The fierce man stepped back, his body was covered with blood, but he didn't see a trace of pain on his face. Instead, he became excited and took out a syringe.

Iron old see, the face appears a touch of dignified.

It's a strengthening agent. He knows that these guys themselves are transforming people. Judging from their physique, they should be mutated human wolves and genetically modified soldiers.

Once they are injected with strengthening agents, they will form half animal constitution, and their sensitivity and strength will increase several times or even dozens of times.

Their physical fitness is already very strong, after strengthening, will reach a terrible degree.

I didn't expect that a senior soldier would have the luxury of fortifier.

"Haha Don't worry about the lowest level of fortifier. The real advanced reagent is oral! "

The words fall, the fierce man stabs the injection on the shoulder, then pushes, the light green liquid flows into the body slowly.

Immediately after his face appeared blue veins, hair more luxuriant, fangs protruding from the mouth, appears extremely ferocious.


The next second, his body was more than ten centimeters high, his clothes were broken and his body was covered with iron needle like hair.

His hands turned into sharp claws, and he would tear up the roof of a car with smooth and sharp cut.

What's more terrifying is that his strength is heavier. When he takes a step, the cement on the ground is crushed and his mouth makes a ferocious roar.

At this time, the man completely out of human form, like a standing wolf, his whole body exudes bloodthirsty gas.

"Old man, now feel the power of the transformation soldiers you despise. Can you take a high look at it?"

The wolf opened his mouth, his scarlet tongue twitched, and his saliva was glistening with silk thread.

The old iron brow is getting deeper and deeper, and the color of fear has emerged on his old face.

The breath he felt from the other side made him feel uneasy, not afraid, but worried about the safety of the eldest lady.

"That boy, I give you a task to protect my young lady. If you can do it, you can be rich and prosperous, cultivate resources, and make sure that you are satisfied, and escort Miss back to the blood hidden door of demons!"

Iron old head back, rush not far away, face full of surprised color of Qin Feng called a, and then, he took the initiative to rush to the wolf.

Qin Feng frowned, in this way, was taken as a bodyguard, does he look very weak?

It seems that the man wolf is a new toy issued by the teaching and Research Institute of the moon worship. He is very interested in it. For a time, he is not willing to leave.

Seeing the iron old moth rushing towards the wolf, he was overtaken by the other party's faster speed. He ran into his body and flew more than ten meters away.

The cold light flashed and the sharp claws waved. The iron old man's chest was instantly taken with a large amount of flesh and blood.

At the same time, he also hit the other side's face, beat the man and wolf back more than once, and uttered a groan of pain in his mouth.

However, this level of damage, only let the wolf dizzy for a few seconds, the reaction is a series of fierce attacks, airtight.

Although the cultivation of tielao is good, his physical strength has shown a decline with the growth of his age. At the beginning, he can fight back. In the end, he can only rely on his body method, and occasionally resist several times. His body is decorated with colors.

Watching, he will be defeated, once defeated, the final strength of the guardian girl will disappear.

"Boy, I beg you, let's go. I can't hold on to it!"

After being hit by a fist, tielao smashed a car flat, forced to support the body, turned over and fell to the ground.

"Tiebo, how are you?"

At this time, the girl jumped out of the bus, and suddenly, the group of field soldiers surrounded her heavily.

Iron boss startled, support the injured body, to the group of people, the injury worsened, he covered the chest, bloodless, still dead to protect the girl behind.

"Chen Jiayi, the dark hall of the blood hidden door, the daughter of the hall leader Chen Xiao, is indeed a beautiful woman!"


The man Wolf shot up. When he landed, he made a deep hole in the ground. When he raised his head, his tusks were exposed.

The big mouth of the blood is smelly. The wind blows, and it's disgusting.

Chen Jiayi fell into a panic, she is also the first time to see such a strange mutant.

Tielao was seriously injured, which made her feel helpless.

"Don't come here, or my father won't let you go. Even the ends of the earth will tear you to pieces!"

Seeing the wolf approaching, tie Lao was anxious to cough up blood one after another, and hit the ground straightly. His face was eager and pleading. He looked at Qin Feng, who was full of interest at the bridge.

He couldn't speak, he opened his mouth, he couldn't speak.

"Hey, the ends of the earth? Don't be so troublesome. The worship of the moon is everywhere. Coincidentally, the dark Council also has a branch in Mordor. Do you think we will be afraid, miss

The wolf revealed his tongue, and the wolf's eyes were full of ferocity.

If he had not kept his mind, he would have been slaughtering and eating."Don't come here. Get out of here!"

Chen Jiayi waved her small hand in disorder. Her vigorous Qi rolled up did not threaten the human wolf.

Large pieces of hair fell, and the wolf put out its big claws and grabbed at Chen Jiayi.

Between the lights, a touch of silver light, but see the ground seriously injured iron old suddenly jump up, the dagger in hand, is extremely sharp, will wolf claw hole through a blood hole.


's pain makes the wolf cry out, the sound waves are the second mock exam.


The wolf became angry and grabbed the iron old man. His claws pierced his shoulders and smashed the ground three times.

After the sound of the fracture fell, the old man had no movement. His body was violently pulled out several times, with plasma in his mouth, as if he was going to die at any time.

This scene fell into Chen Jiayi's eyes, with infinite terror.

She was completely flustered. She was no longer the arrogant enemy who could not resist the old iron. She could not even feel the resistance.

"Damn it, humble ancient warriors are all bullshit. Our gene warriors are the strongest force on the land. You can only look up to it!"

Under the roar of the wolf and the man, Chen Jiayi covered her ears with blood and pain on her face.

Just as he raised his claws and reached out to each other, a dark shadow suddenly hit him.

The majestic force, like being hit by a motor car, instantly disappears in place. When Chen Jiayi reacts, she raises her head and sees an unforgettable picture in her life.


A larger body, 300 cm high, muscles are not very broken, but incomparably cohesive.

When the man wolf got up in front of him, he seemed so small. The ferocity just now dissipated completely.

However, the human Titan raised his fist and aimed at the head of the rocking wolf.


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