
All of a sudden, the rhinoceros vibrated, and a huge wave rose into the sky, which turned into rain and fell on the deck.

everyone's breakfast was immediately cleaned up!

Everybody's getting wet!

Just when the crowd was angry, a burst of air came, and a shell with white smoke was seen flying from it. It crossed an arc and exploded again a hundred meters away from the rhinoceros!

This time, the people were on guard and all ran into the cabin!

Qin Feng stood on the deck, let the waves beat on his body, a cold face appeared on his face!

His eyes, looking at a huge ship, the whole body looks like a black beast, surfing on the sea, making a fierce roar.

A big flag, fluttering in the wind, with three red characters on the top, seven kill gate!

At first glance, it is the ancient martial forces!

"Seven kill gate, it's actually them. Be careful. I heard that the seven kill gate sent one of the seven killers to kill the tiger!"

Wang Lei hastily reminds a sentence, seem to this seven kill door some fear.

"Kill the tiger? Is it good? "

Qin Feng asked in a low voice. He saw the huge ship approaching this side. From a distance, he could see two figures emerging on the deck.

"How to say, the killing tiger in the seven kills is arrogant, arrogant and domineering. He never takes others into consideration. He also ranks 22 in the hunting convention. His own strength, the mid-term of the holy king, and the fighting power are terrible. At least two of them are not his opponents!"

Wang Lei's evaluation, let Qin Feng all feel surprised.

For Wang Lei's strength, Qin Feng boasts that if he doesn't have full fire, he can't win it.

Even if we show all the means, we need to waste a lot of money.

However, it is easy to kill two tigers of his strength. From this we can imagine that the other side's arrogance will have capital!

"The Devil Island is really strong like clouds!"

Qin Feng bit his teeth and suddenly felt that his strength was too low.

Must think of a way, crazy promotion, this time he wants to refine a lot of pills, otherwise, too backward.

Moreover, he is still thinking about dragon blood.

"Well, so this time, as long as you don't attend the hunting meeting, try not to be too high-profile. Devil Island is a land of rights and wrongs. It can be said that the three camps attach great importance to the treasure land, the second world!"

Wang Lei reminded me again.


Under the big ship of the seven kill gate, a man with a strong back and a strong back, a man with bare upper body and long hair and only wearing short pants at the bottom of his body is very rough and powerful!

He grabs the big chicken leg and bites it with a big mouth. It's raw and bloody. It looks extremely ferocious.

"I have never seen that ship. I don't know which power it is because of its large scale."

At the side of the strong man, a thin man, with a soft and overcautious appearance, wore a braid and wore a cool black suit to set off a symmetrical figure.

"No matter what kind of power he has, I have blasted him twice. I dare not even fart!"

Sha Hu disdains to spit out chicken bones. It is very rude and looks very rough.

The man behind him just nodded. At their level, there were very few ancient warriors who could threaten them.

Whether it is the background, or the influence, or their own cultivation, they are far ahead of each other, and the means are endless!

A new ship, even if the background is deep, the two shells provoked each other, but it is only two words that can prevaricate the past.

On the other hand, Qin Feng on the rhinoceros is thinking whether he wants to fight back if the other side dares to approach.

After all, when he arrived here, he was provoked and indifferent. Isn't it too much?

"Boss, these guys are very arrogant..."

Gao Xiaotian came over, holding a piece of fish in his hands, and his whole body was full of heat.

Tiger head sharks are genetically modified and their flesh and blood are tempered. The energy contained in them can be absorbed and refined to improve their accomplishments.

Therefore, Qin Fengcai is not willing to let go, must grasp the hand only then is satisfied.

"Well, do you think you want to fight back?"

Qin Feng tentatively asked a mouth, I do not know why, the opposite of the ship mountain two people, let him feel the pressure.

For the first time, his intuition was so strong that he hesitated.

In the past, no matter whether he was a man or a God, he would be shot twice to find the field.

But now they are different. They are in the sea, a place where they are not familiar with the place of life. When they are in danger, they are hard to survive.

If he was alone, there was nothing to be afraid of!

"I think Let's forget it. The idea is a bit hard. When they see a tiger head shark, they don't respond. Usually, either they don't know the terror of tiger head shark, or they have the same way as us to deal with tiger head shark, or they have no fear at all! "Gao Xiaotian's words surprised Qin Feng.

The big fool was able to preach, and he was very clear in his analysis.

Huo Shuai gives a thumbs up to Gao Xiaotian's wit for the first time.

This time Gao Xiaotian was not proud. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the two figures opposite him. He said faintly, "however, I am still unwilling to let others bully me. I always feel uncomfortable in my heart to let others bully me like this!"

In a word, Gao Xiaotian's character of revenge on the spot is exposed.

Qin Feng also nodded and asked with a smile of some expectation: "there is a way to shoot him two cannons, but can you still walk away and retreat?"

Huo Shuai is also very interested, put down the bottle and come together.

Even the brothers and sisters who were bragging about the Kobe Legion came over and listened with their necks clenched.

See this scene, Wang Lei's head is big, eyes stare big boss.

Are these people crazy?

What kind of will is this? We will not suffer at all.

It was one of the seven killing tigers, and the feminine man beside him was even more terrifying.

Killing vultures, one of the seven killers, once killed more than 300 pirates in the Dragon Palace. What a terrible data that makes people feel numb.

But this group of people, actually want to fight back, rather than turn away.

It's hard to imagine that a person is crazy. He can understand that two people are brave. He doesn't feel anything at all. But the consciousness of a group of people is twisted into a rope, which is terrible.

At first, he even wanted to remind these people not to act rashly. Now, he has a faint expectation.

In this situation, Qin Feng and what way will they solve it.

Except for hard steel, there seems to be no good means.

"Well, don't take it seriously. I just have a preliminary idea. The general meaning is that sooner or later, those two bastards will pay the price!"

Gao Xiaotian scratched his head, looking at all the solemn crowd with embarrassment.

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