Yunyang can't help shivering when he sees this scene. Now he understands that the young man with Guanghan mountain's order is definitely not a good stubble.

As the leader of Qingfeng Pavilion, he is loyal to guanghanshan and Lu Qingfeng. Since he saw the order of guanghanshan, Qin Feng standing in front of him is actually the leader of guanghanshan.

How dare he disobey the orders of Guanghan mountain master?

So he quickly knelt down, a devout face, to show loyalty, said: "my Lord, I will complete the task!"

Qin Feng secretly nodded and helped Yunyang up again.

Although the owner of Qingfeng Pavilion is very old, his strength still has the peak of Yuanying emperor. This is the inside story of guanghanshan and other super powers.

Moreover, he is almost completely loyal to Lu Qingfeng and guanghanshan. Guanghanshan and Lu Qingfeng gave him his life. Naturally, it is impossible to betray guanghanshan and Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng is his master. He can die for Lu Qingfeng regardless of everything. Besides, guanghanshan has actually treated him well these years. Lu Qingfeng has helped him to achieve what he has achieved today.

"It's up to you to finish this task even with your life! Guanghanshan will give you support. If it is finished, you will be a great achievement! " Although he knows that he will complete the task, at all costs of his life, but Qin Feng is still painstakingly charged and encouraged, only hard and soft, can let the other party will not betray.

"My Lord, I will live up to my mission!" Yunyang gritted his teeth.

Qin Feng see him so, also didn't say what, but a big hand wave, the sound barrier to remove.

"I'm going to huanglongcheng!" Qin Feng went out of the door, jumped up, stood in the air, and walked in the air.

"My Lord, why don't you rest for a few days and leave so soon?" See Qin Feng to go, Yunyang can't help saying.

But Qin Feng shook his head and said, "time is running out..."

Then, before the voice fell, his whole body turned into a streamer, shooting away like a meteor.

It's this speed that makes people tremble. Many people who see this scene in the distance are relieved.

Qin Feng finally left. Naturally, they relieved a lot. If Qin Feng stayed here all the time, his terrible aura and pressure, together with his unpredictable cultivation and so strong strength, would give them too much sense of oppression.

Yunyang looked at the direction of Qin Feng's departure, and no longer hesitated.

In the short time of talking with Qin Feng, he already knew the situation of guanghanshan. Now, it's time for the five Qingfeng pavilion to take action.

Guanghanshan didn't do anything wrong, their luck is not near, so they should not fall.


Thirty thousand li is just a piece of cake for Qin Feng. His speed is far faster than that of ordinary people. It took him more than a quarter of an hour to reach the so-called central boundary of Huanglong city.

"This is Huanglong city?" Qin Feng saw the terrible City lying on the earth, and his eyes were shocked.

At present, he is still a hundred li away from Huanglong City, but instead of moving forward, he stops to observe the magnificent Huanglong city.

The whole city is beyond Qin Feng's imagination. It stretches thousands of miles across the earth. The most important thing is that there are four mountains on all sides of Huanglong city. The mountains are magnificent. The terrible ridge is like a giant dragon.

Qin Feng was able to see the terrible city because he was standing on the sky. A faint surprise appeared in his eyes.

It has to be said that he was really shocked by Huanglong city. This city looks much more powerful than the imperial capital in the middle reaches. Compared with it, Tongtian city is not in the class at all.

"The four mountains around represent the four gates! They are Feijian sect, yuhuamen sect, canglongmen sect and tianxingzong sect. They have existed since ancient times! " Qin Feng whispered to himself.

"And the highest peak in the center is a section higher than the four mountains, which is the real Temple of heaven and above the four sects! Is this the inside story of Huanglong city? It seems that this trip is very dangerous! "

Qin Feng hidden in the clouds, overlooking the majestic atmosphere of Huanglong City, has been talking to himself.

But his eyes, not limited to huanglongcheng, but look at everything.

He soon found that the four mountains and Tiandao peak, the highest peak in the center, not only had a majestic momentum, but more importantly, there was an aura of gold gushing out from the ground.

"This is the so-called Huanglong Qi!" Qin Feng holds a map in his hand, which is not only a detailed map of the central boundary, but also an introduction to the whole Huanglong city.

The introduction is very detailed. Naturally, it also tells the origin of Huanglong Qi.

It is said that Huanglong is the emperor of the demon clan and the strongest demon immortal in the world. In ancient times, after a great war, Huanglong fell from the sky. After endless years, Huanglong's corpse was deeply buried in the ground. Now, it can only slowly exhale the spirit of Huanglong, which can increase the spirit of the whole Huanglong City, tiandaoyuan and the four sects.

Of course, it's just a rumor. Up to now, it's impossible to find out exactly how huanglongcheng came from. But there's no doubt that he created tiandaoyuan and four sects, and became the real pillar of the human race.

After reading these, Qin Feng recalled the ghost fairy who died in an accident before, and his confidence ignited again.

Huanglongcheng is so powerful. The Terrans have the pride of tiandaoyuan and the four sects, as well as the super forces such as taiyimen in guanghanshan. They just don't unite enough. Once they unite and work together, they may not have the chance to fight against the ghost army and win.

Qin Feng wants to come here without hesitation. He won't forget the purpose of his trip. Even though huanglongcheng is terrible, even if it's a tiger's den, he will go and fight for a chance of life for guanghanshan.

He quickly turned into a streamer, swooped down and fell from the sky. Soon, he appeared at the entrance of Huanglong city.

"Stop!" As soon as he reached the majestic moat, he was stopped by several soldiers guarding the city.

"Outsiders can't enter Huanglong city without the power of emperor."

Qin Feng eyebrows a pick, Yuan baby emperor respect strength, is qualified to enter huanglongcheng?

He really didn't expect that there were such rules in Huanglong city. There must be many terrible and powerful people in this city, right?

Qin Feng didn't hesitate. The cultivation of Yuanying emperor Zun could be forged with a single thought, so he easily got the qualification to enter Huanglong city.

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