When a song's dull face answers, Xuening's face changes slightly and her mind vibrates.

The drone was thrown away?

It's a full live UAV. Its speed and flexibility are not comparable to that of a car in the sky. Let alone being thrown away, it's very difficult to exceed its speed.

Moreover, the last car body record is also completed under the supervision of the whole process.

And now, there is a sudden situation that UAV can't keep up with the car. It can only be proved with one word, quick!

As soon as the UAV can't keep up with it, it slides through the curve with full gear. This kind of speed and technology is not racing at all, but running with the God of death.

Everyone is secretly looking forward to when the car will appear in the picture again, and they have no interest in the racing situation on other screens.

Here, Lin Yuanyuan is driving with a white face. She is also brave enough to join the competition. Now she is the last one, because her speed has been extremely slow. When she comes to the corner, she is in the first gear.

Because the road is too narrow, the space limits her technology, let alone elegant. Even if she drives slowly in the first gear, she feels scared, as if her tires are on the edge of the cliff.

At this time, a roaring engine sounded, and then she saw a car speeding up from the mirror, passing by her, just a little short of hitting her.

This scene scared her to turn the steering wheel, nearly fell into the cliff, a face of cold sweat to stop the car.

The strangest thing was that the car in front of her also stopped. When she saw Qin Feng with a gloomy face and walking step by step under the light of the lights, Lin Yuanyuan quickly pushed the door open and jumped down.

"Only one day, no matter you, you wantonly raced with others, do not want to die?"

Qin Feng came to Lin Yuanyuan in front of her and yelled coldly.

Lin Yuanyuan had been scared for a long time. Let alone win or lose, she ran the whole race, let alone break the record.

Now she just wants to go home and have a good sleep, but she is not willing to go back. It's really embarrassing to drive back like this. When she meets her friends in the future, she won't be laughed at.

"Qin Feng, can you help me finish the whole race, or it would be a shame."

Lin Yuanyuan cleverly went to Qin Feng and bowed her head. This time, she knew she was wrong, so she didn't dare to show her temper.

And if you ask for help, you should be sincere.

"Also want to finish, in order to catch you, I spent an extra 100000 registration fees, tell you, ah, a point to return me."

Qin Feng grabbed Lin Yuanyuan and went to the front.

"Brother in law, help me finish the whole race."

Qin Feng stood down and looked at Lin Yuanyuan's pleading with a complicated face.

"This time, as long as we win that pair of bitches, we'll get the registration fee back. We won't lose money."

It's been so long since the start of the race. Qin Feng can actually catch up. Lin Yuanyuan can imagine that Qin Feng's driving skills must be great.

As long as you don't lose face tonight, you'll have to listen to him from tomorrow.

"What do you say?"

Qin Feng licked his lips and asked softly.

"I said, as long as you win, the registration fee can be taken back, and there will be no loss."

Lin Yuanyuan didn't expect too much. Now there are only two minutes left. It is a miracle that she can catch up with the two guys ahead.

However, Qin Feng doesn't care about the bonus at all.

"No, I said the last one!"

Qin Feng shook his head and said.

Last sentence?

Lin Yuanyuan thought for a moment, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she put a smile on her arm and said, "brother-in-law, help me."

When he heard the words "brother-in-law", Qin Feng felt as if his whole body was relaxed at this moment, and his original anger was also instantly relieved. What could be more gratifying than this sound of brother-in-law.

"Go, get in the car!"

Without saying a word, Qin Feng hugged Lin Yuanyuan and got into the car. The car sped out again, accompanied by Lin Yuanyuan's scream.

When Qin Feng turned the corner at full speed, Lin Yuanyuan's face turned white with fright, covered her eyes and let out a soprano's super decibel scream, echoing in the Panshan road.

One car after another was overtaken. Qin Feng had no response at all, and his speed was consistent. After a minute, he had already surpassed four cars, including the two mentioned by Lin Yuanyuan.

"Oye, Qin Feng, you're great. We won the bitches!"

"Well, hi, I feel that life has reached its peak!"

Lin Yuanyuan, a crazy girl, even forgot her fear and began to be happy. However, she was quiet again at the speed of the car.

A minute later, Qin Feng has passed all the cars, leaving the end of a tail light. With 12 seconds left, he smiles.

Now that it's on the way up, let's make it perfect. After the gas pedal blows to the bottom, the performance of the car itself has been brought into full play.Whoosh!

Even on the Panshan Road, the car flies by like a shuttle, bringing down a piece of gravel and tumbling on the road.

When a Porsche sports car appeared in the corner of the key area, the crowd under the big screen was already boiling.

It's 7 minutes and 56 seconds, one curve away from the finish line, and it's still a few minutes for the rest of us to finish the race.

When the car showed up, the snow coagulation in the seat suddenly stood up and looked at the car in disbelief. It took eight minutes for the car to whirl through the last fatal curve and into the key line.

Eight minutes didn't break the record.

But everyone at the bottom of the big screen was silent.

Xuening also opened her mouth and couldn't speak because her emotion was shocked too much and her brain was blank.

"A song, calculate the time when the car will enter!"

Xuening waved her hand and looked at the big screen at the turning back of the car. The front of the car was still steaming.

"Sister Ning, it took 4 minutes less than the entrance time and race time of that car. If you subtract 4 minutes, it will take him 3 minutes and 58 seconds to reach the finish line."

After getting this data, a song is also a ghost expression.

This transcendent speed not only breaks the record of the God of chariots in the past five years, but also creates a more terrifying data. This kind of data can only be described in two words, that is abnormal!!!

When Qin Feng drove back to the starting point, people had not gone down, a group of people rushed up and surrounded him.

Every face is full of excitement, as well as the color of excitement that has not been dispersed for a long time.

"Chariot God!"

"Chariot God!"

People cheered, Qin Feng a little confused, what are they doing?

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