"Teach me a lesson, ha ha ha, Qin Feng, you know, this sentence has contracted my whole year's smile. It depends on you. If you have the strength, you would not have begged like a dog. Remember, it is an honor for the weak to kneel down in front of the strong. Maybe you can kneel down for me now. I can see the affection of my sister and let you be a person..."

Ye Han knocked on the table, and a cup of coffee was delivered to his hand. He just sniffed it, then pushed it back, and said in a cold voice, "only dogs can drink this coffee. It's totally blasphemous to enter my mouth!"

Qin Feng held the phone in his hand and pressed the hands-free button.

"Dear, is Ye Han here? You didn't quarrel

On the phone, ye Meiyun's voice came. After hearing this, ye Han said more contemptuously to Qin Feng: "why, blue and thin Lentinula edodes, I'm wronged here. I'm going to complain to my sister to win sympathy. Right, soft legged shrimp, besides eating soft food, you..."

However, ye Han's voice did not fall, Qin Feng directly interrupted it.

"Meiyun, I want to ask your opinion about something. Your brother stinks. I want to tear him up, and then cure him, and then tear it until he closes. Is that ok?"

With the fall of Qin Feng's voice, there was silence for a long time.

"Qin Feng, it's up to you to do it. Ye Han should have someone to educate him. As his brother-in-law, as long as you don't move your hands, I can understand it!"

With that, ye Meiyun hung up the phone, and Qin Feng looked up with an evil smile on her face.

"Yao Yao, close the door!"

Jiang Qing quickly pulls Li Yaoyao to the door and drops the shutter door down!

Suddenly, the coffee shop is dark!

With the lighting, Qin Feng and ye Han stare at each other.

"My sister asked you to teach me a lesson. Why don't you do it? According to Uncle Ning, you have absorbed 30% of the power of dragon blood, and you are arrogant. Look at this!"

As he spoke, ye Han raised his hand and saw a ferocious sharpness.

His hands, turned into claw front, but also covered with scales, in the light of the light, refracted the cold star awn.

"Four Jackie Chan blood, do you want to have a try, but the scandal said that in front of me, I have no sense of propriety. If I beat you and killed you, my sister will be sad because of your vegetable chicken. It's not worth it. So you should consider whether you want to call my sister again before you start!"

Ye Han stepped out one step, and his body method was very mysterious. He even moved three meters away. After a few steps, he came to Qin Feng.

"Do not call, I will let you feel, what is dragon blood power!"

Qin Feng smiles and looks back at the eight ye who is sleeping in the cage at the door.

That old bird, it seems to have really helped him, at this time, he realized the value of this stupid bird.

"Dragon blood power, from your mouth, weak and weak!"

Ye Han sneers and rushes to Qin Feng, crossing a shadow in the air.


Between the lights of lightning and stone fire, Qin Feng also moved. With the speed of the wind, he burst out in an instant. The fierce wind was raging. Even his desks and chairs were twisted by his habitual force and broke into pieces.

Next second!

In the air, ye Han was caught by Qin Feng's big hand, and fell to the ground!


Marble floor spread out, more than a dozen cracks, extending more than ten meters.

Too fast!

After Qin Feng's attack, when ye Han gets up in surprise, he raises his big hand and appears ferocious claws, and the scales are already red.

"You say that the power of dragon blood is weak from my mouth. Then I also feel that it is a kind of Insult

Qin Feng clenched his fist and heard only a loud noise.

The air current was suddenly crushed and exploded by him. The power of swinging was 100 tons. The speed broke the sound barrier. After one blow!

Ye Han is like a golf ball. All the defences and attacks are broken in an instant, and his body flies backward. With the rolling door, he is smashed out of the door and rolled for more than ten times. He is almost not hit by the car on the road!


A few minutes later, ye Han got up from the ground, his face full of horror.

He couldn't imagine what he had just experienced?

Qin Feng, the mercenary who knew nothing about his strength, was so bewildered that he used only two moves.

It's only a few months!

The other side is how to achieve dragon blood to strengthen six!

What's more, his cultivation has been promoted to the later stage of the divine king, and is about to break through to the holy king.

And the fist, which is obviously just the simplest long fist, is just a superficial skill of martial arts.

The power of the explosion, but let him smell the taste of the secret script.

This guy, what's going on!

When ye Han enters the room again, he sees Qin Feng coming over him."Today, even if my sister talks, she can't save you. If you don't act seriously, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Ye Han suffered a great sense of humiliation and his anger erupted.

He cannot accept the result of being suppressed by Qin Feng.

Only by completely crushing each other can he give out this evil spirit!

However, he ran the whole body Xuanqi, played a record of ground level martial arts, but suddenly found that, can not find the shadow of Qin Feng!



Two chairs, broken by the stir of the vigorous wind, flying all over the sky.

Ye Han in vent, will the entire cafeteria are rampant again, full of room chaos.

However, he still did not find the shadow of Qin Feng. Just now, he walked in the opposite direction, but now he did not even touch each other's hair.

"Come out, come out for me, Qin Feng. You are such a rubbish. You want to marry my sister. Do you deserve it? In Kyoto, Ye's family is heaven. Do you dare to go against the sky?"

Ye Han cursed wildly!

"What's so hard against the sky? I, Qin Feng, have always poked a hole in the sky!"

Qin Feng's tone is plain and his words are amazing.

Ye Han walked into the coffee shop again and again, and was beaten by Qin Feng, until he was beaten black and blue, panting and finally lying in front of the door.

Just then, Gao Xiaotian, who came back from the outside, saw a man lying in front of the door and directly took out a hundred yuan bill and threw it in the past.

"If you don't learn well at a young age, take the money and go home by car."

The red banknote fell in front of him, and ye Han raised his head, his face full of anger, his teeth creaking.

He has never suffered such humiliation.

Immediately, he vigorously supports the body to get up, suddenly punches, the violent strength, like the angry lion pounces.

Gao Xiaotian looks dazed, but the other side's attack is approaching, he also quickly made a response, a whirl kick in the other side's arm.


Two people each step back, ye Han more angry.

If he was repaired by Qin Feng, he was still a little convinced. After all, when they met at first, the other party just didn't know the martial arts, so he couldn't give full play to his strength.

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