
Another shell exploded in the mixed forces of the three camps. Just now, they were still holding the attitude of watching the play. Now, they are being targeted.

The army of tiger head sharks also roam around. Once someone falls into the sea, they will swarm on and swallow one mouthful into their stomachs and become food.

The surrounding area has become a mess. The three camps without leaders and hundreds of small forces will fight back at the moment of being attacked.

They don't have to listen to anyone. It's important to keep their lives.

What's more, they have already put an end to the war, and those bastards dare to attack.


In the aircraft carrier control room, Dale called out to the three chief justice in the screen: "order your people to destroy that group of forces for me, or I want you to look good!"

All of them are in a dilemma.

That's more than 60000 Haikou forces. Once they attack them, what will other forces think?

The ten major gates, the dark Council, and the holy court forces all need to come up with a perfect reason.

But who would believe it?

Seeing the three chief justices hesitating, Dale's face became more ferocious and threatened.

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly smiles, full of sarcasm.

"You three, it's better to die than to live. What's the point of living when you are so humiliated by a loser that you don't even have dignity?"

As soon as this was said, the three judicial authorities all glared.

Dale even slapped Qin Feng in the face and kicked Qin Feng to the ground, swearing.

"Dignity? In front of the son of this world, no one has dignity. What qualifications do you have to say about others

Dale sneered: "now you kneel down in front of me, like a dog, where is your dignity?"

"That's different. I'm kneeling for faith. It has nothing to do with your garbage. If it wasn't for their three losers, I would beat you every minute. If you gave me 30000 soldiers, you could destroy your aircraft carrier fleet, if you gave me 60000, you could level down your Dragon Palace!"

Qin Feng's voice is fierce, sonorous powerful roar way: "give me 100000, can kill all the pirates in heishuiyu, no one left!"

Some words that make people feel numb, even the three judicial people are inexplicable.

They have no doubt that Qin Feng has this strength, because they have seen with their own eyes that Dell's fleet has fallen into a desperate situation.

With hundreds of scattered forces and garrison troops, Qin Feng has destroyed all the blockade lines and even started to attack aircraft carriers.

Tactics like God!


It's just, he said that now, it's meaningless.

Because in addition to those who survived, the outside has been in crisis.

"Ha ha, you are still stubborn and rampant. I really think that the son of this generation will be stupid enough to fight with you. I contacted my father and elder brother an hour ago to send two aircraft carrier Fleets for support. You know, two aircraft carriers, the model of 3000 united front warships, Haikou Town, was razed to the ground in minutes!"

Dale retorted, hit Qin Feng in the face, disdained to say: "jump beam clown, you know nothing about the power of the dragon palace!"

"Is that right? Why is it that the support has not yet arrived, something happened on the way, or they have not come over very much, or they themselves have been trapped in a desperate situation of encirclement and are unable to protect themselves?"

Qin Feng looked at the time and couldn't wait any longer!

Whether he succeeds or not, he must make a strong counterattack now.

Even if he can't fight, he has no reason to let the other side slaughter wantonly.

"I'll play with you and let you know what despair is before the scum has been eliminated."

Dell glanced back. Suddenly, a window split up on the communication screen.

Then, the screen flashed, and appeared a middle-aged man, very similar to Dale, depending on his age, should mean his eldest brother, the son of Connor!

"Brother, are you here?"

When he saw big brother, Dale's face was full of joy, and he was no longer as irascible as he was just now.

Because, he is very afraid of this big brother, the Dragon Palace, father's son, sooner or later they will face the battle for the dragon's position.

And big brother's power has developed to a scale that even his father envies.

"I didn't start. I'm sorry, brother. There's something wrong with heishuiyu. You can fight for a while now. After the treatment at home is finished, I'll support you as soon as possible!"

On the screen, Connor's face has lost the confidence and calmness of the past, but the line shows a faint worry.

His eyes, also have been staring at the side, seems to be very worried.

"Well? Dear brother, don't make fun of me. I'm besieged by those Dalits here, and I'm badly injured. I'll wait for the arrival of the Dragon Palace army to wipe out Haikou, or I won't be discouraged. "

Dale was puzzled, but he did not see the color on Connor's face."Don't talk about it. Heishuiyu is in chaos. There are problems within the Dragon Palace forces. There is also a powerful Chinese power that has threatened the Dragon Palace. My father is negotiating with them. Whether it can succeed or not is unknown. I can't protect myself."

As he spoke, Connor lowered his head and sighed deeply.

"Brother, it's not very humorous. You're kidding me, are you?"

All of a sudden, Dale always felt uneasy and worried.

When did he see him? Big brother is so deep!

It seems that there is something wrong with heishuiyu.

"Fart, I'm not in the mood. I'm joking with you. If it's not for you and Charlie, that idiot, you're always making trouble outside. Yanjing, China, sent out the strength of the whole city to form an army of ten thousand warships and dragon slaughters. It took thousands of miles to the sea to bomb the heishuiyu. Would I be so sad? "


Connor growled with astonishing fury.

Wanjian dragon slaughtering alliance?

Bombing heishuiyu?

A living creature!

Hearing these key words, Dale's heart trembled, his body was crumbling, his brain seemed to be bombarded by shells, a blank.

On the screen, the three guards are also dizzy, thinking that they have an illusion.

Attack the whole city of Yanyu?

What the hell is going on here?

"Brother, what happened to my father? I want to talk to him!"

Dale cried out in a hurry. He had no confidence. If there was no Dragon Palace, he would be nothing.

Where's the courage, and the three judicial challenges!

If there is no such background as the Dragon Palace, his blockade line will be swallowed up by the three camps without even the opportunity to form it.

He's completely flustered!

"Dialogue? My father is now in a difficult position to protect himself, and is negotiating with the other party. Now, I'll connect the video. As for how to solve the problem, you can see it. Don't interrupt! "

Words fall, the screen suddenly more than seven empty space.

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