After feeling everything clearly, Qin Feng was on his way.

He wants to cross this foreign land and reach the territory where the ghost family is located, which is not difficult for him. It can even be said to be very simple, but he is not in a hurry, but wants to explore in this foreign land, which may be a good thing for himself.

Sure enough, in three days, Qin Feng walked through the great rivers and reached the ruling area of a new force.

This place happens to be the junction of Terrans and ghosts in this foreign land.

Moving forward from here is the area ruled by the ghost clan.

This force in front of us is called Zixiao hall. In this foreign land, it is a major force for the human race to take the lead. It often has various battles with the ghost clan. It is said that there are immortals in the gate.

It's normal for such forces to collide with ghosts. They do have that strength and qualification.

When Qin Feng arrives at Zixiao city where Zixiao hall is located, people are coming and going here. In this area, killing ghosts can obtain combat merit rewards. Combat merit can be exchanged in Zixiao hall for treasures, skills and supernatural powers.

Zixiao hall is a force that uses this means to motivate others and make others desperate to kill the ghost family. It can be said that there are clear rewards and punishments.


Qin Feng had planned to cross the boundary and reach the ghost. He went to kill, but unexpectedly, he was stopped.

There is a clear boundary between the area where the ghost family is located and the ruling area of Zixiao hall, and there are extremely powerful defense means.

Qin Feng can't break out without a sound. If he breaks in, the sound and fluctuation will disturb the immortal in Zixiao hall. It will be very troublesome at that time.

However, he was not afraid at all. After all, no matter what the other immortal was, his strength was there and he was confident in his heart, but who ever thought that he had just made a move to break out, he was found and charged with a crime.

This is a small team dedicated to hunting ghosts and guarding the ruling area of Zixiao hall.

Who ever thought that after they found Qin Feng, they were determined to think that Qin Feng was a spy planted by the ghost family among the human family. At the moment, there was only one purpose to break out, that is, to disclose the secret information of the human family to the ghost family and inform the ghost family.

When they saw Qin Feng, they were instantly angry, which was normal. First, whether they misunderstood Qin Feng, if they were really so suspicious, according to the bloody nature of the human race in the world, they would certainly ignore it and directly arrest Qin Feng.

When they see Qin Feng, they look terrible. Everyone's eyes shine. They are belligerent and eager to obtain more combat achievements. In their eyes, Qin Feng is simply a tool. As long as they catch Qin Feng and directly contribute to the big people in Zixiao hall, they will get a lot of combat merit rewards, which is enough for them to exchange for many treasures, It's even a secret script of Kung Fu and even a powerful magic power.

Therefore, as soon as they saw Qin Feng, they didn't even know anything about Qin Feng and didn't explore his strength. They rushed up directly, saw the young Qin Feng and shouted, "catch the thief and don't let him tell the news!"

A group of people, nearly twenty, suddenly rushed up, which surprised Qin Feng.

He still doesn't understand what the situation is. How can this individual race rush towards him who is also a Terran without scruples? Are they qualified?

These guys are so conceited that they don't even weigh their strength at all?

Qin Feng sighed. He understood that he was misunderstood. In any case, he couldn't be serious. If he was serious, he was afraid that the other party could not bear it at all, he would be directly killed by Qin Feng, ashes and smoke, and there would be no transcendence forever.

Because the gap between them and Qin Feng is too big. There is such a gap. If Qin Feng really wants to kill them, it is too simple. He can crush them to death by gently moving his fingers.

However, Qin Feng wouldn't do that. He knew very well that he and the other party didn't have any deep hatred. This must be a misunderstanding. As long as he explained clearly, everything would be simple. Both sides are also human. They were born from the same root. Why is it too urgent to fry each other?

So, although the other party killed him, Qin Feng dodged cleverly and easily.

His posture was very light, which surprised the first few people. What Qin Feng did was too easy and too simple. It was too terrible to escape their attack so easily, which surprised them.

Under their control, the crowd stopped and finally stopped attacking.

Qin Feng was very satisfied with this. He understood that if he didn't show his hand, it would be very powerful, leading to the other party's awareness. I'm afraid there would be a fight between the two sides. If there was a fight between the two sides, Qin Feng would not only expose more strength, but also make it more difficult for him to explain clearly.

"Who are you? I've never seen you in Zixiao hall. Your strength should be very strong. Among my Terrans, you must be able to climb to a higher position and have more rights. Why do you want to sit as the running dog of the ghost family?"

The leader was a man. At the moment, he shouted loudly. He didn't give Qin Feng face at all. Qin Feng couldn't cry or laugh at such a drink.

After all, the other party has good intentions. You shouldn't be angry.

Qin Feng quickly waved his hand and said truthfully, "you misunderstood me. I'm not a spy. The reason why I want to leave this area is to kill some ghost families wantonly in order to obtain military merit!"

Qin Feng has done a lot of homework in advance and knows Zixiao hall better. He knows that no matter whether he is a disciple of Zixiao hall or not, as long as he can kill the ghost family, he can get the reward of Zixiao hall. Naturally, the reward is war merit and he can go to Zixiao hall to get treasures.

When he said this, there was nothing wrong. More importantly, it was half true and half false, which made it difficult for the other party to be sure for a time. After all, Qin Feng said too much, mixed with a lot of sincere truth, and they also believed it.

However, the leader was not a good stubble. He didn't trust Qin Feng's words and directly scolded: "your words are groundless. If you can't show evidence, we can't trust you!"

This makes Qin Feng difficult.

Evidence? How does he find evidence?

Now he is not an exotic person on this side at all. His origin has become a constraint. If he is known by the other party, it will bring him trouble.

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