"Tell me, where is this?"

Hear Qin Feng's question, this GUI clan big Zun direct silly eyes.

He thought that Qin Feng was sent by the human race to kill them, and he came here intentionally to kill them.

After all, Qin Feng just appeared and killed him all the way.

But now, when he saw Qin Feng's serious appearance, he completely reflected that Qin Feng was just passing by.

He's really holding back.

In this way, Qin Feng didn't come to kill them, but they were not very lucky. At this time, they met Qin Feng.

Hearing Qin Feng's question, he immediately replied: "this Terran adult, this is the extremely barren plain!"

After listening to him say that it was a barren plain, Qin Feng immediately took out the map.

This map, which Xue Qingfeng gave to Qin Feng, is almost the most detailed one in the middle reaches of Xiuzhen kingdom.

Almost all the places in the upper Xiuzhen kingdom are painted, including all the regions. The extremely barren plain is probably one of them.

Sure enough, as Qin Feng thought, as soon as he opened the map, he found that the barren plain was in it.

If Qin Feng wants to go to guanghanshan, he still needs to keep going eastward. It takes at least ten days and a half months for him to reach guanghanshan by crossing several cities and the ruling areas of big forces.

However, now that you know the direction, it's easy. It's only a matter of time before you reach guanghanshan.

Then, Qin Feng asked the GUI master, "how many regions have the GUI already occupied in the upper reaches of the Styx river?"

Being threatened by death, the great master of the ghost clan was afraid of death. Naturally, he did not dare to cheat. So he honestly said, "now there are 60% of the whole upper reaches of the Styx River, which is under the control of the ghost clan!"

He said this, this is to give Qin Feng a power, want to let Qin Feng fear the powerful ghost.

But Qin Feng has no fear. Now that he has got the answer he wants, he can't keep these ghosts.

Therefore, Qin Feng directly manipulated the sharp sword Qi like silk thread before the GUI master could react, and directly penetrated the body of the GUI master.

That Gui clan big Zun, unexpectedly even a scream all have no time to send out, the vitality passed in a short time.

This GUI clan's great Zun is killed by Qin Feng in an instant, other GUI clan's complexion also changes dramatically at the moment.

However, before they can react, Qin Feng has killed again with one sword, and his figure shuttles between the ghost soldiers.

Thousands of ghosts, but he was a person, destroyed by the fight, he three under five divided by two, has solved all the powerful ghost.

After killing all the ghosts, Qin Feng continued to take the boat eastward.

The flying boat shuttles through the sky. Every time Qin Feng passes a city, he lands down. In just three days, he slaughters one city a day, killing all the ghosts.

In just three days, he has slaughtered the ghost clan in three cities.

But this also confirmed a bad news for him, that is, the whole upstream is now covered by the cloud formed by the ghost clan.

The upstream is in a huge crisis. At this time, he worries more about whether guanghanshan still exists. If guanghanshan is also occupied, will his daughter be in danger?

Qin Feng frowned tightly. He was really worried and anxious. He simply gave up the boat and flew eastward on his own.

His speed is much faster than that of the boat.

Flying all the way, he did not waste his time to slaughter the cities.

There are too many ghosts in these cities. He alone can't kill them all, and may even cause trouble.

Such trouble may waste his time and slow him down.

For all the GUI people, killing them is just a drop in the bucket. It can't do any harm to the whole GUI people.

Therefore, he has been killing at full speed in guanghanshan's sphere of influence.

All day and all night, flying at full speed, in just seven or eight days, Qin Feng had already crossed the barren plains and the territory of another fallen superpower, and came to the territory of guanghanshan.

During this time, Qin Feng kept hiding his breath, but he was not found by the strong people of the ghost clan.

At this time, he found that the whole eastern part of the barren plain was occupied by the GUI army.

Countless Terran died, smoke everywhere, life, that kind of tragedy, let Qin Feng feel soul stirring.

But Qin Feng can't save these people. He can't fight against so many powerful ghosts alone, let alone have the existence of ghost immortal among so many strong ones.

Moreover, he has more important things to do, and he is not so kind.

After entering guanghanshan's sphere of influence, Qin Feng had a clear understanding of the situation in the upper reaches.

The war has already reached guanghanshan, but fortunately, guanghanshan has not been occupied, and they are still struggling to resist.

The reason for this is that guanghanshan's powerful foundation and other super powers have supported guanghanshan because of the death of their lips and teeth.

But even so, the situation in guanghanshan is not optimistic.

Thirty percent of the land in guanghanshan mountain has been occupied, and the GUI people are still slaughtering wantonly, which leads to the death of people and the blood flowing into a river.

The once magnificent mountains and rivers are now covered by smoke and war, and the magnificent city is occupied by ghosts, without any people.

This tragic scene, let Qin Feng also feel solemn and sad.

Qin Feng can only hide in the void on the clouds, secretly observing all this.

He didn't dare to expose himself. He knew very well that there must be a strong immortal like guanghanshan. If the ghosts wanted to bite this hard bone, they would send the strong immortal to fight against it.

At the level of ghost fairy, the powerful ghost clan is already powerful. Once Qin Feng reveals the slightest breath, he is likely to be found. Therefore, if he wants to enter the safe area of guanghanshan's sphere of influence, he must be very careful to avoid being found by the strong ghost fairy, and he is likely to face the threat of death.

He has been avoiding the city, can only detour to the wilderness, if there is a city occupied by the ghosts in the route, he is more likely to be found, so he has been afraid to take risks.

He had been flying in the clouds for three days before flying to the battlefield where guanghanshan was fighting with the GUI nationality.

It's not like the middle reaches of the Xiuzhen Kingdom, which has been sticking to the city, the power Mountain Gate, and the upper reaches of the Styx river. They are not afraid to fight with the ghosts. They have to fight with the ghosts every time.

Facing the attack of the GUI nationality, they are also holding their breath. Naturally, in the process of fighting, they turn this breath into anger and vent it out.

Qin Feng came to the place, it is a grand chain battlefield, he wants to enter the safe area, and see the people he wants to see, must pass here.

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