The picture suddenly changes. Qin Feng sees himself again and feels the same way.

The second devoted himself to a scholarly family. He was reading while walking and squatting in the toilet. However, when he was 20 years old, he went to Beijing to take the exam and returned to China, and found that all 100 people in his family died.

Reluctantly, after careful investigation, it was found that an evil spirit, in order to extract human souls and refine them into magic weapons, killed people everywhere and lost all conscience.

In order to get revenge, he went back to the immortal gate for nine days and nine nights before the immortal gate accepted him and taught him how to practice.

Since he entered the immortal gate, he has been practicing constantly. Finally, he took the evil way and soared to the sky!

After he became an immortal, he issued a decree to tell the world that ordinary people could also practice immortality and follow the path of immortality. From then on, the world entered a world of great struggle, and cultivation flourished.


Qin Feng then walked out of the five steps, each step to see his past life.

He didn't know whether these illusions were true or false, but he could also understand the taste of life from them.

No matter they are poor or born in a rich family, no matter they are ordinary people or from the large family of cultivating immortals, they have all achieved a generation of heaven's respect, which is respected by thousands of people.

But there is no one who can really transcend time and space, jump out of this heaven and earth, and achieve fairyland.

"The ninth!" Qin Feng once again step out, but this step out, heaven and earth color change.

That world, a baby, was born in a big world.

Since then, in Fang Dajie's family, Qin Feng has become a God in less than ten thousand years!

Everyone thinks that he has a real chance of becoming an immortal.

"That's why I went into this cycle of yin and yang to seek the hope of becoming an immortal." Qin Feng murmured to himself that as soon as his voice fell, the scenery changed and he returned to the road of reincarnation.

Reincarnation road abruptly cut off from here!

Qin Feng is now like standing on the edge of a cliff. If he takes a step forward, he will fall off the cliff.

It seems that he had expected this scene for a long time. Qin Feng suddenly felt something. Looking up, he saw that the sky was a huge compass, which dominated the world.

"This is the legendary way of reincarnation of yin and Yang, the six paths of heaven?" Qin Feng light smile, everything in control.

"The so-called reincarnation of the ten generations is the result of the reincarnation of the six Yin and Yang in the heavens." Qin Feng sprang up, showing a huge Dharma phase behind him, which happened to be the essence of dizang.

With a wave of his big hand, he stirred the six Yin Yang samsara disks in the sky. The compass turned under his power.

Qin Feng stares at the reincarnation disk, looking at its rapid rotation, as if he already knows the result. He calmly says to himself, "my tenth life, only when I jump out of reincarnation, can I become an immortal!"

Without waiting for it to stop, Qin Feng jumped to the abyss on both sides of the wheel circuit. After a moment, he lost sight.

Only broken, can stand after!

Only if we die, can we live later!

Only through the separation of heaven and man, can we achieve the true immortal!

This is Qin Feng's perception of crossing the long river of time and space and walking the road of reincarnation!

The deepest feeling!

All return to calm, this round of circuit also slowly turned into shadow, disappeared in heaven and earth, as if Qin Feng had never been in the future.


When Qin Feng woke up again, he found himself in a deep mountain.

The environment of the sixth floor of Tongtian tower is not like this!

But there is a deep mountain, isn't it?

He's still in the middle of a mirage, not going out?

Just then, a giant bear suddenly stopped him.

Nearly 100 Zhang tall, huge and matchless, covered with dark mane, sharp claws and huge head, it's really a little scary.

This is a bear monster with a big mouth and two sharp tusks. Its eyes are small compared with other parts of its body, but the fierce one is obvious. When you look at it, you can't help but feel chilly.

If you want to get into the mountains and go further, you have to go through the giant bear's line of defense.

The body of the giant bear is like a mountain, standing in front of it, like a wall, which is indestructible.

Qin Feng rushes to its foot decisively, with human's height, but can only be with its calf and even.

It obviously saw Qin Feng rush over, its feeling is very keen.

Let's deal with this human first.

As Qin Feng rushes over, his Qinglong sword is full of spirit and Qi. It's like a blade, fighting against the giant bear.

Qin Feng couldn't tell the true from the false.

How sharp is the point of Qing long sword? This kind of strange treasure that has evolved into sword spirit and weapon spirit is extremely rare, even rare, in the whole middle reaches of the cultivation world.

But even so, the blow still only scratched the bear's fur and killed a little bit of blood. Instead, it was Qin Feng himself. Under the huge impact of this foot, his face turned pale as paper, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. It can be seen how terrible the bear's defense is.

He quickly stepped back. Under the test of this blow, he once again renewed his understanding of the strength of giant bear. Now he cursed deeply, and had not reached his heyday. He had to deal with it first, looking for opportunities, and could not fight against it. In this way, Qin Feng began to urge his own spiritual power, incarnated several shadows, and fled everywhere, making the bear confused for a moment, and didn't know which one was false and which one was true. Qin Feng harasses the bear from behind with various attack moves. Although his attack is just like tickling for the giant bear, he finally achieves the purpose of harassment, and makes the giant bear beat his chest. His fierce anger will come out of his eyes. It suddenly turned around, bent down to the direction of Qin Feng, this hit like Mount Tai, with a strong wind, the two sides of the row of trees, are squeezed into a different shape. This kind of bear is always famous for its strength and defense. Its skin and flesh are as thick as mountains and rocks. Qin Feng can't breathe because of the heavy air. This is so real! Qin Feng even suspected that he was really in a deep mountain, really in the face of a very fierce monster! When it was shot, though it hit the target, it was a remnant shadow. The remnant shadow suddenly dissipated. On the other side, Qin Feng killed again. The Qing dragon sword in his hand was like a real dragon, making a high pitched sound of dragon chanting. The sound of the dragon was heard by the giant bear, and he suddenly felt a burst of pressure, and his heart trembled. For him, the real dragon family is the royal family of the demon family. The pressure of a real dragon can make its blood boiling, heart surging, and breath disordered. It was at this moment that Qin Feng, who had taken his hands again for no reason, found an opportunity at this moment. His body flashed and turned into a shadow. His body was unreal. He once again evaded the attack of the giant bear.

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