Ten minutes later, Nangong Yueya and others were worried. They saw the giant bear reach the edge of the forest and had to turn back, because once they left the land boundary, they would be cursed and die of canker.

This is also the evil part of the forbidden area. It is like an invisible force that controls here and seals all creatures, especially those born and bred forbidden animals.

Even the human beings who have stayed in it for more than a month will encounter many strange events after going out, and their lives are often in danger.

It's also called the ghost curse.

"Everyone is ready, line up. The bear will come back soon. We must intercept it on the way to avoid future trouble. Let's make a quick decision!"

Nangong Yayue issued an order to deploy. Immediately, the surrounding crowd scattered, put away the laser gun, changed the aurora blade, and prepared for close combat.

At the same time, not far away, there was a sound of foot steps, and then we saw hundreds of people, all dressed in the uniform decoration of the crazy battle army, carrying huge Aurora knives, and laser swords rushed over.

"All ready, second team leader!"

The leader of the second detachment, when he saw Nangong Yayue, was very respectful.

Obviously, the rank of Nangong Yayue is not low in the crazy battle army, but is the leader of the first three terraces column.

"It's just the right time for us to come. We've been attacked by unknown blood clan, and the level is very high. You should guard carefully and guard around in a moment, until we kill the giant bear!"

After giving the order, Nangong Yayue turns around and looks cold on her pretty face.

Just move her prey, no matter who it is, is dead today.

In terms of means, she has never been afraid of anyone. The so-called most vicious woman's heart, she uses means to kill a lot of big people.

Watching, the giant bear in front has turned around, it seems that it is not in front of the impact.

The Berserker regiment is ready for a bloody battle at any time.


Qin Feng jumps to the ground and stares at the giant bear who is leaving. He orders the two blood clans to chase after him for fury and delay time.

At the same time, Stephen had gone back to send men and horses to pull out, and fired a flare half an hour ago.

Suddenly, a dark shadow, holding a flag, rushed to the shrubbery ten meters away from him, several jumps, to his front.

"Who are you who dare to rob the prey of my crazy battle army? No matter what your status, you will die here today!"

The other party was angry, and the wound on the top of his head had not recovered. It was the culprit in front of him. If he had not come here alone, he would have been desperate.

After putting down a cruel word, the other party waved the big flag on his hand, pointed to Qin Feng and yelled: "now follow me, make amends to the captain, there is still a chance of life, or you will die."

"You have one more minute..."

Qin Feng smile, a look at the Idiot's appearance, deep voice said.

The other party was obviously stunned, frowned and asked: "you speak clearly, what a minute, I told you to follow me now!"

However, Qin Feng did not pay attention to it at all, checking the numbers, and soon began to count down.

I do not know why, the other party inexplicably felt a burst of panic.

“3,2,1,……” Qin Feng raised his finger, hit a move, "kill him!"


Two big whistling voices sounded, and then two blood clans beside him stormed out and directly rushed to the flagman and launched a fatal blow.

The flagman's face was full of fear. He waved the Flagstaff, but he was swept away by the blood clan.

There is no stopping force.

The flagman turned pale and ran away. He just came to report the news, not to fight.

Besides, although there are only three people in the other party, they are not what he can deal with.

Two blood race flight control chase, but did not accelerate, but hovered over his head, mouth issued a fierce roar.

As a result, the flagman's speed soared, just like being herded by sheep, and rushed to the Legion around the giant bear.

"Fight, beat down two blood clans!"

Crazy battle regiment is unified, Gu Feng gives an order, pointing to two blood clans in the sky, his face is full of killing intention.

Suddenly, more than a dozen lasers across the sky, through the air flow, Qi Qi to two blood clan hanging and go.

The two blood clans are extremely fast. In mid air, they are very agile in controlling their bodies. While hiding the attack, they cooperate with their companions below to attack the giant bear, slowing down their speed.

"A group of brainless guys are still thinking about the giant bear, but they don't know that their dog's life is in danger."

Gu Feng sneered repeatedly, ordered that more than 20 people all aimed laser guns at the place where the giant bear was, and carried out crazy bombing.

For a moment, the blood clan retreated.

The bear was beaten dizzy, for a while to the blood clan to kill and then turned around and rushed to the crazy battle army.

As he watched, the laser bullet tore its wound, leaving a large amount of plasma, which was badly injured.Three blood clan, also all took out a desperate posture, directly rushed to the top of the bear, fierce attack, completely reduced the speed of the giant bear to the original place.

Just then, as the flagman appeared in front of the Legion through the fog, all retreated to the front of the battle.

Nanmiya Yueya is also the same, with people directly rushed to the past, but when they met the flagman, she was suddenly alert and suddenly widened her eyes.

As a result, when she saw Qin Feng's sneering face, Nangong Yueya failed to respond for a long time. Her pretty face was dull and forgot to follow the team.

Seeing this, Gu Feng ran over and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Yueya, what's the matter? The giant bear is going to die immediately, ready to clean up the blood clan!"

At this time, Qin Feng lost his flag and walked towards the two men step by step. The speed soared to the limit, forming a fast speed and breaking out of incomparable strength. After superposition, he rolled up the roaring wind and swept them.


Gu Feng instinctively raised his fist and swung out to attack. His momentum was as sharp as a sword.


With a very simple fist, Gu Feng's face suddenly changed, his wrist was broken, and a huge fist rubbed his arm and hit his chest hard.

Violent forces, such as blasting dams to release flood, are surging.

The bones were disordered, and the chest was sunken instantly, and the whole person was flying backward under the impact of that force.

Nangong Yueya, staring at it, Gu Feng's body was hit flying in the air, hit the ground, friction out a deep gully.

Scream sound can not be issued, a mouth, blood crossflow, body convulsion several times then fainted in the past.

"You're still alive!"

Nangong Yueya suddenly wakes up with a wave of hand and draws out a long knife, aiming at Qin Feng walking step by step.

"I didn't expect that after a sleep, I experienced so many accusations, false accusations, lost baby, and almost lost my life. You are a very vicious woman!"

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