People who have been genetically modified are no longer suitable for re choosing the direction of evolution. The probability of failure is too high, and no one dares to try.

Qin Feng made a mistake. Seeing the successful extraction of the new gene modification solution, he couldn't find a suitable object for a while.

On this day, he appeared in front of the shops in Haikou town and found that there were always a group of villains kneeling at the door to ask for medicine.

These people are extremely vicious, but they don't commit crimes. They are forced by life. They need pills to improve their strength.

However, because of their own lack of strength, coupled with no power background, no one is willing to attract this group of people with anxiety factors to their own door.

However, Qin Feng had already moved his mind. After observing for three days, he found that these people did not only take some physical work, but also had their strength in the early days of the holy king.

But because there is no influence cultivation, no one master martial arts, the combat effectiveness can not be equal to their own strength.

All of a sudden, a medicine shop door came to the chaos of swearing, Qin Feng heard the sound of the past.

See three villains, besieged by a group of people, in danger, all were put on the ground, punching and kicking.

The fists of ancient warriors are not as simple as they seem to be. They all have strong lethality.

The name of the villain sounds like a bluff, but now he is beaten by others and has no power to resist. He shouts with his head in his arms.

"Chunhui hall!"

Qin Feng standing in the crowd, looking at the plaque of Chunhui hall, fell into meditation.

A few days ago, he sent people all over the town to buy medicinal materials, and bought them at a high price. The goods received were not optimistic.

It seems that more than a dozen herbal medicine merchants have united to resist Qin Feng's rule.

"NIMA's, three dog things, how dare you steal pills, who gives you Dog Gall?"

A middle-aged man in a suit, up is a foot, one of the legs will be hard to step on, the pain of the population foaming, body convulsion.

"Fight me to death, don't leave your hands, a group of bitches, don't give you some fierce, I really think I have no temper, right?"

The man in suit is the boss of the Chunhui hall and the top three Herbal Medicine Merchants in Haikou town. He has a deep foundation and huge influence.

They are all elites, and their strength is in the middle of the holy king. There are also big family forces behind them.

Seeing that the three people on the ground were about to be killed alive, Qin Feng pushed aside the crowd and walked past.

"Well, who gives you the right to kill people in the street?"

All around were talking, but no one dared to stop him. Suddenly, a man dared to blame Chunhui hall, which made everyone feel worried.

Is this guy crazy?

No, it looks familiar!

Someone with sharp eyes seemed to recognize Qin Feng. When he said it, there was an uproar around him.

"Ouch, this is not Qin Feng. Qin zhenshou. If you don't go to supervise the construction of the city wall, how can you be in the mood to come to me and meddle in your business? We people, however, expect your protection. The three camps will send people at any time. We businessmen are the most difficult group to do!"

When he saw Qin Feng, Zhang Hongming looked contemptuous and his words were full of banter.

In terms of attitude, there was no trace of respect in the face of the garrison. On the contrary, he showed a look of disdain.

Qin Feng knows that what the other side relies on is nothing more than a big force behind them, tianyangmen.

If we say that Haikou Town, even if it is the town of the three major camps on time, in terms of fighting and number of people, it should belong to the major forces, with a total of 100000 people.

Therefore, Qin Feng invaded Haikou town and occupied it, but he did not have enough strength to rule all forces.

One hundred thousand people, if United, do not need the three camps, Qin Feng can not resist.

When fighting against Dell in the sea area, these forces are the main attack, and the confrontation is enough to prove how strong they are.

But a Chunhui hall, Qin Feng still did not see.

"Yes, the city wall is still under construction and needs a lot of investment. I am short of funds. I just met boss Zhang. How about you lending me some resources?"

As Qin Feng's voice dropped, Zhang Hongming gave a cold smile, took out a piece of Yuanshi, threw it on the ground, and kicked it out with his feet.

"I need to invest. I said earlier. Anyway, you are also the guard of Haikou town. I can't deny your face. Take it. It's my investment, but I still have to return it. Three days later, you have to repay my three shops, just the three on the corner. How about that?"

Zhang Hongming is very arrogant, and his attitude is extremely rampant.

At present, although Qin Feng has occupied Haikou Town, it does not mean that he can compete with the major forces.

It is not impossible to make people angry and destroy his mythical alliance and garrison.

At that time, the senior leaders of the guwu camp may reward them.

"This Yuan Stone is very precious. I'll take it. However, it needs manual work to build the city wall. I wonder if boss Zhang can borrow some human resources?"

Qin Feng bent down in public and picked up Yuan Shi, which made people think he was afraid of the power behind Chunhui hall.After all, a piece of Yuanshi should be returned to three shops three days later, which shows Zhang Hongming's two attitudes.

One is an insult to the nature of the reward, a yuan stone to send Qin Feng.

The second meaning, more simple, is to rob and threaten, which is equivalent to loaning Qin Feng with usury.

These two meanings are extremely obvious, Qin Feng in his eyes, Zhang Hongming, fart is not.

"I say you, at least you have mixed up your identity. Although the garrison will not be long and will be replaced by the three camps sooner or later, you should take the opportunity to have a good experience. As a garrison, you should often serve us businessmen."

Zhang Hongming chuckled and continued: "don't mention the grassroots team you've set up. Even when the three major guards are here, no one dares to borrow resources from me. You can count which green onion you are riding on. If you want people, take these wastes away."

After that, Zhang Hongming pointed to the three people who had been beaten and half dead on the ground, sneering repeatedly.

"How generous you are

Qin Feng looks cold, deep voice says.

"Don't talk nonsense, people, Yuan Shi, I've come out. Don't hang around in front of me in the future, and you'll be tired of it!"

Zhang Hongming, with his hands on his back and a cold smile, walked in to Chunhui hall.

Qin Feng gazed at each other's figure, not in a hurry to start.

These guys are thieves!

We can't move him without sufficient reasons, or other forces will unite. At that time, we don't need to send people from the three major camps. I'm afraid they will be swept out.

The reason why these people ignored Qin Feng's occupation of Haikou was that they were drilling holes.

Taking advantage of the three camps have not recovered here, tax evasion, smuggling, hoarding more than 10 tons of ore, secretly building heavy weapons, training forces.

The purpose is to vigorously enhance their own power, and want to compete for the top ten rankings and enter the Congress.

The so-called parliament is superior to the three camps. It is also the ancient Chinese military camp, equivalent to the headquarters of the dark Parliament.

The leaders of the ten major sects are all members of the Parliament and have exclusive territory in Haikou.

Haikou town is Kongtong, one of the ten major gates, and the fiefdom of the Duke of Payne of the dark Council and the third part of Saint tingwayne.

At present, Qin Feng does not want to move these forces, but it does not mean that they can do whatever they want.

Thinking of this, he took a look at the three people on the ground and went up.

"Will you follow me

His purpose is very simple, just need these three people to nod, he has a way to move Chunhui hall down.

"Cough We have been reduced to useless people, and have no value at all. What else can you make use of us? "

"Go away, you and they are the same birds of a feather, there is no difference."

"We are all poor people, we can't afford to climb high!"

All of them were holding their bodies, but their legs were broken and they were crawling outward, looking miserable.

However, the surrounding forces also scattered and felt bored.

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