However, Qin Feng thought too simply. In doing so, of course, he calmed himself down and alleviated the pain of his body. What he didn't expect was that another terrible change came quietly.

He was still feeling the changes brought about by those higher level forces than aura pouring into his body, but he never thought that the extreme changes were still in the white hot stage. Another force poured into his soul and began to transform his yuan soul altar.

The seven level Yuanhun altar suddenly increased to the eighth level. Then, it quickly changed to the Ninth level. At the fastest speed, it returned to one.

This change brought a terrible shock to his soul. This shock made him more painful. You know, the human soul is the most vulnerable but also the most important place. The soul bears such pain. Qin Feng can't calm down anymore.

The double pain of body and soul made his consciousness gradually blurred. The peach blossom forest, mountains, rivers and streams that he could see before disappeared. At this moment, the beautiful world disappeared completely. At this moment, his eyes were blurred, and everything he saw in his vision changed. Soon, he was suddenly in a new world, This is an illusory world, but he felt very real when he was in it.

"Is this a mirage?" Qin Feng has doubts in his heart. He clearly remembers that he is struggling on the way to becoming an immortal. Why did he suddenly come here?

Is it the extreme double pain that makes his consciousness blurred, which leads to his hallucination?

As soon as he looked around, he was so familiar with the dragon family!

The world he lived in turned out to be the underground of the dragon family in the middle of Xiuzhen world. He was in this damp and dark environment, walking in the dark passage, surrounded by nothing and cold walls.

If he remembers correctly, at the end of the passage, there is a closed door. When the door is opened, there is a cell in which his mother is imprisoned.

He walked forward subconsciously, and soon passed through the wet passage and came to the end of the passage.

Sure enough, this is the underground world of the dragon family. At the end of it is the cell. It's dark and humid, and her mother is locked up in it for a long time.

Didn't he go to the dragon's house and save his mother? Is everything you've been through a dream?

Qin Feng was suspicious. He thought it was an illusion, but the cold wind, darkness and humidity around him made him feel as if it was real.

There were bursts of pain and sadness in his heart. He pushed open the door of the cell. The stone door of the cell creaked and was easily pushed open by Qin Feng.

This is really beyond Qin Feng's expectation. The door of the cell is not locked. He enters it as he wishes and sees his mother.

But at a glance, he found that long Xiaoyan had lived up to her youth, her eyes were empty, her hair was gray, and she was in her twilight years. The wrinkles on her face, her rickety body and everything had proved that long Xiaoyan was old, and even Qin Feng could feel it. Her vitality was rapidly losing, and she was about to die of old age.


Qin Feng called subconsciously, but long Xiaoyan was facing him, but he didn't seem to see him.

No matter how he calls, long Xiaoyan is like a ragged doll. Her eyes are empty and her expression is dull. She seems to be missing something, but she is full of despair.

Qin Feng heart suddenly appeared an idea, oneself is not in the time of wandering the dragon's home, has died in the hands of long jiuxuan?

In fact, he didn't save long Xiaoyan at all. All this was just a beautiful dream. The real fact is that he died in the hands of long jiuxuan, but it was long Xiaoyan who didn't know about it. She didn't know that her son was dead, and she was still thinking about her son, and even had become ill, which made her eyes dull and empty, Her expression was filled with indifference. In fact, she was praying for her son, praying for a better future.

In Qin Feng's heart, a strong sense of sadness arises spontaneously. If all this is true, how terrible should it be?

If everything he had experienced was a dream, and in fact he had already died, how sad it was at that time.

Thought to this, a kind of extreme, real pain, spread from Qin Feng's heart.

This is the pain that really involves the soul. This kind of pain is enough to make him ache to death. He felt a kind of crisis in an instant. If he can't survive this kind of pain, let alone become an immortal, he will die because of it.

But at this critical moment, Qin Feng's body suddenly has a blue, beautiful crystal like light blooming out, that kind of light, Qin Feng himself has seen.

Qin Feng soon remembered that this was the light of a blue crystal bead given by the immortal after he entered the palace of the yellow spring.

The most important thing is that the pain in Qin Feng's heart suddenly decreased after this light appeared. It was this pain that made him say goodbye to the crisis of life and death for the time being.

At this moment, his consciousness returned to the pure brightness again. The cold cell finally disappeared in an instant, and the beautiful fairyland on the ninth floor of the adverse sky tower came back to his eyes. At this moment, he saw the beautiful scenery again, the peach blossoms floating in the wind, and the falling in the peach blossom forest, His mood suddenly changed, and his whole body was dead. At this moment, it suddenly disappeared.

At last, he survived the terrible double pain. At this moment, a wonderful change has taken place in his whole body. White silk emerges. His whole body is surrounded by white silk, and he falls into a deep sleep.

He turned into a big cocoon, just like a spring silkworm spinning silk cocoons in general, I do not know when, he can break the cocoon into a butterfly.

In the peach blossom forest, there are falling petals flying all over the sky, falling on the cocoon the size of a human. This scene looks very wonderful.

If there are other people here, they will be speechless, because the pure white cocoon, on which the rune is vertical and horizontal, is extremely complex, full of mystery and mystery.

Just as Qin Feng fell into a deep sleep without knowing the time, the upper reaches of the netherworld of Xiuzhen had become a mess.

Ruan canglan didn't keep the news. The news that the Terran was in a crisis of life and death finally leaked out. After this news came out, people were in danger in the blink of an eye, and the whole world was in deep panic.

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