, directly on his body!

At the same time!

The void under his feet began to twist, as if in a swamp!

Void swamp!!!

The friar immediately realized that he had been plotted again.

There are also empty traps around it.

Separated by a section, only ten thousand meters away, is to dispel his vigilance!

Successfully lead him into the trap!


A thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Thunderstorm, fire and rain interweave, the smell of terror, will be within a radius of three kilometers, all blocked.

When the monk realized the crisis, he wanted to step back and urge haotianjing to form a defense. At the same time, he increased his strength again and urged yunsuo under his feet to get out of this area!

However, the strength and density of the void swamp exceeded his imagination.

Thunder, fire, heavy rain, pouring down, bombardment in his body's protective glasses light, at the beginning of nothing!

With the passage of time, thunder burning, thunderstorm penetration, there has been thunder through the goggles, into his body, covering the whole body!The power of the void swamp is to drag him into the abyss!

He quickly took out a piece of Lei Mang's skin and put it on his body, which blocked the thunder.

Half an hour later, the friar finally got out of the trap area.

Only at this time, he has consumed a lot, pale face!

"Damn it, that guy must have set the trap!"

"It's a bit of foresight. I know I'm going to chase him!"

"Bah, I'll let you off this time. You're lucky!"

The monk's face was very ugly, and the plan of pursuing and killing was a failure. ,

he can't chase down, otherwise he will get into a trap and get into trouble.

After all, this technique of trap is so evil that even the friars feel extremely difficult.

This is a long lost spell!

For him who knew nothing about it, he was just like a blind man when he was chasing after him, which touched a more violent prohibition.

Therefore, he can only choose to give up!

For your own safety.

What's more, he's got a windfall.

There's no need to be playing with your life.

When he wanted to turn away, suddenly, a figure came from a distance!

It's Qin Feng!

At this time, he was holding the dizang Zen staff, his face was cold and his eyes were joking.

It's in the way the Friar's going to leave.

When the friar saw that Qin Feng actually appeared on his own, his mind moved.

The other side is very cunning, when the mana is insufficient, it is absolutely impossible to appear!

That's death.

However, this is only an hour, the other side can not recover so quickly.

He can't figure it out!

"Hey, hey, you dare to show up. Are you tired of living?"

The Friar's eyes flashed, and he constantly scanned Qin Feng's back and around to see if there were any helpers!

"Don't look, I'm alone!"

"I came back to meet you and share half of them. I remember before, you found a lot of thunder stones, and I advised you to share the corpses with you. So do you want to share all your thunder stones with me?"

"That's fair! "

" reciprocity, you should have handed it in! "

Qin Feng is holding the dizang Zen staff. He has formed a thunder Gang all over his body. His strong defense has been released!

There was also a terrible force, which he put into the dizang Zen stick.

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