All of a sudden, the members were ready to move, and Xu xuanting didn't have to wait for them to start, and took the initiative to leave with people.

"President Gao, I'm waiting for your celebration banquet. Don't worry. Batian will be in Ninghai city. With a pass, no one will embarrass you!"

With that, Xu xuanting took the crowd away without hesitation.

Here, Decepticons bite their teeth fiercely, Snort coldly, and leave with several close brothers from the back door.

Now here, has become Gao Xiaotian's home, he stayed only to insult himself.

The headquarters of batian society is still in the north. Even if Gao Xiaotian is now the president of Jiangnan, so what.

Give him the president's seat. Can he sit still?

Tiexuesheng also takes Liu Mingyue to leave. Before leaving, he takes a deep look at Gao Xiaotian. He never expected that the final winner tonight is him.

It seems like it was meant to be.

Liu Mingyue wanted to get close to Gao Xiaotian and have a few words with him. However, she didn't have the courage. Finally, she could only follow her grandfather and turn back three times at a time.

"Little day, you are busy first. Your boss and I will go first."

Seeing the general trend, the dust has settled down. Xu Xiuting grabs Qin Feng's hand and goes out.

But, Qin Feng has all kinds of helplessness, he knew, today sells the color appearance to want to escape is not so simple.

Gao Xiaotian's face is full of envy, worthy of being the boss. All the women who can handle it casually are so fierce and powerful.

From sister-in-law's female director, to Fang Keke, the big star, and then to the elder sister in front of her, there seems to be no fuel-efficient lamp.

He vowed, this sentence is a commendatory word, can conquer so many powerful women, then how abnormal the boss is, still need to explain, this is the mother is a man.

Looking at Qin Feng step by step, he sends a telegram. Gao Xiaotian is extremely balanced and does not go over his head.

By Xu Xiuting forced to the outside, Qin Feng is very embarrassed to say: "that, Tingting ah, I still have something tomorrow, it's better to make an appointment another day?"

"No, I've even said that you're my man, and he agreed without hesitation. You know, if I make a boyfriend, if he doesn't look up to me and the other party doesn't dare to approach me, it means that you are really excellent."

With that, Xu Xiuting directly fell down Qin Feng's arms. She was charming, but Qin Feng couldn't resist. The women's hands were touched.

Xu xuanting could accept that he was afraid of being beaten. Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly regretted that he should not have blackmailed him 500 million yuan by violence that day, so that he made such a hasty decision about the life and death of his own sister.

He never admitted that he was a good man.

"Well, I have a wife..."

Seeing this posture, Qin Feng has no choice but to offer his assassin's mace. With Xu Xiuting's overbearing personality, Keng will scold him a few times, and then spit up his face, shake his head and walk away.

But, contrary to her wishes, Xu Xiuting was stunned for a moment, raised her head, and said with a very casual smile: "nothing, as long as she can accommodate me, I don't mind."

Xu Xiuting's mind is very simple, she can value the men, will not easily let go, only powerful men, women around will be numerous.

She believes that her own vision can't be wrong, otherwise, she can't really appreciate the aesthetics of big brother and father.

"More than one!"

How long can Feng Shuming's face still hold on? Is that how long can you keep on pretending.

"How many?" Xu Xiuting's face finally appeared a touch of violence, turned, very abrupt smile and said: "I don't care, as long as you belong to me."

Qin Feng completely took, at present, want to provoke each other, seems to use the wrong method.

"Let's go and eat. I didn't have a chance to eat just now. I'm just hungry."

Xu Xiuting is very clever nodding her head, and then two people on her very attractive red Ferrari lightning.

Ten minutes after waiting for the bus, Qin Feng blinked on a straight road, and he said that the women were not easy to modify.

"Little scumbag, go racing with me. My aunt is a famous car in autumn. Eat ashes, ha ha!"

The car is running at a high speed. In the car, you can feel the roar of the motor, which makes people feel full of excitement and maneuverability.

"Look at my taillight, rubbish!"

Xu Xiuting poked her head out of the window and rushed to a silver sports car behind her. She stretched out her middle finger and screamed wildly.

During the ten minute journey, she has been racing all the way, and several cars that have faintly wanted to compete with her have been overtaken.

When she got to a red streetlight, she finally regained her composure. Then she tilted her head and said in a soft voice:

"honey, shall we go to have steak?"

Qin Feng took a deep breath and grinned without any comments.

The green light flashed, and the car exploded again. Half an hour later, I came to a shop specializing in Western food.They got out of the car and went straight in. As soon as they sat down, a waiter came over.

"What would you like to have, gentlemen?"

Xu Xiuting did not look at the menu, but directly reported the name of the dish. Soon the waiter nodded away and later brought a bottle of red wine.

"Do you often come here to eat?"

Qin Feng asked with a smile. She seemed to be familiar with the environment and dishes here.

"Well, when I'm bored, I come to eat alone and pass the time."

Xu Xiuting stroked her scattered hair and said softly.

To pass the time, Qin Feng felt as if he had met an opponent.

Until a large piece of steak was put on the table, Xu Xiuting rolled up her sleeves and devoured the beef with a knife in her left hand and a fork in her right hand.

Qin Feng is no longer polite, two people around the steak, crazy fight, you take a bite of me, afraid that the other side will eat more.

Red wine gargle mouth, very rude luxury, so that the visitors see, all face strange color.

"Where are you starving? Do you want to eat before you are born?"

Just as the two people were eating and enjoying themselves, a very discordant word came. They were full of oil and looked up to one side.

A woman in a long white dress, outstanding appearance, snow-white skin, walking when the aroma, diffuse.

At her side, holding a young man, tall and handsome, temperament also gives a very refined taste.

"Han Li, if you don't sleep at night, who's wild man you're taking with you? You'll be caught and raped, and you'll be half paralyzed!"

Xu Xiuting's mouth is not forgiving, swearing without dirty words, teasing the other side for a long time did not speak.

There is no doubt about the relationship between the two girls. They must be enemies. Just listening to the dialogue, you can feel the strong smell of gunpowder.

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