Longhai City, European Nighthawk bar.

Qin Feng is driven out!

Lost his job, his wife still won't let him into the house, let him how hard and soft, ye Meiyun just won't let himself and her sleep in a bed.

It's been more than a month, and one house for one person! What's the meaning of that? Depressed Qin Feng, I'm ready to go out and breathe today.

He has been in Longhai City for more than a month. He is really devoted to his work. He does not go anywhere and imitates his husband and employee.

No matter how difficult the list was, he went to any liquor Bureau. Although he didn't go to work on time, he at least left work on time.

Even if it didn't bring a little profit, but also messed up the nine contract, there was no credit, there was hard work!

He felt that he was so diligent in his work that he was fired in the end, which made Qin Feng very hard hit!

Most importantly, the boss is his daughter-in-law. He was very miserable and bitter inside, so he decided to go to the bar and have a drink.

Qin Feng walked all the way to the most prosperous place in Longhai City, which is also known as the "most beautiful" nightlife block in Longhai City, commonly known as "bar street.". Brightly coloured nightlife all kinds of scene of debauchery,

, and colorful perfume, and the atmosphere of the city swept through the bar street.

There are many bars in this street, such as Dihao bar, rose bar, yelaixiang bar That's too much.

Qin Feng chose a bar called "European Nighthawk", because he remembered that there was also a bar with the same name in London, named nightjar in English. The music there was not bad, which was world-class.

The European Nighthawk in front of Qin Feng is not dazzled by the neon signs outside. It is still low-key, but shows a little ambiguous atmosphere.

After Qin Feng went in, he was a little disappointed. There was an ambiguous atmosphere and all kinds of noisy heavy metal music.

It's not the relaxing light music he wants.

On the bar, in the corner, on the dance floor, and even in the middle of the hall, a pair of young men and women are intertwined with each other, making waves of beautiful laughter one after another.

The atmosphere and style were so different from his imagination that it seemed that it was not a world.

"Forget it. Don't ask too much."

Think of this Qin Feng also did not hurry to leave, estimated other bars are similar, at least this is still low-key.

As soon as he entered the door and was walking to the bar, he saw a woman with heavy make-up, long false eyelashes, black lace underwear on her upper body and a miniskirt underneath. She was holding a glass of amber wine in her hand and stumbling to it.

"Oh, handsome man, can I have a drink?" The woman's voice is very sweet to tremble, smile to look at Qin Feng.

If the vast majority of women to see, Qin Feng is actually very attractive, handsome face, more than 1.8 meters tall and elegant body, there is a special male hormone.

The general girl will have a good impression on him at the first sight. In this kind of place, it is more popular. Of course, ye Meiyun is not included.

"I don't have money. I'm sorry." Qin Feng two hands a spread, very direct say.

"It doesn't matter. I'll treat you." The woman threw a wink at him and tried to pull Qin Feng's arm.

"No, thank you. I still have money for a glass of wine." Qin Feng pulls open a woman's hand and happens to touch part of the clothes on her chest.

"I hate it, handsome boy. I touch people here when I just met them. How can you compensate them for the damage?"

It seems that this woman is an old hand, very good at flirting, whining at the same time, but at the same time, she is closer to her. A pair of white flower arms have been hooked on Qin Feng's neck.

At this time, Qin Feng had some impatience. He was really not interested in this kind of goods. He said casually: "I'm not interested in the women who are drunk and are only interested in going to bed."

The woman is not drunk, Qin Feng's words are clearly heard by her, then his face changed, and he directly dropped the glass on the ground, showing a vicious face.

"Stinky boy, you are impatient to live! I don't know how to praise you The woman said, angrily toward the bar corner of a group of people.

Qin Feng ignored her, went straight to the bar, asked for a glass of whisky, gently tasted a mouthful. He's a poor man now. He has to drink slowly.

When Qin Feng was enjoying the excitement of alcohol, he closed his eyes and sighed helplessly. He thought, "it's really troublesome to come to such a place."

The drunken woman, also do not know where to find five or six strong men, each strong and strong, in addition to the front of the bald head, other uniform small flat head. When Qin Feng had just finished a mouthful of wine, he surrounded him.

The drunken woman, with a ruddy complexion, hugged the stout arm of a bald man in the front, pointed to Qin Feng and screamed: "brother! Just this kid scolds me

Qin Feng said nothing, did not look at the woman, just quietly drinking the whisky in his hand.

The bald man in front of him had some doubts when he was so calm and calm. However, he could see that Qin Feng's figure was not particularly strong. He showed some disdain in his eyes, and motioned two younger brothers around him to teach him a lesson.The two men grinned grimly. Seeing that Qin Feng ignored them and didn't intend to say anything nonsense, the big fist of sandbag directly hit them.

Just as the bald man was smiling and the drunken woman was secretly happy, something strange happened.

"What? You

The two big men, with their fists all blocked by Qin Feng, held them one by one. They could not move even though they struggled.

This scene makes the drunken woman stupefied for a moment. Did she drink too much?

The two men froze for a few seconds. Their faces turned red. They got their freedom and took a breath.

Qin Feng looked calm after releasing his hand, as if nothing had happened. He turned his head and looked at the bald man and the drunk woman and said, "I'm sorry, beauty, I just said something wrong. Don't mind."

"Two brothers, don't be so grumpy." Qin Feng said with a smile to the red faced two people.

Looking at Qin Feng, the two strong men were a little suspicious. Only they knew what they had gone through. When they were blocked by their fists, they felt that their bodies could not move.

They feel that if they want to break free, they will break their arms.

"Ha ha, it's OK. Next time, just be polite."

The bald man said with a smile, and then he took the drunk woman and left, while several younger brothers kept looking back at Qin Feng.

"Brother, why don't you help me out! You can't apologize. Just hit him. " Drunk women do not know why, still keep clamoring, appear very unwilling.

The bald man glared at the woman and said to the two younger brothers who were equally puzzled: "just now the man firmly caught the fist of the fifth and the sixth, and we didn't panic at all. Our bearing was extraordinary. If you have background or strength, why do you provoke him? "

"What's more, people have apologized. As the saying goes, people don't smile when they reach out. You have to understand the rules. "

Although the bald man is rough in appearance, he is delicate in heart. He has been on the road for so many years without any danger.

See big brother said so, even if the drunk woman is not reconciled, and even look back, but there is no way. Only pursed his lips and swore in secret.

As for the younger brothers, the two who went up to fight with Qin Feng still had a cold sweat in their hearts. They did not dare to mention anything more.

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