But Qin Feng's heart is still full of regret. After all, the task is to kill the GUI family. This was the best chance, but he had to let Mo yuan go.

It seems that if you want to kill Moyuan, you have to find another chance.

Qin Feng believes that Moyuan will not be willing to go back to the ghost family. He must bear a grudge and try to make a comeback. At that time, it is also an opportunity to kill Moyuan.

As soon as Moyuan left, it was even more exciting.

Shangguan Tianyun and others, seeing that Qin Feng was alone, forced Mo yuan away. They all clapped their hands and said they were strange!

Mo yuan is the boss of these powerful GUI people. Now the boss has been beaten away by the other party. These powerful GUI people have no support, and their momentum drops a lot in an instant.

Especially when I saw the pride of Tianhai University, I felt more desperate.

Among them, Lu Ruyue, Shangguan Tianyun, Xu Mengjiao and Ling Guang are the most gifted, the most powerful and the most terrifying.

They are like a tiger into a sheep, biting and passing, so terrible.

In general, if you divide the three by five, you will destroy almost all the powerful ghosts.

Only a few of the leaders of these powerful GUI people were left behind. They didn't kill them. They just raised their hands and feet for interrogation.

Elder Wang Xin and others survived in the end. They were very excited.

However, this time LAN Tiancheng suffered a heavy loss. Almost all the 100000 people in the city were slaughtered, and only a few hundred people led by elder Wang Xin were left.

Such a tragic situation, even if they finally survived, their hearts are pathetic.

What a tragedy!

These GUI people are really inhumane!

Although these dead people are not the elite power of the human race, they are all living people.

Everyone felt a deep sadness. Today, we all understand why the hatred between the Terran and the ghost only increases.

Qin Feng doesn't care about these things at the moment. He fights with Mo yuan, the great master of the GUI clan, alone. He is seriously injured now. Naturally, he has no leisure to care about these tragedies. At the moment, he should heal himself in time.

After all, once the delay, until the injury worsened, want to return to full swing in a short time, can not be so simple.

He is running the dizang jiuzhuan Sutra and the Seven Star Tiangong method. The recovery speed of his injury has reached the peak he can reach.

But even so, he was not satisfied. Instead, he chose to take out several healing pills prepared before and throw them into his mouth like sugar beans.

These pills melt at the entrance, and the powerful power immediately spreads out and quickly flows into Qin Feng's body. At this moment, Qin Feng's recovery speed rises a step again.

By the time he recovered from his injury, a few hours had passed, and the time had come to night.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Lu Ruyue and other people from Tianhai University were standing beside him, waiting for him to wake up.

This makes him very embarrassed, but also a warm heart.

He understood that LV Ruyue and others were actually helping him to protect the law.


Seeing Qin Feng wake up, everyone's eyes brighten.

They also understand that this war, they have been quite relaxed, the real difficulty is Qin Feng.

What Qin Feng wants to fight against is the most powerful GUI's great respect Moyuan. Everyone on the scene is more relaxed than him. Just look at Qin Feng's injury at that time, you can understand what kind of danger he was in, and what he experienced when he survived from the GUI's great respect Moyuan.

"Brother Qin, how is your recovery?" Ling Guang asks urgently.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "I'm not in a big way. It's you who don't rest all the time. It's hard to stay here."

They all shook their heads and said, "it's not hard!"

Hard work?

They don't work hard. Qin Feng's words are just killing them. It's Qin Feng and LV Ruyue who are the first to arrive at the inner city of Lantian city.

At the beginning, they had to face Mo yuan, the great master of the GUI nationality, and thousands of terrible GUI strongmen.

However, the strength of the two also shocked others once again.

At that time, Qin Feng and LV Ruyue were the two best performers in the battle of Tianjiao in the two holy courtyards. Their strength was the most powerful. Obviously, their strength in the urgent state between life and death was beyond everyone's expectation.Without Qin Feng and LV Ruyue, they could not imagine what kind of danger they would face.

"What did you ask from the GUI population?"

Qin Feng asked again.

Hearing Qin Feng's question, they all shook their heads and said with regret: "we have tormented those powerful ghosts who are left behind. They live and die, but they are too tough. They just didn't say a word. They were tormented to death, and they didn't reveal any information."

Qin Feng nodded again. His eyes were still calm. He had already expected that the Terran and the GUI would not be at odds. The Terran would not succumb to the GUI, and the GUI would not succumb to the obscene power of the Terran. It's reasonable to be tough.

"If only all Terrans were as tough as ghosts! Unfortunately, there are still some soft bones in the Terran, which is disgusting

Qin Feng's voice seems to come from Jiuyou.

Everyone was puzzled and looked puzzled.

Qin Feng could not help explaining: "do you still remember the dead men who stopped us on the road?"

"The dead are all human beings. They didn't come to stop us spontaneously. Someone must be behind them."

Everyone's eyes lit up and asked, "brother Qin, do you know who is the one who ordered them?"

"What kind of force is it against our Tianhai university?"

"Usually, those forces, seeing the battle boat of Tianhai University, have come out to meet us. How dare they do that?"

"I think this force may be one of the six demons! They are the only ones who are most suspicious. "

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

Qin Feng explained slowly: "I guess it's the Wuji sect! They are the only ones who didn't come to help when the powerful ghost invades Lantian city. Since they didn't come to help, their composition is obvious. But I didn't expect that they dare to stop us from coming to rescue. I'm afraid they have colluded with the ghost for a long time! "

Qin Feng's words have been very clear, people are not stupid, they also see some features, of course, they think deeply of Qin Feng's words, but, this is just a verbal speculation, there is no evidence, there is no truth, how to challenge the Wuji devil

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