"Which way?" Lu Ruyue could not help hesitating. Where did the nine channels lead to?

Although they are not afraid of trouble now, it is good to have less trouble for you.

Qin Feng bent down and touched each passage with his hand, feeling the change of the dust above. He had a general understanding of the people in front of him.

They have just been in that room, they have wasted a lot of time, now there are many people, walking in front of them, scrambling to go deep into the palace.

"There are people walking through every channel here, but there is no doubt that the first channel is the most and the ninth channel is the least." Qin Feng pondered, "that is to say, if we take the ninth channel, we can at least avoid a lot of trouble, and the competition with others will be minimal."

"Good! Then take the ninth way! " LV Ruyue is determined.

When they step into the ninth passage, Qin Feng and others find that the scene suddenly changes.

The scene turned into a path to the sky, and the sky that day, is a dazzling sun.

Tongtian Avenue is two or three meters wide. It seems that it rises out of thin air and leads to the huge yaoyang. There are all kinds of clouds on both sides. You can't see any scene below, but you can imagine how high it is!

Is this the world in the tunnel?

"It's a mirage?" Qin Feng's face is dignified. He didn't expect that it was a mirage and almost cheated all of them.

Most importantly, as soon as Qin Feng and LV Ruyue entered this dreamland, they felt that the temperature around them had risen. A strong sense of dryness and heat came from the bottom of their hearts, which made them upset.

The master of the Imperial Palace must be a master of array, and he is quite accomplished!

"Whatever, let's go!" Qin Feng is not afraid.

"Slow down! Be careful Lu Ruyue also hastened to follow, bitter mouth old woman heart way.

Qin Feng two people walked about half an hour, but still did not arrive at the yaoyang place.

Every time, I always feel that the sun is close at hand. Although my body is extremely hot and dry, I still try to go up. But when I see that the sun is about to be touched, the scene in front of me changes.

They are back to the starting point!

After so many times, both of them were impatient.

At this time, I don't think about treasure hunting any more, but how to get rid of this illusion and escape from here!

You can't stay here all your life!

It's impossible to think about it!

"Damn it Lu Ruyue's face turned red, two small dimples bulging on both sides of her cheeks, "are you playing with us?"

No matter how you go, you can't get out!

Is yaoyang really the end?

"It's just a mirage!" Qin Feng shook his head, "since it's an illusion, there must be a way to break it!"

LV Ruyue also nodded, but her eyebrows were more tightly knit.

How to get rid of it?

All of a sudden, Qin Feng's heart moves and has a plan.

His head was dripping with sweat, but he didn't feel it.

"I think of a way! Since it's a mirage, nothing we do in it will die! It's just fantasy... "

Lu Ruyue's eyes brightened and said, "you mean we are running in the opposite direction. Since the dreamland calls us to climb to the top and reach the shining place, we might as well go down to the bottom!"

"Yes Qin Feng and Lu Ruyue look at each other and smile.

However, what is the so-called lowest point?

Go down, there's no way.

Lu Ruyue took a look behind her. It was still a road in the air. At the beginning of the road, it was cut off out of thin air.

Since there is no way down, how can we go down?

"Jump! Let's jump Qin Feng looked at the clear eyes and said in a deep voice.

If the average person, of course, will not think of this way, no one knows, jump down, will die.

"The place of death can bring posterity!" Qin Feng shook his head, and said: "but, we always have to have a plan to die. I'll give you my storage bag. If I die, you can open the storage bag, and you don't have to jump down."

It's definitely a good way to keep at least one person alive.

Lu Ruyue is not stupid, she is also very clear, at present can only be like this.

Qin Feng finally took down his storage bag and handed it to LV Ruyue.

Lu Ruyue takes over the storage bag. Her eyes are full of self reproach. She just wants to say something sorry to Qin Feng, but she doesn't expect that Qin Feng jumps up, turns into a light and jumps down directly.

However, Lu Ruyue no longer thinks about it, but stares at the storage bag belonging to Qin Feng, carefully feeling the diaphragm on the storage bag.

There is a layer of conscious connection between the storage bag and the owner. If the owner is still alive, this layer of connection will not be broken, and there will be a layer of diaphragm on it, which prevents other people from trying to open the storage bag and get the treasure.

Of course, this layer of diaphragm can't stop people who are much higher than the master's cultivation. Generally, as long as the master of the storage bag is higher than a big level, others can easily open the storage bag.

Moreover, if the owner dies, the diaphragm of the storage bag will melt away automatically.

What LV Ruyue has to do is stare at the storage bag. Once a long time has passed and the diaphragm is still there, Qin Feng is still alive, which proves that the way Qin Feng came up with is correct.

One breath passed.

The gap still exists.

After two or three breaths, the diaphragm still exists.

However, LV Ruyue still couldn't relax. Her heart was beating with a very fast frequency. One drop after another of sweat was dripping from his cheek, soaking her clothes and flowing from them.

She was so red that she could see how nervous she was.

Lu Ruyue doesn't want Qin Feng to die. If Qin Feng dies, she has made up her mind. If Qin Feng dies, she won't live alone.

Slowly, the time went by.

But even though the time is very short, Lu Ruyue feels that every minute and second is like a long day and a year in the past. It's a real time like a year on pins and needles

She is very worried. One is worried about the safety of Qin Feng, and the other is worried that if Qin Feng fails, doesn't it mean that she may have to stay here for a lifetime?

Finally, a pillar of incense time passed, but Lu Ruyue felt that a year had passed

"Still there! Still in touch! " Lu Ruyue jumped up with excitement, "Qin Feng is not dead, it seems that this method is feasible!"

Lu Ruyue took a deep breath and jumped down together.

However, Lu Ruyue only felt that she was falling from a high altitude, but there was no wind. There was no sign of air flow. It was strange

It's as if the road to heaven and this round of yaoyang do not exist at all

Is it the students who welcome them? Is it death?

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