On the other side, Qin Feng handed over all of them and got three agreements, just ready to sign.

"Wait, there's something wrong with this agreement!"

Just as Qin Feng was about to press his fingerprints, a deep voice came.

When they raised their heads, they saw Chen Huaming followed by two strong men, each with a pair of thick and thin wolf teeth sticks in their hands.

The wolf tooth stick is hung with sharp iron thorns. It exudes a very sharp breath, which makes people feel the eyeball tingle when they look at it.

When he saw Chen Huaming, Qin Feng knew that it was not good, and quickly pressed the fingerprint on the first contract.


As soon as the wind blows, Gao Xiaotian is about to rush past and is kicked open by Qin Feng!


The wooden table broke into pieces and scattered on the ground, including the contract was also smashed, the ground shook violently for a moment.

One of the strong men brought by Chen Huaming slowly picked up the big stick with wolf teeth and made a mockery at Qin Feng.

"Mr. Chen said that there is something wrong with the contract. Even if you press the fingerprint, it will not come into effect. If it comes into effect, I will break your fingers and draw up a new one!"

The strong man snorted coldly, and his voice was thick as the sound of a red bell.

Qin Feng's face was deep and did not speak. His eyes fell on deacon Chen.

Anyway, it was a gift. Now it's his turn to work hard.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, what brings you here?"

Deacon Chen, looking like a grandson, welcomed the past.

Qin Feng covered his face, and his heart was half cold.

You are also a deacon of Wudao Association. Can't you stand upright and be a person?

Even if it was to pretend, it would not be so low three times. Qin Feng once felt that the bottle of pills was lost.

To waste it on a counsellor's body is like a monster!

This kind of person, even if it is to practice to the end of the world, then what? I'm afraid even a fierce dog can frighten him to death!

"Hum, if I don't come, what kind of trouble do you have to make here before you can end up? You've lost all the face of the martial arts association!"

Mr. Chen pointed to deacon Chen's nose and began to curse.

"Second uncle, don't scold me in front of outsiders. If you have something, let's go home and say it!"

As he spoke, Deacon Chen took out the bottle of pills and kept flushing old Chen's eyes.

The heart of Qin Feng is cool.

After playing for a long time, they are relatives!

"Fart, I'll teach you that you still need to be separated from each other. Just a bottle of broken pills will buy you. It's not only a shame to me that you position yourself so cheap, but the whole martial arts association is shamed by you. Do you know what these three channels mean?"

The more Chen Huaming said, the more excited he would like to beat his useless nephew to death.

Given such a good job for him, he didn't take advantage of it. Instead, he was bribed by a bottle of pills.

No good, rotten wood can't be carved!

As soon as she said this, Qin Feng sneered repeatedly. Just now she thought that Chen Huaming was pretending to show him, with a dignified look.

Now a mouth, is the smell of corruption.

He was dissatisfied and angry because deacon Chen received too few gifts!

"Er, second uncle, these are all silver plated pills. You can see that they are genuine. Now it's hard to make them. At the market price, this bottle is at least 200000 yuan small!"

Deacon Chen thought that the second uncle didn't know the quality of the pill, so he quickly explained it.

He also dares to feel that he has taken advantage of himself and is very proud of his achievements.

But the more he showed off, the more angry Chen Huaming was.

The oil and water extracted from the three major channels in any one month are more than 200000 yuan.

In the early days, he was a servant from here, promoted step by step, gave gifts to the top, and was promoted!

He knows the oil and water in it!


Chen Huaming slapped him angrily, and beat deacon Chen to rotate in situ. His eyes were full of stars.

"Stupid, such a small profit can make you blind your eyes, get out!"

Deacon Chen covered his face and stood aside cautiously, not daring to intervene in this matter.

He threw Qin Feng a look that he could not help but help himself.

Qin Feng didn't pay any attention to him. As early as he was called Chen Huaming's second uncle, he didn't stand up to fight against the enemy and help the flames. It was already very good to fall into the well and kill the stone.

"The contract is gone, you can go!"

Chen Huaming turned his head and said rudely to Qin Feng.

"Fart, our three banners industry, according to your word, deprive it. I don't believe it. There is no royal law in Wudao society. You can dominate everything by yourself!"

Gao Xiaotian was furious and scolded Chen Huaming.

However, there was no wave on the other side's face, and the corners of his mouth were in a mocking arc.Bastard: "you are too tall to see the old man. I can't manage anywhere else. But in the six ring, I has the final say. No one can change my rules. You either suffer or learn to live in the willow family."

Chen Huaming was insulted by Qin Feng on the day of crazy revenge.

For too many years, in the Sixth Ring Road, no one dares to fight against him, which means that he has lost his right to live and deprives him of all his capital.

"Boss, I'm going to kill him. Don't stop me!"

Gao Xiaotian stares at the two strong men who hold a big stick with wolf teeth and grabs Qin Feng's arm.

"You go, I won't stop you!"

Qin Feng pushes Gao Xiaotian out with his backhand, nearly hitting the two strong men. Gao Xiaotian instinctively dodges to one side, full of fear.

He knew the horror of those two strong men. Even if he had no brain, he would not die.

Seeing Gao Xiaotian so timid, Chen Huaming's face is even more proud.

Today, if he doesn't take advantage of Qin Feng and return the humiliation, how can he feel at ease?

"Mr. Chen, I know that you still hate the last conflict in the Taoist temple, but it's all a misunderstanding. You know, I respect the old and love the young, and there's no blood feud between us. If I get this contract, I'll certainly manage well. If I get my income, I won't be greedy. As long as 30% of it, you'll have the rest. How about it?"

Qin Feng smile, very generous said.

Chen Huaming smelled the speech and snorted coldly.

has the final say, "you are good at playing the math, but I tell you, fond dream, there are old men in the world. You are not even a child. All these three industries are provided by the martial arts association, and I am guarding the six ring. I have the final say. If I take the auction, I think there will be many people who will rush their brains, even the five rings will be thrown away."

Qin Feng clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

"Look at what you said. Why don't you stay in your hands and manage your own business, but even if it's an auction, it's not in your name. Open the window and tell the truth. Mr. Chen, I'm short of time and I don't have the energy to pester you here. I'll give you 60% of the three contracts, and I only need 30% of them, and the remaining 10% is for those who work."

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